This repo serves as the server API for this project.
- Ruby version 2.6.3
- Rails version 6.0.1
- PostgreSQL 11.5
- after cloning the repo be sure to run
bundle install
to install the dependencies - run
rails db:migrate
to set-up the database - (optional) run
rails db:seed
to already have users and some listings without pictures in it - run
rails s
to start the server
You should be ready to get the front-end up and running now.
- cloudinary
- pg (postgres)
- jbuilder
- rack-cors
- bcrypt
This project was bootstrapped with the rails new
command in the command line. As such, the following gems come pre-installed:
- puma
- bootsnap
- tzinfo-data
- byebug
- factory_bot_rails
- faker
- listen
- spring
- spring-watcher-listen
Things we may want to cover:
Database creation
Database initialization
Deployment instructions