Author Top Nguyen
Managing Dependency Injection in .NET Core.
I have seen some situations where a web project has a
that is hundreds/thousands lines withservices.AddTransient
calls for every single interface and implementation. -
With Elect.DI, you can register dependency injection by Attributes - lifetime define in the Implementaion class and just 1 line of code in
to enableScanner
and auto register follow attribute setup. -
Elect.DI support to auto register Service and Implementation by
- Projects reference.
- Scan assemblies in difference folders.
- Package Manager
PM> Install-Package Elect.DI
dotnet add package Elect.DI
: addScanner
- Auto register dependency injection.public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Auto Register Dependency Injection services.AddElectDI(); // services.AddElectDI(_ => // { // _.ListAssemblyName = new List<string> // default is 1 assembly name: application name - Elect.Sample.DI // { // "ExampleAssembly" // will scan ExampleAssembly.dll and ExampleAssembly.*.dll // }; // _.ListAssemblyFolderPath = new List<string> // default is 1 folder: application base folder path // { // "C:\\ExampleAssemblyFolderPath" // }; // }); // Optional - Print out Registered Service with Information services.PrintServiceAddedToConsole(); }
Define lifetime in implementation
public interface ISampleService{ } [ScopedDependency(ServiceType = typeof(ISampleService))] public class SampleService : ISampleService{ }
- ScopedDependency: Register as Scoped Lifetime.
- TransientDependency: Register as Transient Lifetime.
- SingletonDependency: Register as Singleton Lifetime.
- Register for Interface via parameter
, if not set parameter value then the Implementation injection it self.
Elect.DI is licensed under the MIT License.