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the Cyborg Cats' Java robot code for FRC Power Up 2018

The classes under com.cyborgcats.reusable were designed to work year after year with little to no modification, so they would likely work for other FRC teams using similar hardware.

primary code outline:
Compass: main logic for dealing with angles
Drivetrain: interface for creating autonomous-compatible drivetrains
Fridge: functions that simulate complicated controls like toggles
Gimbal: class for controlling camera gimbals
Gyro: extends Kauai Labs AHRS to simplify calls to the gyro
PID: manages PID loops
Subsystem: interface for creating autonomous-compatible mechanisms
Xbox: extends XboxController and lays out constants to make working with Xbox One controllers more efficient

Events: logic for controlling Subsystems autonomously
Leash: logic for autonomously following Paths with a Drivetrain
Odometer: abstract class for getting data from a field positioning system
Path: interface for creating Leash-compatible lines and curves
P_Bezier: an implementation of Path allowing for the use of cubic splines
P_Curve: an implementation of Path allowing for the use of mathematical expressions
Strategy: abstract class for integrating and following a set of Events and a Leash

Convert: a complicated looking class that provides simple syntax for converting raw encoder counts to more useful units
Encoder: an enum that stores important facts about various encoder models
Talon: extends CTRE TalonSRX to simplify calls to motors, especially those with encoders
Victor: essentially the same as Talon

this year
D_Swerve: an implementation of Drivetrain for 4-module swerve
SwerveModule: integrates 2 Talons, basically a backend for D_Swerve

this year.Autonomous
Coach: a class that helps decide which Strategy to use based on input from the SmartDashboard
O_Encoder: an implementation of Odometer for an encoder on a swerve wheel
O_ZED: an implementation of Odometer for visual odometery from the ZED
Strategy2018: extends Strategy with useful constants and game-specific functions
S_DriveForward: extends Strategy2018 (drives straight forward, drops cube if appropriate)
S_DropInNearest: extends Strategy2018 (drops a cube in the nearest appropriate location)
S_PassLine: extends Strategy2018 (just passes the auto line)
S_Slither: extends Strategy2018 (follows a sin wave)
S_Mickey: extends Strategy2018 (draws Mickey Mouse)

student team:
Hayden Shively
Ian Woodard
Michael Pritchett


Special thanks to Mr. Ice, Mr. Shultz, and Mr. Fultz!