- [05m] 🏆 Objectives
- [10m] 🌤 Warm Up: Comment All the Things
- [15m] 💻 Activity: Generate with Godoc
- [20m] 📖 Overview: Great Godocs
- [10m] 🌴 BREAK
- [15m] 📖 Guide: Deploying on Heroku (APIs, Websites, Bots)
- [15m] 📖 Guide: Deploying on Homebrew (CLIs)
- [20m] 💻 Activity: Deploy a Thing!
- [05m] 🌃 Wrap Up / After Class
- 📚 Resources & Credits
- Package Publishing
- Documentation
- Deployment
- Practice and generate standards-based package documentation using Godoc.
- Configure and release web applications, APIs, and bots written in Go on Heroku.
- Set up and use Homebrew to release CLIs written in Go.
Open up your MakeUtility project. Add at least 5 comments on any of the following top-level public declarations:
- Types
- Variables
- Constants
- Functions
- Packages
When you are preparing to publish a package, you should make sure that the documentation looks correct by running a local copy of godoc. Let's try it now!
- Double-check to ensure your environment is properly configured. In a standard environment, the following bash variables should be exported at the bottom of your
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
mkdir -p $GOPATH $GOPATH/src $GOPATH/pkg $GOPATH/bin
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest
godoc -http=localhost:6060
:go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
Open your terminal and change directory to
. Run the following code:godoc -http :8080
Visit http://localhost:8080/pkg in your browser. Search for the name of your package, and click the link to access your generated GoDocs.
Example: In my Gopherology project, the generated documentation for the public utils package can be found at http://localhost:8080/pkg/github.com/droxey/gopherology/utils.
Once you've completed the activity, prepare to discuss answers to the following questions:
- What task did running this command accomplish?
- An ampersand (
) appears at the end of the command we ran.- What does including the
do? - What happens if you remove it?
- What does including the
- Did anything change in the filesystem when we ran Godoc?
- How does Godoc know what comments to use when generating documentation?
You should modify your package imports in order to properly generate GoDocs and prepare for any deployment. Here's a handy guide to accomplish this task:
The full import of your package often has something identifying its author (particularly on hosting sites like GitHub, where github.com/droxey/...
is the full import), should always have the project name, and should end with the name of the package you've developed if it is different from the project name.
For instance, the gopherology
project provides a utils
package, and is written by Dani Roxberry, and thus has the following import path:
import "github.com/droxey/gopherology/utils"
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | `-- Package name
| | `-------- Project name
| `------------------- Author's handle
`----------------------------- Hosting site
It is often a good idea to make sure the last directory path (in this case, utils
) matches the name of the package used by the source files in the directory.
To document a type, variable, constant, function, or package, write a regular comment directly preceding its declaration, with no blank line in between. Godoc will show that comment as text alongside the item it documents. For example, this is the documentation for the fmt
package's Fprint
// Fprint formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
// Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
Comments on package declarations should provide general package documentation. The first sentence of your package's comment is what appears in Godoc's package list. These comments can be short, like the sort
package's brief description:
// Package sort provides primitives for sorting slices and user-defined
// collections.
package sort
Top-level comments beginning with BUG(who)
are recognized as known bugs.
Known bugs are included in the "Bugs” section of the package docs.
The "who” part should be the user name of someone who could provide more information.
For example, this is a known issue from the bytes package:
// BUG(r): The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly.
go build -o bin/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME -v .
2a. Create a Heroku instance for your project:
2b. To test that the build in Step 1 worked --- and to ensure a successful deployment on Heroku --- run the application locally via the heroku local
heroku local web
In the root of your repository, add a file named Procfile
, and add the command below on the first line:
3a. Start by initializing your modules. This command creates a go.mod
file. This file shares similar goals as package-lock.json
in JavaScript or requirements.txt
in Python. go.mod
tells Heroku which packages to install before launching your application.
go mod init
go mod init
will often be able to use auxiliary data (such as git
metadata) to automatically determine the appropriate module path, but if go mod init
states it can not automatically determine the module path --- or, if you need to otherwise override that path, --- you can supply the module path as an optional argument to go mod init
. For example:
go mod init github.com/username/reponame
🤔 Want to learn more about how the go mod
command works? Dive into the Defining a Module and Preparing Modules for Release documentation!
3b. For each dependency in your project, run go get PATH_TO_PACKAGE
to install and save that dependency to go.mod
3c. You should also make sure that any unused modules have been removed from your application:
go mod tidy
3d. Then, make sure that your build is repeatable and resistant to erosion by vendoring any new dependencies:
go mod vendor
Deploy by pushing to Heroku:
git push heroku master
Before testing out our deployment, we'll need to tell Heroku to launch a Dyno for our project:
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
You've successfully released your website, bot, or API to Heroku!
Visit Heroku: Getting Started With Go to dive deep on each step of the deployment outlined above.
Let's get to know another helpful deployment tool, Formula Go. Formula Go helps you to build and upload your software written in Go; and then prepares Homebrew and Linuxbrew formulae for it.
Formula Go assumes your software is hosted in GitHub, and its compiled binaries are published in GitHub’s release page.
Formula Go can be installed via Homebrew or Linuxbrew.
1a. Install fgo
and it's dependencies using the commands below:
go get github.com/laher/goxc
export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/local/go;
goxc -t -bc=linux,darwin
brew install ghr
brew tap jkawamoto/fgo
brew install fgo
1b. Create a new Personal API Token on GitHub with the following scopes checked:
1c. Copy the new token to your clipboard.
1d. Run the below command to configure your local git
repository to store the token in your git
git config github.token "PASTE_GITHUB_API_TOKEN_HERE"
In the root of your repository, run this command to create a homebrew
directory and generate a Homebrew formula template.
fgo init –desc="A short description of what your application does."
fgo init
will check your git
configuration to obtain information about your GitHub user name and repository name, which are required when releasing your application on Homebrew.
Running fgo build
will build your application and save the binary to the pkg
directory. Then, this command uploads the built binary files to GitHub. Finally, after uploading to GitHub, it updates a Homebrew formula in homebrew
When debugging, you may need to build your program but not upload it. To do this, run fgo build
without a version number. Formula Go will then build your program in the pkg/snapshot
directory without uploading.
We can learn more about the fgo build
command by running fgo build --help
$ fgo build --help
fgo build - build binaries, upload them, and update the brew formula.
fgo build [command options] [version]
build command runs build and release targets in the Makefile to build your
software and upload the binary files to GitHub. This command takes an argument,
version, which specifies the version to be created. If it is omitted, "snapshot"
will be used and uploading will be skipped.
To run this command, a GitHub API token is required. Users have to give a token
via one of the -t/--token flag, GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable, and github.token
variable in your .gitconfig.
If -b/--body flag isn't given but your CHANGELOG.md contains a release note
associated with that version, the release note will be copied to the release
page in GitHub.
This command also updates the homebrew formula. After finishing this command,
you need to push the updated formula.
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN GitHub API TOKEN for uploading binaries [$GITHUB_TOKEN]
-b TEXT, --body TEXT TEXT describing the contents of this release
-p value, --process value the number of goroutines (default: 12)
--delete delete release and its git tag in advance if exists
--draft create a draft (unpublished) release
--pre mark this release is a prerelease
- Choose the deployment method best suited for your MakeUtility project based on what you learned about Heroku and Homebrew during today's class.
- Spend the remainder the class deploying your MakeUtility project, a Slackbot, an Echo API, or a CLI application!
- Be sure to choose a project that is fully complete. Alternatively, clone a Golang project repository, like my Gopherology project, a classmates' Slackbot or CLI application, or any sample application that is similar to your MakeUtility.
- Add a checkmark next to the documentation requirement in your repo's
. - Commit the documentation you generated before leaving today and the update to your progress.
- Review the syllabus and ensure you are on track to meet all requirements and expectations by the end of the course.
- Are you on track to complete 10+ commits in your MakeUtility project?
- Miss a day from class? Review the lesson plan! Did you turn in all participation-based challenges listed in the syllabus?