Be able to answer these questions:
- What is GraphQL
- What are the advantages of using GraphQL?
- What are the disadvantages?
- Describe the Features of the GraphQL language
- Schema
- Define types
- String, Float, Int, Boolean, ID, List
- not null !
- Define types
- Query
- Write query, query nested types
- Variables
- Types
- Resolvers
- Subscriptions
- Schema
- What types of queries does GraphQL support?
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- Write a basic GraphQL query
- Use the GraphQL query language
- Write a basic GraphQL Schema
- Use the GraphQL Schema Language
- What's a type?
- Define a type?
- Can you make an app that
- Defines a schema?
- Defines Resolvers to handle the types in your schema?
- Handles queries mutations and subscriptions?