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Building an experimental setup

Nicolas Himmelmann edited this page Jul 30, 2018 · 10 revisions

This page gives an overview of how to setup an experimental setup or "testbed", consisting of

  • Android smartphones using the AWARE framework as context provider and our demo application vstore-android-filebox
  • Raspberry Pis as storage nodes
  • One Raspberry Pi which acts as the master node.

Setting up the storage nodes


  1. Setup a Raspberry Pi with the Raspbian OS (for help see the official documentation)
  2. The general setup instructions of a storage node environment (node.js, MongoDB) can be found in the README of the vstore-node repository.


Now each storage node has to be configured on its own. You need to define

  • The listening port of the server
  • The type of the storage node. Possible types are CLOUDLET, GATEWAY, CORENET, CLOUD or PRIVATE_NODE.

That's it. Now you can run the storage node by typing node app.js.

Setting up the software on an Android device


Installation of the software on Android requires the following steps:

  1. Install the AWARE framework core

  2. Install the AWARE plugins

  3. Install our demo application vstore-android-filebox. Currently, this has to be done via Android Studio. Please change the URL of the vStore master in the Application class in the package vstore.android_filebox.

Important: Make sure that the address is correct. Otherwise, no rules and storage node information can be fetched.

Then press Run to install the application on the device.

Run it

Now open the AWARE application on the phone and ensure, that all three plugins are activated. Then open the vStore application. On first startup, it will fetch the global configuration from the master node.

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