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Table service


Table service also be called Matrix API, which is used for calculated travel times/distance between many locations.


Based on the definition in OSRM's table-service API Documentation, we construct following examples:

One to many

# Returns a 1x4 matrix:
curl ',52.517037;13.397634,52.529407;13.428555,52.523219;13.428555,52.523219;13.388860,52.517037?sources=0'


One to many always be used if you have a single source(current location) and several potential destinations(gas stations), the result(ETA, distance) plus other information(price, waiting time) could help application do a better ranking.

Many to many

# Returns a 2x3 matrix:
curl ',52.517037;13.397634,52.529407;13.428555,52.523219;13.428555,52.523219;13.447496,52.524255?sources=0;1&destinations=2;3;4'


The number of sources and destinations are multiplied to create the matrix or timetable. For example, given location A, B, C, D, E and define A/B as sources and C/D/E as destinations the API will return a matrix of all travel times between {A, B} and {C, D, E}.

Table A B
C A → C B → C
D A → D B → D
E A → E B → E

Internal Logic

One to many

One to many's logic likes single direction Dijkstra exploration, start from source and then expand out, after all destination candidates has been met then program will stop.

One to many(mld)

MLD Algorithm

MLD is the magic algorithm could promote to higher levels when two nodes are faraway, and while approaching destination it could also downgrade to lower levels.
Let's use a simple graph to describe how MLD speed up calculating shortest path for one source to one destination.

Graph Example

Assume we have a graph with 14 nodes. Based on graph partition, we group all nodes in different cells(partition), the connection between cells have optimum minimum cuts. After customization, for each cell at different level, the cost matrix between inner nodes and outer nodes has been built.
Let's say graph partition result is generated as following:

    // node:                0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
    std::vector<CellID> l1{{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6}};
    std::vector<CellID> l2{{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4}};
    std::vector<CellID> l3{{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}};
    std::vector<CellID> l4{{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
    MultiLevelPartition mlp{{l1, l2, l3, l4}, {7, 5, 3, 1}};

The upper case could be converted to following picture:


Here we ignore the edges between different nodes because they are not matters for describing the idea of MLD. But you should know the {nodes, edges connected between nodes} constructs the graph.

Let's say we want to calculate a route form source=node_0 to destination=node_11.

Algorithm Description


  • Step 1: Let's assume node_11 is one of the inside nodes of cell_1_5 with no connection to outside directly. If we got all shortest path from node_0 to cell_1_5, then the shortest path from node_0 to node_11 equals min{shortest path from node_0 to cell_1_5 + shortest path from related enter point of cell_1_5 to node_11}.
  • Step 2: Let's assume we got all shortest path from node_0 to cell_2_3, then we could easily got shortest path from node 0 to cell_1_5, because cell_1_5 is the only cell in cell_2_3, this two cell contains the same information.
  • Step 3: Let's assume we got all shortest path from node_0 to cell_3_1, how can we get all shortest path to cell_2_3 quickly? Actually, we could calculate route at cell_2_* level, treat cell_2_1, cell_2_2, cell_2_3 as a "big node", and put entrance segments at cell_3_* level to the priority_queue and only explore at level_2 level. By this optimization, we could ignore all inner elements inside of cell_2_1 and cell_2_2 and we won's miss best solution. The less connection between cells, the faster speed we could get for route calculation.
  • Step 4: Then, find shortest path from node_0 to node_11 convert to find shortest path from node_0 to cell_3_1. As long as we calculate all cost from node_0 to cell_3_1, we could find shortest path for the final result.

We can achieve that with similar strategy:


  • Step 1: We are at level 0 and will calculate all possible shortest path to the boarder of cell_1_0. Then we could have the view of cell_1_0, everything matters is cell_1_*. Which means, we don't care what's inside cell_1_1, we treat which as "big node" the only thing matters is its enter edges and exit edges.
  • Step 2: After we have all shortest path to the boarder of cell_2_0, we have the view of cell_2_0, everything matters is level 2 now.
  • Step 3: Then we could easily promote to cell_3_0.


  • In next step, We just need consider cell_3_0, cell_3_2, cell_3_1 and we could guarantee to calculate all shortest path from node_0 to cell_3_1. This will skip all elements in entire cell_3_2.


  • Based on CRP, MLD could calculate the shortest path very quickly. The result of graph partition(balanced min-cut) is critical to the performance of MLD.
  • MLD has the ability to level up(from node_0->cell_1_0->cell_2_0->cell_3_0) and level down(cell_3_1->cell_2_3->cell_1_5->node_11)

After parsing URI and finding candidates for each of source and destination nodes, it will come to oneToManySearch() function in many_to_many_mld.cpp

// * one-to-many (many-to-one) tasks use a unidirectional forward (backward) Dijkstra search
//   with the candidate node level `min(GetQueryLevel(phantom_node, node, phantom_nodes)`
//   for all destination (source) phantom nodes

template <bool DIRECTION>
std::pair<std::vector<EdgeDuration>, std::vector<EdgeDistance>>
oneToManySearch(SearchEngineData<Algorithm> &engine_working_data,
                const DataFacade<Algorithm> &facade,
                const std::vector<PhantomNode> &phantom_nodes,
                std::size_t phantom_index,
                const std::vector<std::size_t> &phantom_indices,
                const bool calculate_distance)
    // #step1: put all destination candidates in unordered_multimap
    // ...

    // #step2: put start point into d_ary_heap
    // ...

    // #step3: Enter iteration of single direction relaxing
    //         stopcodition is all destination node has been touched
    while (!query_heap.Empty() && !target_nodes_index.empty())
        // ...
        // Extract node from the heap

        // Update values

        // Relax outgoing edges

The main logic of GetQueryLevel is

// Unrestricted search (Args is const PhantomNodes &):
//   * use partition.GetQueryLevel to find the node query level based on source and target phantoms
//   * allow to traverse all cells
template <typename MultiLevelPartition>
inline LevelID getNodeQueryLevel(const MultiLevelPartition &partition,
                                 NodeID node,
                                 const PhantomNodes &phantom_nodes)
    auto level = [&partition, node](const SegmentID &source, const SegmentID &target) {
        if (source.enabled && target.enabled)
            return partition.GetQueryLevel(,, node);
        return INVALID_LEVEL_ID;
    return std::min(std::min(level(phantom_nodes.source_phantom.forward_segment_id,

LevelID GetQueryLevel(NodeID start, NodeID target, NodeID node) const
    return std::min(GetHighestDifferentLevel(start, node),
                    GetHighestDifferentLevel(target, node));
* [Perry] GetHighestDifferentLevel returns highest different level for two nodes.
*         At level 0, all nodes belonging to different cells
*         At highest level, all nodes belonging to the same cell
*         When two nodes not in the same cell, we could try to promote to upper to
*         speed up route calculation.
*         Take upper case as example:
*             GetHighestDifferentLevel(0, 1) == 0
*             GetHighestDifferentLevel(0, 2) == 1
*             GetHighestDifferentLevel(0, 4) == 3
*             GetHighestDifferentLevel(0, 11) == 3
*         During exploration, if two nodes and faraway, when we reach boarder we could
*         choose high level to speed up
*         When approaching destination, we will level down and try to evaluate all 
*         candidates lead to destination  

Many to many

Many to many is similar to one to many logic, given 2 sources and 3 destinations, many to many will calculate result for first source node with 3 destination nodes and then calculate second source with 3 destination nodes.


You could find the code here:

// * many-to-many search tasks use a bidirectional Dijkstra search
//   with the candidate node level `min(GetHighestDifferentLevel(phantom_node, node))`
//   Due to pruned backward search space it is always better to compute the durations matrix
//   when number of sources is less than targets. If number of targets is less than sources
//   then search is performed on a reversed graph with phantom nodes with flipped roles and
//   returning a transposed matrix.
template <bool DIRECTION>
std::pair<std::vector<EdgeDuration>, std::vector<EdgeDistance>>
manyToManySearch(SearchEngineData<Algorithm> &engine_working_data,
                 const DataFacade<Algorithm> &facade,
                 const std::vector<PhantomNode> &phantom_nodes,
                 const std::vector<std::size_t> &source_indices,
                 const std::vector<std::size_t> &target_indices,
                 const bool calculate_distance)