git clone
cd bcc-db-sync
docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
The PostgreSQL database is exposed on localhost port 5432
$ NETWORK=testnet docker-compose up && docker-compose logs -f
Excluding the NETWORK
ENV will simply just call the bcc-db-sync
executable as the entrypoint, so you must pass a command and
arguments in this case to provide config at runtime. The --schema-dir
argument is preset,
so is not required.
Using Docker run to demonstrate, but can be achieved using docker-compose
too via
docker run \
-v $PWD/config/network/mainnet/bcc-db-sync:/config
-v $PWD/config/network/mainnet/genesis:/genesis
-v $PWD/node-ipc:/node-ipc \
tbco/bcc-db-sync \
run --config /config/config.yaml --socket-path /node-ipc/node.socket # command
docker load -i $(nix-build -A dockerImage --no-out-link)