Name | Description |
Guru99 MongoDB Tutorial | MongoDB Tutorial |
Tutorialspoint Tutorial | MongoDB Tutorial |
I assume the following for the purpose of the examples:
DB name: usage_patterns
Collection name: accounts
DB stats:
Switch to a DB:
use usage_patterns
show collections:
show collections
Count the number of documents in a collection:
Remove all the documents from a collection:
Export Mongo DB into JSON file:
mongoexport --db=usage_patterns --collection=accounts --out=data.json
- Count the number of documents:
db.accounts.aggregate([ { "$count": "number of documents" }])
- Show only the sub element "attachment_uuids":
db.accounts.aggregate( [ {$project: {"hosts.attachment_uuids": 1, _id:0}} ] )
- Add new element to an arrray only if it doesn't exists already
{ "account_number": account_num },
{ "$addToSet": { "hosts": {'hostname': hostname} } }
- Add a new element to an array in sub-document (if it doesn't exists already):
{ "account_number": account_num, "hosts.hostname": hostname },
{ "$addToSet": { "hosts.$.attachment_uuids": attachment_uuid } }