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Ian "The_Cre8r" Harshbarger edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 35 revisions

What is WME BackEnd Data?

WME BED is a userscript designed to reveal some hidden features associated with Places in the Waze Map Editor (WME).

Such features are:

Additional features are planned.

Hidden External Providers

External Providers

Waze links to 3rd-party sources to access and share additional information within the Waze app. Some have custom icons, others do not. Please feel free to report an issue for any new external provider which needs a custom icon. (Be sure to include a permalink (PL) of the venue requiring an icon.)

Advertisement Pins

Advertisement Pins

Advertisement Pins are shown in the Waze app but are not editable by users. (More information about advertisements in the Waze app is available here.) There are two ways to view ad pins in WME. One is by selecting a place in WME. If there is a corresponding ad pin, it will pop up. The other is by pressing the "Search for Ads By Name" button in the WME BED settings tab.

If there is an ad associated with the venue, it will show in one of four colors.

  • White is the most common and denotes that the ad pin is correctly connected to the Waze venue. It will appear at the venue's entry/exit point. This is the best case situation.
  • Red is the next most common. Red means there is a high error probability. The ad pin should be reviewed. It is not linked to a Waze venue and may be or may not be in the correct location.
  • Grey is uncommon. This can appear when there are two different places adjacent to each other with the same name (ie. two Mobil gas stations on opposite corners) and the ad pin is closer to the one without the ad. (To verify, click on the other venue and the ad pin will turn white.)
  • Blue is uncommon. This ad pin is linked to a Google search result. These will usually occur when an ad pin has been created outside of your current WME view.

Gas Prices

Gas Prices

To view gas prices, click on the venue and press the "Gas Price" Tab (denoted by a gas pump icon). Gas prices will only be shown on Gas Stations. If the gas prices have never been updated or marked unavailable in the app, the display will show "N/A".

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