Selenium Test Automation Project for SauceDemo
This project demonstrates a comprehensive suite of automated tests for the SauceDemo website using Selenium WebDriver. The framework is built with Java, TestNG, and Maven to ensure efficient test execution and management.
The automated testing solution covers many functionalities on the SauceDemo site, ensuring robust system testing and user workflow validation.
- Page Object Model (POM): Structuring of pages for maintainable code.
- PageFactory: Used for initializing web elements, and enhancing readability and maintainability.
- WebDriverManager: Manages browser drivers automatically.
- Assertions with AssertJ: Simplifies and enhances verification steps.
- Java Faker: Generates dynamic test data for checkout processes.
- Common Test Base Class: Manages common setup and teardown processes for consistency across tests.
- ReportNG: Provides a detailed HTML report of test results.
- Cross-Browser Testing: Supports testing across multiple browsers to ensure compatibility.
- POJO Classes: Utilizes Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to encapsulate product data for easier management and manipulation within tests.
Incorporates functionality to take screenshots during test execution.
The test cases cover multiple functionalities, each aimed at validating a specific aspect of the user workflow and system robustness Detailed documentation of each test case can be found in the Test Case Document.
- Java Development Kit (JDK 8 or newer)
- Apache Maven
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Installed Browsers (Chrome, MicrosoftEdge, etc.)