World teleporting plugin without all the bulky unneeded features!
If you want a simple plugin that can teleport between worlds, this is all you need!
Teleport you to the selected world, attempts to load it, if it's not found
Alias: wtp
Usage: /worldtp <worldname>
Teleport selected player to the selected world, attempts to load it, if it's not found
Alias: wtpp
Permission: worldtp.tpp
Usage: /worldtpplayer <player> <worldname>
List all your worlds
Alias: wls
Permission: worldtp.list
+(indicator in color) folder name => world name
Green + = world loaded
Red + = world not loaded
Gold X = world you are in
Loads a specified world
Alias: wld
Permission: worldtp.load
Usage: /worldload <world>
Unloads a specified world
Alias: wul
Permission: worldtp.unload
Usage: /worldunload <world>
All commands do not have capitalization,
this plugin works with worlds that have spaces in their name
Worlds displayed by list command may not be correct and empty/invalid folders can be shown as a not loaded world