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In this repository, we will build machine learning models to detect sentiments (i.e. detect whether a sentence is positive or negative) using IMBD ​Large Movie Review Dataset. We will use three types of models for this purpose: recurrent models, convolutional models and models based entirely on the attention mechanism. See this notebook for more details.


Pretrained models

Train your one models

1) Instanciate your model among the following models: RNN, LSTM, CNN, CNN1d and BERTGRUSentiment.

from src.model import RNN, LSTM, CNN, CNN1d, BERTGRUSentiment, Trainer
api means `any positive integer`
rnn_model = RNN(
    input_dim = api, dimension of the one-hot vectors, which is equal to the vocabulary size, will be update to len(dataset["TEXT"].vocab) during compilation
    embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
    hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
    output_dim = 1 # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
lstm_model = LSTM(
    vocab_size = api, # vocabulary size, will be update to len(dataset["TEXT"].vocab) during compilation
    embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
    hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
    output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
    n_layers = 2, # number of layers
    bidirectional = True, # bidirectional or not
    dropout = 0.5, # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.
    pad_idx = api # index of <pad> token in th vocabulary, will be update to dataset["TEXT"].vocab.stoi[dataset["TEXT"].pad_token] during compilation
# CNN1d if we want to run the 1-dimensional convolutional model, noting that both models give almost identical results.

cnn_model = CNN( 
    vocab_size = api, # vocabulary size, will be update during compilation to len(TEXT.vocab) during compilation
    embedding_dim = 100, # size of the dense word vectors
    n_filters = 100, # number of filters
    filter_sizes = [3,4,5], # size of the filters or kernel, is going to be [n x emb_dim] where n is the size of the n-grams.
    output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
    dropout = 0.5, # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.
    pad_idx = api # index of <pad> token in th vocabulary, will be update during compilation to TEXT.vocab.stoi[TEXT.pad_token]
from transformers import BertModel

bert_model = BERTGRUSentiment(
    bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased'), # load the pre-trained model, making sure to load the same model as we will do for the tokenizer.
    hidden_dim = 256, # size of the hidden states
    output_dim = 1, # usually the number of classes, however in the case of only 2 classes the output value is between 0 and 1 and thus can be 1-dimensional, i.e. a single scalar real number.
    n_layers = 2, # number of layers
    bidirectional = True, # bidirectional or not
    dropout = 0.25 # we use a method of regularization called dropout. Dropout works by randomly dropping out (setting to 0) neurons in a layer during a forward pass.

2) Create his trainer and pass him the model thanks to the model parameter of Trainer.init. The dump_path parameter of the same method allows to define the folder where the data will be stored after processing and the models after training.

trainer = Trainer(
    model = "your model", 
    dump_path="your dump path"

3) Compile the trainer by providing him with the following parameters:

  • optimizer (torch.optim, default = Adam) : model optimizer (use to update the model parameters)
  • criterion (function, default = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss) : loss function
  • seed (int, default = 1234) : random seeds for reproducibility
  • train_n_samples (int, defaulf = 25000) : number of training examples to consider (0 < train_n_samples <= 25000)
  • split_ratio (float between 0 and 1, default = 0.8) : ratio of training data to use for training, the rest for validation
  • test_n_samples (int, defaulf = 25000) : number of test examples to consider (0 < test_n_samples <= 25000)
  • batch_size (int, default = 64) : number of examples per batch
  • max_vocab_size (int, default = 25000) : maximun token in the vocabulary
# load the data, build the optimizer and the loss function, and update the model parameters if necessary.
    optimizer = "Adam", # or SGD
    criterion = "BCEWithLogitsLoss",
    train_n_samples = 25000,
    seed = 1234, 
    split_ratio = 0.8, 
    test_n_samples  = 25000,
    batch_size = 4, 
    max_vocab_size = 25000 

4) Train the model

stats = trainer.train(
    max_epochs = 50, # maximun number of epochs
    improving_limit = 2, # If the precision of the model does not improve during `improving_limit` epoch, we stop training and keep the best model.
    eval_metric = "accuracy_score", # evaluation metric : 'loss', 'binary_accuracy', 'accuracy_score', 'precision', 'recall', 'f1-score'
    dump_id = "" # identifier to distinguish models in the serialization folder, is by default equal to the name of the base model

5) Display statics from training and validation: evolution of loss and accuracy.

trainer.plot_statistics(statistics = stats, figsize=(20,3))

6) Test the model

y, y_pred = trainer.test(dump_id = "")

7) Putting the model into production

predict = trainer.get_predict_sentiment()
# example negative review...
print(predict(sentence = "This film is too scary, too much gunfire and blood spilled inside. I can't watch bad movies like this anymore."))
# example positive review...
print(predict(sentence = "Among these actors, I prefer the most romantic one, he likes what he does, is positive about chess and knows how to celebrate victories."))









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