This ROS package were created for TK's robot built log. It is also a ros node that subscribes to the /Joy topic published by the Joy_node. Joy_node reads compatible game controllers like the x-box controller I use and publishes its button presses and joystick positions. It then uses rosserial to sent(publishes on the servo topic) angles to a rc servo connected to laptop/raspberry PI through an Arduino UNO.
- a ROS installation on machine(laptop/Pi) -- I am using Noetic
- a Arduino Uno flashed with Ros-Arduino tutorial --
- a compatible game controller --
- and of course a rc servo -- I am using a dirt cheap SG90 from tower-pro
- create a catkin_ws or ad to the one your using -- (if you brake your _ws ....work_space... >your problem, it works on my Ubuntu 20.04 with no dramas)
- clone this git in your src folder of your _ws
- then step back to your _ws forlder (so normally one directory up from your /src directory) and run catkin_make.
Usages :
You will need 4x terminals (command line interfaces)
- in the first run Roscore, (as you would AFTER you source your ros installation setup file) usually "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" replace noetic if your using different ros1 !!! not ROS2 !!!
- In second run roserial with your uno and servo connected (using correct port) remember to "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" first
- In third run Joy_node with your game controller connected (remember the port) remember to "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" first
- In fourth run "rosrun servo_controle servo_controle_node" Take note: "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" and then source your "_ws/devel/setup bash"
There's a youtube vid