Please go through the prerequisites and launch the demo by running the following make target from project root directory.
make run-openapi-demo
Once both agents are up, click on the agent specific urls to launch the OpenAPI interface.
- On Alice agent, generate an invitation with
HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation
and copy the invitation from the response. Refer here for sample invitation json. - On Bob agent, save the invitation received from Alice with
HTTP POST /connections/receive-invitation
API. Note down the connection ID generated in the response. HTTP GET /connections/{id}
with the connection ID from the previous step fetches the new connection record. The state of this record should beinvited
. Refer here for sample response.- Also,
HTTP GET /connections
fetches all connection records. There should be one connection with state "invited". Refer here for sample response. - On Bob agent, accept the Invitation from Alice by sending connection ID with
HTTP POST /connections/{id}/accept-invitation
. After this, the state of the connection should be updated torequested
. - On Alice agent, fetch all connections with
HTTP GET /connections
. There will be one record with statusrequested
(request from Bob). Get the connection ID of this record. - On Alice agent, accept the Bob's request with
HTTP POST /connections/{id}/accept-request
API. - Calling
HTTP GET /connections/{id}
on both agents should show the connections with statecompleted
. Alice and Bob are now connected.
Carl's Router OpenAPI Interface
Dave's Router OpenAPI Interface
- Create connection between Carl and his router through DIDExchange (substitute Carl with Bob and Carl's router with Alice while going through the steps).
- Create connection between Dave and his router through DIDExchange (substitute Dave with Bob and Dave's router with Alice while going through the steps).
- On Carl's agent, register the router with
HTTP POST /route/register
API by passing his router's connection ID. - On Carl's agent, using
HTTP GET /route/connection
verify that the connectionID matches with previously set connection ID. - On Carl's agent, generate an invitation using
HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation
API. Observe that the service endpoint in the invitation is
, which is the endpoint of Carl's router. - On Dave's agent, register the router with
HTTP POST /route/register
API by passing his router's connection ID. - On Dave's agent, using
HTTP GET /route/connection
verify that the connectionID matches with previously set connection ID. - On Dave's agent, generate an invitation using
HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation
API. Observe that the service endpoint in the invitation is
, which is the endpoint of Dave's router. - Create connection between Carl and Dave through DIDExchange (substitute Carl with Bob and Dave with Alice while going through the steps).
- The invitation needs to be created by the router when the edge agent has no inbound support like mobile agents.
- To unregister the router, use
HTTP DELETE /route/unregister
Prerequisite - There should be a connection between Alice and Bob.
On Alice agent, go to
HTTP POST /message/register-service
and register a "generic-invite" message service for type "" and purpose "meeting, appointment and event" by using below input parameter.{ "name": "generic-invite", "purpose": [ "meeting","appointment","event" ], "type": "" }
You can verify this new message service in alice agent by going to
HTTP GET /message/services
endpoint. -
To send a message to Alice, in Bob agent go to
HTTP POST /message/send
and send a meeting invite message of type "" and purpose "meeting". Input argument will look like this,{ "connection_ID":"5975a122-efac-4d7a-9a43-569a68f2311f", "message_body":{ "@id":"2d071d1c-a47d-40e5-a0b7-f8234231ba9e", "@type":"", "~purpose":["meeting"], "message":"Hey, meet me today at 4PM", "sender":"Bob"} }
Note: In above message,
is sample connection id from existing connection with Alice. You can also usetheir_did
instead ofconnection_ID
in above message to select recipient of this message from you existing connections. -
Since REST API doesn't have mail box feature to list incoming messages, you can go to Alice agent's webhook url to see the topic/message just received by alice agent.
To unregister already registered message service, in alice agent go to
HTTP POST /message/unregister-service
and unregister "generic-invite" service by using below input parameter.{ "name": "generic-invite" }
Steps http over did comm message handling is same as above, but you can use HTTP POST /http-over-didcomm/register
to register http-over-didcomm message handlers.
To create public DID use HTTP POST /vdri/create-public-did
For example, to create a "sidetree" public DID in alice agent, go to HTTP POST /vdri/create-public-did
of alice agent and use below parameters.
method : sidetree
header : {"alg":"","kid":"","operation":"create"}
- Create an invitation (Alice).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X POST "https://localhost:8082/outofband/create-invitation" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"label\": \"Alice\"}"
- Accept an invitation (Bob).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X POST "https://localhost:9082/outofband/accept-invitation" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"invitation\": {\"@id\":\"ac0b7436-ce9e-4972-853c-6f434a2f76c0\",\"@type\":\"\",\"label\":\"Alice\",\"service\":[{\"ID\":\"aad685bb-81aa-4c2f-bbd1-403814b8df9a\",\"Type\":\"did-communication\",\"Priority\":0,\"RecipientKeys\":[\"9Mdoqbz8HtRZKYmNpBDR56xM4Ji7fRmuCcpfVP1YnfH2\"],\"RoutingKeys\":null,\"ServiceEndpoint\":\"\",\"Properties\":null}],\"protocols\":[\"\"]}, \"my_label\": \"Bob\"}"
- Get connections with state equal to requested (Alice).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X GET "https://localhost:8082/connections?state=requested" -H "accept: application/json"
- Accept a request (Alice).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X POST "https://localhost:8082/connections/ea0a0545-d223-4ab0-9fdb-c01172a334f6/accept-request" -H "accept: application/json"
- Check whether the connection state is equal to completed (Alice).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X GET "https://localhost:8082/connections/ea0a0545-d223-4ab0-9fdb-c01172a334f6" -H "accept: application/json"
- Check whether the connection state is equal to completed (Bob).
The response should be similar to the following:
curl -X GET "https://localhost:9082/connections/3ff80ad6-cfe8-4321-8a79-35da25437b48" -H "accept: application/json"
NOTE: Before using Present Proof protocol you need to establish did-connection. If you already have established a did-connection you can use it, if not then see the instruction of how to establish a did-connection.
Send a request presentation (Alice).
Make sure that did-connection is established and you have the following values:
MyDID: did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT TheirDID: did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG
Then perform
API call.curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/presentproof/send-request-presentation" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "my_did":"did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT", "their_did":"did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG", "request_presentation":{} }'
The response should be similar to the following:
Accept a request presentation (Bob).
To accept a request presentation you need to know
. You can achieve that by performing/presentproof/actions
API call.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/actions" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "actions":[ { "PIID":"80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2", "Msg":{ "@id":"80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2", "@type":"", "~thread":{ "thid":"80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2" } }, "MyDID":"did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG", "TheirDID":"did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT" } ] }
Then you need to perform
API call. The encoded presentation payload is:{ "@context":[ "", "" ], "holder":"did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21", "id":"urn:uuid:3978344f-8596-4c3a-a978-8fcaba3903c5", "type":[ "VerifiablePresentation", "CredentialManagerPresentation" ], "verifiableCredential":null }
JWT info:
The curl request should be the following:
curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2/accept-request-presentation" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "presentation":{ "presentations~attach":[ { "lastmod_time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "data":{ "base64":"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" } } ] } }'
The response should be the following:
Accept a presentation (Alice).
To accept a presentation you need to know
. You can achieve that by performing/presentproof/actions
API call.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/actions" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "actions":[ { "PIID":"80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2", "Msg":{ "@id":"bad7cffc-ee7f-4755-8b20-7d70104c4034", "@type":"", "presentations~attach":[ { "data":{ "base64":"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" } } ], "~thread":{ "thid":"80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2" } }, "MyDID":"did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT", "TheirDID":"did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG" } ] }
Then you need to perform
API call. Do not forget to provide a user-friendly name for the presentation. e.gdemo-presentation
curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/presentproof/80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2/accept-presentation" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "names":[ "demo-presentation" ] }'
The response should be the following:
Check that
was saved.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:8082/verifiable/presentations" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "result":[ { "name":"demo-presentation", "id":"urn:uuid:3978344f-8596-4c3a-a978-8fcaba3903c5", "context":[ "", "" ], "type":[ "VerifiablePresentation", "CredentialManagerPresentation" ], "subjectId":"did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21", "my_did":"did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT", "their_did":"did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG" } ] }
NOTE: Before using Issue Credential protocol you need to establish did-connection. If you already have established a did-connection you can use it, if not then see the instruction of how to establish a did-connection.
Send an offer (Alice).
Make sure that did-connection is established and you have the following values:
MyDID: did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa TheirDID: did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg
Then perform
API call.curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/send-offer" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "my_did": "did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa", "their_did": "did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg", "offer_credential": {} }'
The response should be similar to the following:
Accept an offer (Bob).
To accept an offer you need to know
. You can achieve that by performing/issuecredential/actions
API call.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/actions" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "actions":[ { "PIID":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d", "Msg":{ "@id":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d", "@type":"", "~thread":{ "thid":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d" } }, "MyDID":"did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg", "TheirDID":"did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa" } ] }
Then you need to perform
API call.curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-offer" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be the following:
Accept a request (Alice).
To accept a request you need to know
. You can achieve that by performing/issuecredential/actions
API call.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/actions" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "actions":[ { "PIID":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d", "Msg":{ "@id":"9a089779-1ef8-4b1a-933e-6091b09f39f8", "@type":"", "~thread":{ "thid":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d" } }, "MyDID":"did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa", "TheirDID":"did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg" } ] }
Then you need to perform
API call.curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-request" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "issue_credential":{ "credentials~attach":[ { "lastmod_time":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "data":{ "json":{ "@context":[ "", "" ], "credentialSubject":{ "id":"sample-credential-subject-id" }, "id":"", "issuanceDate":"2010-01-01T19:23:24Z", "issuer":{ "id":"did:example:76e12ec712ebc6f1c221ebfeb1f", "name":"Example University" }, "referenceNumber":83294847, "type":[ "VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential" ] } } } ] } }'
The response should be the following:
Accept a credential (Bob).
To accept a credential you need to know
. You can achieve that by performing/issuecredential/actions
API call.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/actions" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
{ "actions":[ { "PIID":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d", "Msg":{ "@id":"62e2e959-8017-4a3a-8c78-50a8c8c6328c", "@type":"", "credentials~attach":[ { "data":{ "json":{ "@context":[ "", "" ], "credentialSubject":{ "id":"sample-credential-subject-id" }, "id":"", "issuanceDate":"2010-01-01T19:23:24Z", "issuer":{ "id":"did:example:76e12ec712ebc6f1c221ebfeb1f", "name":"Example University" }, "referenceNumber":83294847, "type":[ "VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential" ] } } } ], "~thread":{ "thid":"4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d" } }, "MyDID":"did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg", "TheirDID":"did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa" } ] }
Then you need to perform
API call.curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-credential" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "names":[ "demo-credential" ] }'
The response should be the following:
Check that
was saved.curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/verifiable/credential/name/demo-credential" -H "accept: application/json"
The response should be similar to the following:
Following features are not supported at the moment in RestAPI.
- Connection search using different criterion.
- Reply to a message using
HTTP POST /message/reply