For our project, we analyzed full sets of data from the stock markets for 2017 and 2018. Also during the analysis, we refactored the challenge "Dataset code" that was provided. After the refactoring process, I deduce that the script runs faster in about 0.87 seconds for the year 2017 while in the year 2018 runs about 0.89.
All Stock Year 2017 All Stock Year 2018
During the refactoring process, a program is changed in a way that does not change the behavior of the code, but rather improves the codes to be more efficient and readable. Refactoring has both advantages and disadvantages in it.
Refactoring code reduce complexity of code for better understanding. Also, it's easier to maintain
Among the disadvantages of refactoring code is the amount of time it takes to complete
It was easy to read and was time-consuming.