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Loads routes in Symfony based on OpenAPI/Swagger annotations.



$ composer require tobion/openapi-symfony-routing

Basic Usage

This library allows to (re-)use your OpenAPI documentation to configure the routing of your Symfony-based API. All the relevant routing information like the HTTP method, path and parameters are already part of the OpenAPI spec. This way you do not have to duplicate any routing information in Symfony. Consider having the controllers annotated with zircote/swagger-php like the following example:

use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;

 * @SWG\Swagger(
 *     @SWG\Info(title="My API", version="1.0")
 * )
class MyController
     * @SWG\Get(
     *     path="/foobar",
     *     @SWG\Response(response="200", description="Success")
     * )
    public function __invoke()

This library provides an OpenApiRouteLoader that you need to define as service and configure where to look for annotations like so:

# config/services.yaml
        autoconfigure: true
        # Looks for OpenAPI/Swagger annotations in the symfony flex default "src" directory
        factory: [Tobion\OpenApiSymfonyRouting\OpenApiRouteLoader, fromSrcDirectory]

Then you need to tell Symfony to load routes using it:

# config/routes.yaml
    resource: Tobion\OpenApiSymfonyRouting\OpenApiRouteLoader
    type: service

Advanced Features

Scanning annotations in different directories

        autoconfigure: true
        factory: [Tobion\OpenApiSymfonyRouting\OpenApiRouteLoader, fromDirectories]
            - '%kernel.project_dir%/src'
            - '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/acme/my-bundle/src'

Naming routes

By default routes are auto-named based on the controller class and method. If you want to give routes an explicit name, you can do so using the OpenAPI operationId property:

use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;

class MyController
     * @SWG\Get(
     *     path="/foobar",
     *     operationId="my-name",
     *     @SWG\Response(response="200", description="Success")
     * )
    public function __invoke()

Add format suffix automatically

If your API supports different formats it is often common to optionally allow specifying the requested format as a suffix to the endpoint instead of having to always change headers for content negotiation. The routing loader allows to add a .{_format} placeholder automatically to the routes. This is disabled by default and can be enabled using a format-suffix OpenAPI vendor extension:

use Swagger\Annotations as SWG;

class MyController
     * @SWG\Get(
     *     path="/foobar",
     *     x={"format-suffix": {
     *         "enabled": true,
     *         "pattern": "json|xml"
     *     }},
     *     @SWG\Response(response="200", description="Success")
     * )
    public function __invoke()

The above example will create a route /foobar.{_format} where the format is optional and can be json or xml. You can also enable the format-suffix globally by configuring it on the root Swagger annotation and disable it for certain routes again, see test fixtures.


To run tests:

$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/simple-phpunit