The raspeberry pi Hat used in this example is the Sense Hat. The Sense Hat has several sensors on it:
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Compass
Also the sense Hat has:
- a led matrix
- a joystick (not used in that example)
This project has two parts:
- Hardware testing
- A Sensor node (IoT) rest server using
The hardware used on the Rest server are:
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Temperature
The project use the python module sense_Hat that you can install on debian:
sudo apt-get install sense-Hat
Also, this project use as a web server for building an API rest.
pip install
To start the web server
python [PORT]
The web server automatically starts using your private ip and not the local host. The default port is 8080
The Rest server has 4 calls:
- humidity
- pressure
- temperature
- all_sensors
For example
The response is in JSON format: