If developer studio and/or workspace is not start after a crash etc. you can try following steps to resolve it. Start from first one and if it does not help, proceed to next one:
- Try to start studio with clean option.
C:\Progress\OpenEdge\oeide\eclipse\eclipse.exe -clean -vm "C:\Progress\OpenEdge\jre\bin\javaw.exe"
Depending on where your installation is.
- Remove .snap file from your workspace
.snap file is located in
This has helped me many times, when workspace has been locked (not opened at all).
- Start Studio with clearPersistedState option
C:\Progress\OpenEdge\oeide\eclipse\eclipse.exe -clearPersistedState -vm "C:\Progress\OpenEdge\jre\bin\javaw.exe"
Note: this restores all perspectives to initial state, closes all previously opened files, closes scrath pad etc.
Alternative to this is to delete folder ${workspace}.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench