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File metadata and controls

220 lines (155 loc) · 10.5 KB


⚠️ Warning
The latest version of this connector requires no longer contains Custom.AssociateOID in the mapping. As this is a required field for most configuration, please add and mapp this field manually.
ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.


Version Description Date
2.1.3 Update readme, added filter for past contract, mod endDate mapping 14/05/2024
2.1.2 Update readme, added option for cloud agent 13/12/2023
2.1.1 Update readme 08/09/2023
2.1.0 Added support for cloud by using base64 pfx string 06/09/2023
2.0.1 release of v2 13/07/2023
1.1.0 Performance updates and added support for custom fields 05/05/2022
1.0.0 Initial release 28/02/2022


  • The 'Execute on-premises' switch on the 'System' tab is toggled if using the certificate file
  • Windows PowerShell 5.1 installed on the server where the 'HelloID agent and provisioning agent' are running if using the certificate file
  • The public key *.pfx certificate belonging to the X.509 certificate that's used to activate the required API's.
  • The password for the public key *.pfx certificate.

Table of Contents


ADP Workforce is a cloud based HR management platform and provides a set of REST API's that allow you to programmatically interact with it's data. The HelloID source connector uses the API's in the table below. Note that the 'HelloID-Conn-Prov-Source-ADP-Workforce' implementation is based on ADP Workforce environments for the Dutch market. If you want to implement the connector for the US market, changes will have to be made within the source code.

API's being used by the HelloID connector

API Description
Worker-Demographics Contains the employees personal and contract data
Organization-Departments Contains data about the organisation structure

Getting started

Supported PowerShell versions

The recommended PowerShell version for the 'HelloID-Conn-Prov-Source-ADP-Workforce' is Windows PowerShell 5.1. The connector is not tested on older versions of Windows PowerShell. This is only applicable if using the option "Certificatepath" in the configuration.

PowerShell 7.0.3 Core is supported when using the option "Base64 string of certificate".

X.509 certificate / public key

To get access to the ADP Workforce API's, a x.509 certificate is needed. Please follow the steps below to provide this.

  1. The customer creates a CSR and sends this to ADP. Please follow the ADP documentation to create the Certificate Signing Request
  2. ADP will create the X.509 certificaat, client_id and client_secret and will send these to the customer.
  3. The customer sends the X.509 certificaat, client_id and client_secret to Tools4ever (or any other implementer).

Note: Each ADP environment requires its own certificate. If there is an Accept and a Production environment, 2 certificates are required.

APD will register an application that's allowed to access the specified API's. worker-demographics and organizational_departments. Other API's within the ADP Workforce environment cannot be accessed.

Here's an improved version of the README text:

Importing *.pfx File Options

There are two methods available for importing the *.pfx file:

Option 1: Certificate Path

This option, labeled as "Certificate Path," requires specifying the path to the *.pfx file on the machine where the agent is configured. This method is suitable for local on-premise agents.

Option 2: Base64 String of Certificate

Option 2, named "Base64 String of Certificate," involves providing a base64-encoded string of the *.pfx file. PowerShell then converts this string to a certificate object. This approach eliminates the necessity for a local on-premises agent.

Steps to Use Option 2:

  1. Execute the following code to copy the base64 string of your *.pfx file to your clipboard:

    [System.Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content "C:\*.pfx" -Encoding Byte)) | Set-Clipboard
  2. Leave the configuration of "Certificate Path" empty.

This updated version clarifies the options, provides clearer instructions for using Option 2, and includes formatting for better readability.


In order to retrieve data from the ADP Workforce API's, an AccessToken has to be obtained. The AccessToken is used for all consecutive calls to ADP Workforce. To obtain an AccessToken, we will need the ClientID, ClientSecret, The path to your pfx certificate and the password for the pfx certificate.

Tokens only have access to a certain API scope. Default the scope is set to: 'worker-demographics organization-departments'. Data outside this scope from other API's cannot be retrieved


Paging is only supported by ADP for the 'worker-demographics' endpoint. Paging is implemented in the connector for the 'worker-demographics' endpoint.


If a worker has multiple assignments, each assigment will be imported in HelloID.

Custom Fields

Both the worker and assigment(s) may contain custom fields. Custom fields will be automatically imported in HelloID.

Custom fields can be selected in both the person and contract mapping.


A basic person and contract mapping is provided. Make sure to further customize these accordingly.

Note: Fields in the JSON output are no longer displayed if they do not contain a value. Make sure to validated on objects when using complex mapping



The [worker.businessCommunication] array contains information about the:

  • Fixed Phone Number
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Email Address

All three are array's. Implying that they may contain multiple items.

Since the demo data doesn't have array's with multiple items and since there's no way to determine which item is 'primary'. At this point it's hardcoded to always pick the first [0] based item in the array.

if ($null -ne $worker.businessCommunication.landLines){
    $PhoneNumberFixed = $worker.businessCommunication.landLines[0].formattedNumber


The [worker.assignment.reportsTo] array for an assignment contains the information about the manager(s) a worker reports to.

The array may contain multiple items (managers) for an assignment. There's no way to determine which manager is the 'primary' manager for a particular contract/assignment. At this point it's hardcoded to always pick the first [0] based item in the array.

PowerShell functions

All PowerShell functions have comment based help. Both in the sourcecode and within the Github repository.

Sample data

If you want to customize the connector according to your own needs, you can use the demo data from ADP.



The connector configuration supports an import from a JSON file for both persons and departments.

Setup the PowerShell connector

  1. Make sure you can access the ADP Workforce API's.

Obtain the accesstoken:

$authorization = "$($CientID):$($clientSecretString)"
$base64String = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($authorization))

$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("grant_type", "client_credentials&scope=worker-demographics organization-departments")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $base64String)

$response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers
$response | ConvertTo-Json

Test access to the ADP Workforce API's, replace the value from $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer your_access_token") with the value from $response.access_token.

$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer _your_access_token_")

$response = Invoke-RestMethod ' ' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
$response | ConvertTo-Json
  1. Add a new 'Source System' to HelloID and make sure to import all the necessary files.

    • configuration.json
    • mapping.json
    • persons.ps1
    • departments.ps1
  2. Fill in the required fields on the 'Configuration' tab.

HelloID Docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at: