Add the dependencies to your module-level build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: ''
dependencies {
implementation ''
testImplementation ''
testImplementation ''
- Add link-handling support to the
file, as per usual:
<data android:scheme="https"
- Implement a
class PlungeExampleSchemeHandler(private val router: DeepLinkRouter): UrlSchemeHandler() {
override fun hostMatches(host: String): Boolean = host.contains("")
override val matchers by patterns {
pattern("/submarines/{d|id}/buy") { result -> router.launchBuyPage(result.params["id"]) }
interface DeepLinkRouter {
fun launchBuyPage(id: String) // Note: parameters are always Strings
- Forward your links from your intent filter
class PlungeActivity : AppCompatActivity(), DeepLinkRouter {
val linkHandler = DeepLinkHandler.withSchemeHandlers(
fun onDeepLinkCaught() {
val link = Uri.parse(getIntent().getData())
val handled = linkHandler.processUri(link)
if (!handled) {
// ... Some kind of default fallback
fun launchBuyPage(id: String) {
// ...
- Add the path to your test cases to your module-level
plunge {
testDirectory = file("$projectDir/src/test/test-cases")
- Write some test cases to ensure the links you want to handle will be handled:
"url": "",
"description": "The page for buying a submarine",
"params": [
"name": "id",
"value": "12345"
- Write some more test cases to ensure the links you don't want to handle won't launch your app:
"url": "",
"description": "The page for selling a submarine. We don't support this in the app yet, so users will have to use the desktop site.",
"handled": false
- Finally, write a JUnit test case for executing Plunge tests:
@Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
class PlungeExampleTests {
companion object {
private val pathToTests = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/test-cases"
@ParameterizedRobolectricTestRunner.Parameters(name = "{0}")
fun parameters() = PlungeTestRunner.testCases(pathToTests)
val linkHandler = DeepLinkHandler.withSchemeHandlers(
lateinit var testCase: PlungeTestCase
fun runTest() = PlungeTestRunner.assertPlungeTest(testCase, linkHandler)
Plunge unit tests can be easily run in the same way you'd run any other unit tests; however, a Gradle plugin is included to execute the verification tests. To run these tests, look for the appropriate plungeTest
Gradle task for your build variant in the verification
group. This task will build and install the app on the device or emulator currently connected to your machine, and execute your tests against it. The task will fail if any links are not correctly handled by the app (or links are handled by the app when they shouldn't be).
Integrate the task into your CI pipeline for an even better time!
See the wiki for more in-depth information about how to do better deep linking with Plunge.
Plunge is made available under the MIT licence.
We love contributions, but make sure to check out CONTRIBUTING.MD first!