- Data Collection, Modeling and Analysis
- Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Robot Learning
- Dynamic User Modeling
- EEG engagement monitoring using MUSE (Learning from Feedback)
- Online GUI Robot Learning (Learning from Guidance)
- Interactive Learning and Adaptation Framework - User Studies
- 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- Python 2.7
- check detailed requirements file
- Run muse-io muse-io --device Muse-XXXX --osc osc.udp://localhost:5000
- Run play.py (make sure the port number is the same in play.py and muse_pyliblo_server.py files -- TODO: create launch file to run these automatically)
Note: for the purposes of the game, we have built a buzzer-like box with EASY(R) buttons for the user to respond, responses can be also recorder through keyboard
MUSE output files
During the interaction, we collect MUSE data (1) when the robot announces the sequence and (2) when the user reponds -
Each line on the file starts with a character, each with a specific meaning (check http://developer.choosemuse.com/research-tools/available-data for reference):
h - receive horseshoe - status indicator values
eeg – raw EEG Data
a – Alpha relative
b – Beta relative
g – Gamma relative
d – Delta relative
t – Theta relative
Aa – Alpha absolute
Ab – Beta absolute
Ag – Gamma absolute
Ad – Delta absolute
At – Theta absolute
as – Alpha session score Session score info
bs – Beta session score
gs – Gamma session score
ds – Delta session score
ts – theta session score
c – concentration
Each line has four readings from sensors in left ear, left forehead, right forehead, right ear. -
This file records data from Muse when user is listening to the robot while it is announcing the sequence -
This file records data from Muse when user is responding by pressing the buttons -
For each round the following details are recorded:
Turn number, length of sequence, robot feedback, current score, success (1) / failure (-1), reaction time, completion time, sequence given by robot, sequence entered by user.
Reaction time: Time until user enters the first character in the sequence.
Completion time: Time until user completes the entire sequence. -
state_EEG -- state formulation for the RL
In each round, the below details are recorded:
Sequence length (3,5,7,9), robot feedback (0: none, 1: positive, 2: negativ), previous score [-4, 4], corresponding EEG filenames
Score is calculated by the formula: (result) x (difficulty_level), where result = [-1, 1] and difficulty_level = [1,2,3,4]