based on
- Paste the script into the project level Script
- Add a Script Field Formatter named UKVAT to the project
This script is written in such a way that it can be called by either a Field Formatter or A singlefield Validation Rule.
It tests both the "old" and the "new" algorithm and succeeds if either of them succeed.
Private Sub UKVAT_FormatField(ByVal FieldText As String, FormattedText As String, ErrDescription As String, ValidFormat As Boolean)
FormattedText = Replace(FieldText, "-", "") 'remove dashes
FormattedText=Replace(FormattedText,"GB","") 'VAT number may start with "GB"
FormattedText = Replace(FormattedText, " ", "") ' remove spaces
FormattedText = Replace(FormattedText, ".", "")
ValidFormat = UKVAT_Check(FormattedText,ErrDescription)
End Sub
Function UKVAT_Check(VAT As String, ByRef ErrDescription) As Boolean
'This checks if the UK VAT number has a valid checksum
Const key As String = "0123456789"
Dim C As Long, Sum As Long, CH As String, CheckSum As String, Minus As Long
If Len(VAT)<>9 Then ErrDescription = "UK VAT is always 9 digits" : Return False
If Left(VAT,1)="0" Then ErrDescription = "UK VAT cannot start with 0" : Return False
For Minus =0 To 55 Step 55 ' we have to test the older "0" algorithm and the newer "55" algorithm
For C = 1 To 7 ' loop through the first 7 characters
If InStr(key,CH)<0 Then ErrDescription= "invalid character " & CH & " in UK VAT" : Return False
Sum = Sum + CLng(CH)* (9-C)
Sum =Sum Mod 97
If Sum>0 Then Sum=Abs(Sum-97)
CheckSum=Format(Sum,"00")' pad the modulus to two digits
If CheckSum= Right(VAT,2) Then Return True
ErrDescription= "The checksum (" & CheckSum & ") does not match the last two digits (" & Right(VAT,2) & ") of the number."
End Function