This package contains the launch files for the bringup of the robot. The launch process is described in the top level README.
This file is already configured to work with our setup. However, the following parameters and code parts may be of interest. Also, for further information you may want to visit hardware_design.
By launching this file, the robot's gripper could reinitialize itself, so anything held by the gripper is dropped!
When using a wifi connection to the mallet, one can set the ip address and port here:
<group if="$(eval mallet_holder_type=='flex_double')">
<!--> ... <-->
<group if="$(arg mallet_joint_wifi)">
<node name="mallet_hardware_control_node" pkg="marimbabot_hardware" type="mallet_hardware_control_node_wifi" output="screen">
<!-- Setting device parameter -->
<param name="address" value=""/>
<param name="port" value="8888"/>
<!--> ... <-->
The robot ip address can be set here:
<include file="$(find ur_robot_driver)/launch/ur_control.launch">
<!-- Other arguments -->
<arg name="robot_ip" value=""/>
<!-- Other arguments -->
Launches the bringup of the robot. It launches the following packages:
- marimbabot_vision
- marimbabot_speech
- marimbabot_behavior
- marimbabot_audio
- marimbabot_planning