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AI Platform

  • Can use multiple ML platforms such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn and XGBoost


  • Source and prepare data
    • Data analysis
      • Join data from multiple sources and rationalize it into one dataset.
      • Visualize and look for trends.
      • Use data centric languages and tools to find patterns in data.
      • Identify features in your data.
      • Clean the data to find any anomalous values caused by errors in data entry or measurement.
    • Data preprocessing
      • Transform valid, clean data into the format that best suits the needs of your model.
      • Examples
        • Normalizing numeric data to a common scale.
        • Applying formatting rules to data. Ex. removing HTML tagging from a text feature.
        • Reducing data redundancy through simplification. Ex. converting a text feature to a bag of words representation.
        • Representing text numerically. Ex. assigning values to each possible value in a categorical feature (or 1 hot).
        • Assigning key values to data instances.
    • Develop model
    • Train an ML model on your data
      • Benefits of Training Locally
        • Quick iteration
        • No charge for cloud resources
    • Deploy trained model
      • Upload to GCS bucket
      • Create a model resource in AI Platform specifying GCS path
      • Scenario: Maximize speed and minimize cost of model prediction and deployment:
        • Export trained model to a SavedModel format.
        • Deploy and run on Cloud ML Engine.
    • Send prediction requests to your model
      • Online
      • Batch
    • Monitor predictions on an ongoing basis
      • APIs to examine running jobs.
      • Stackdriver
      • Jobs that can occasionally fail
        • Monitor status of Jobs object for ‘failed’ jobs states.
    • Manage models and model versions
      • gcloud ai-platform

Preparing Data

  • Gather data
  • Clean data
    • Clean data by column (attribute)
    • Instances with missing features.
    • Multiple methods of representing a feature.
      • Length measurement in different scale/format
    • Features with values far out of the typical range (outliers)
    • Significant change in data over distances in time, geographic location, or other recognizable characteristics.
    • Incorrect labels or poorly defined labeling criteria.
  • Split data
    • Train, Validation, Test
    • Better to randomly sample the subsets from one big dataset than use pre-divided data. Otherwise could be non-uniform => overfitting.
    • Size of datasets: training > validation > test
  • Engineer data features
    • Can combine multiple attributes to make one generalizable feature.
      • Address and timestamp => position of sun
    • Can use feature engineering to simplify data.
    • Can get useful features and reduce number of instances in dataset by engineering across instances. I.e. calculate frequency of something.
  • Preprocess features

Training Overview

  • Upload datasets already split (training, validation) into something AI Platform can read from.
  • Sets up resources for your job. One or more virtual machines (training instances)
    • Applying standard machine image for the version of AI Platform your job uses.
    • Loading application package and installing it with pip.
    • Installing any additional packages that you specify as dependencies.
  • Distributed Training Structure
    • Running job on a given node => replica
    • Each replica given a single role or task in distributed training:
      • Master
        • Exactly 1 replica
        • Manages others and reports status for the job as a whole.
        • Status of master signals overall job status.
        • Single process job => the sole replica is the master for the job
      • Worker(s)
        • 1 or more replica
        • Do work as designated in job configuration.
      • Parameter Servers
        • 1 or more replicas
        • Coordinate shared model state between the workers.
    • Tiers
      • Scale tiers
        • Number and types of machines you need.
      • CUSTOM tier
        • Allows you to specify the number of Workers and parameter servers.
      • Add these to TrainingInput object in job configuration.
    • Exception
      • The training service runs until your job succeeds or encounters an unrecoverable error.
      • Distributed Case – status of the master replica that signals the overall status.
      • Running a Cloud ML Engine training job locally (gcloud ml-engine local train) is especially useful in the case of testing distributed models.
  • Start training
    • Package application with any dependencies required
    • 2 ways
      • Submit by running gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training
      • Send a request to the API ar
        • Need permission.
    • Job ID
      • Define base name for all jobs associated with a given model and then append a data/time.
    • Job-Dir
      • Save model checkpoints to this GCS path.
      • Useful for VM restarts.
      • Used for job output.
    • CPU, GPU, or TPU?
      • CPUs
        • Quick prototyping that requires maximum flexibility
        • Simple models that do not take long to train
        • Small models with small effective batch sizes
        • Models that are dominated by custom TensorFlow operations written in C++
        • Models that are limited by available I/O or the networking bandwidth of the host system.
      • GPUs
        • Models that are not written in TensorFlow or cannot be written in TensorFlow.
        • Models for which source does not exist or is too onerous to change.
        • Models with a significant number of custom TensorFlow operations that must run at least partially on CPUs
        • Models with TensorFlow ops that are not available on Cloud TPU
        • Medium to large models with larger effective batch sizes
      • TPUs
        • Tensor Processing Units
        • Google’s custom developed ASICs used to accelerate machine learning workloads with TensorFlow.
        • Models dominated by matrix computations
        • Models with no custom TensorFlow operations inside the main training loop
        • Models that train for weeks or months
        • Larger and very large models with very large effective batch sizes.
        • Steps
          • Authorize Cloud TPU service account name associated with GCP project
          • Add service account as a member of your project with role Cloud ML Service Agent.

Hyperparameter Tuning

  • –config hptuning_config.yaml
  • Hyperparameter: Data that governs the training process itself.
    • DNN
      • Number of layers
      • Number of nodes for each layer
  • Usually constant during training.
  • How it works:
    • Running multiple trials in a single training job.
    • Each trail is a complete execution of your training application with values for chosen hyperparameters, set within limits specified.
  • Tuning optimizes a single target variable (hyperparameter metric)
    • Multiple params per metric.
  • Default name is training/hptuning/metric
    • Recommended to change to custom name.
    • Must set hyperparameterMetricTag value in HyperparameterSpec object in job request to match custom name.
  • How to actually tune?
    • Define a command line argument in main training module for each tuned hyperparameter.
    • Use value passed in those arguments to set the corresponding hyperparameter in application’s TensorFlow code.
  • Types
    • Double
    • Integer
    • Categorical
    • Discrete – List of values in ascending order.
  • Scaling
    • Recommended for Double and Integer types.
    • Linear, Log, or Reverse Log Scale
  • Search Algorithm
    • Unspecified
      • Same behavior as when you don’t specify a search algo.
      • Bayesian optimization
    • Grid Search
      • Useful when specifying a number of trials that is more than the number of points in feasible space.
        • In such cases AI Platform default may generate duplicate suggestions.
      • Can’t use with any params being Doubles
    • Random Search

Online and Batch Prediction

  • Can process one or more instances per request.
  • Can serve predictions from a TensorFlow SavedModel.
  • Can make requests
    • Legacy Editor
    • Legacy Viewer (Online only)
    • AI Platform Admin or Developer


  • Optimized to minimize the latency of serving predictions.
  • Predictions returned in the response message.
  • Input passed directly as a JSON string.
  • Returns as soon as possible.
  • Runs on runtime version and in region selected when deploying model.
  • Can serve predictions from a custom prediction routine.
  • Can generate logs if model is configured to do so. Must specify option when creating model resource.
    • onlinePredictionLogging or –enable-logging (gcloud)
  • Use when making requests in responses to application input or in other situations where timely inference is needed.


  • Optimized to handle a high volume of instances in a job and to run more complex models.
  • Predictions written to output files in Cloud Storage location that you specify.
    • Can verify predictions before applying them. (sanity check)
  • Input data passed directly as one or more UIRs of files in Cloud Storage locations.
  • Asynchronous request.
  • Can run in any available region, using any runtime version.
    • Should run with defaults for deployed model versions.
  • Only Tensorflow supported. (Not XGBoost or scikit)
  • Ideal for processing accumulated data when you don’t need immediate results.
    • i.e. a periodic job that gets predictions for all data collected since the last job.
  • Generates logs that can be viewed on Stackdriver.
  • Slow because AI Platform allocates and initializes resources for a batch prediction job when the request is sent.

Prediction Nodes and Resource Allocation

  • Think of a Node as a VM


  • Scales nodes to minimize elapsed time job takes.
  • Allocates some nodes to handle your job when you start it.
  • Scales the number of nodes during the job in an attempt to optimize efficiency.
  • Shuts down nodes as soon as job is done.


  • Scales nodes to maximize number of requests it can handle without too much latency.
  • Allocates some nodes the first time you request predictions after a long pause in requests.
  • Scales number of nodes in response to request traffic, adding nodes when traffic increases, removing them when there are fewer requests.
  • Keeps at least 1 node ready over a period of several minutes, to handle requests even when there are none to handle.
  • Scales down to zero after model version goes several minutes without a prediction request.

Predictions from Undeployed Models

  • Batch only
  • Specify URI of a GCS locations where the model is stored.
  • Explicitly set runtime version in request.


  • Project Roles
    • Ml.admin
    • Ml.developer
    • Ml.viewer
  • Model Roles
    • Ml.modelOwner
    • Ml.modelUser