Import the Customized Code Cleanup Settings: Open Preferences -> Manage Layers, Choose 'Solution "<YourProjectName>" personal' and Click "Add Layer" ("+") -> "Open Settings File...". and Open the file "UIWidgetCleanupPlugin.DotSettings" under <YourProjectPath>/Packages/com.unity.uiwidgets/"
Cleanup Code style using the Customized Code Cleanup Settings: Open Code -> Code Cleanup, Pick a Cleanup scope as you want and Choose "UIWidgets" as the "Code cleanup profile", then click "OK"
Refine Code Style Rules: Edit the ".editorconfig" file under <YourProjectPath>/Packages/com.unity.uiwidgets/". Visit https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/EditorConfig_Index.html for the detailed.
Code files ending with ".gen.cs" are auto generated. Follow these steps to generate them:
- Go to scripts Folder and Run npm install:
cd <YourProjectPath>/Packages/com.unity.uiwidgets/scripts~
npm install
- Run the codegen Command:
node uiwidgets-cli.js codegen . generate mixin code
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