- Windows 10
- MATLAB R2020a
- CoppeliaSim 4.1
- Python 3.7
- Wireshark 3.4.6
- Scapy: pip install scapy
- Launch CoppeliaSim with V-REP/agent_test.ttt
- Launch the agent process in MATLAB (MATLAB/area_scanning_agent.m without defence or MATLAB/area_scanning_agent_defense.m with defence)
- Start an attack if needed from PYTHON/.py* (need to change current working directory to use the sample pcap files)
- Launch the host process in MATLAB (MATLAB/area_scanning_host.m without defence or MATLAB/area_scanning_host_defense.m with defence)
- Wait for the scanning to complete. If not stopping automatically, shut the agent process by pressing Ctrl+C in MATLAB's command window.
- The host process should stop 10s after the agent process is finished. Scanning results and packet statistics should be shown.