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Q: I'm running my own Interstellar deployment. How come when I use the proxy, the 404 error pops up?
A: Make sure you have SSL on the domain or IP address you're accessing the deployment from. If the domain/IP address already has SSL issued or you need further assistance, join our community for more personalized support.
A: Join our community on Discord.
A: See "Accessing GeForce NOW" for detailed step-by-step instructions.
Q: When I try to deploy Interstellar to Vercel, it shows "This Serverless Function has crashed.", why?
A: Interstellar is no longer compatible with Vercel, please use something else.
A: For Google Chrome users, see this guide. For Microsoft Edge users, see this guide instead.
Why: Sometimes things break on Interstellar, clearing your cache might fix some (but not all) common issues.