Makes information about the workspace and CO available as Ansible facts. Provides three facts:
-- Dict. Object containing info about the workspace (CO, user endpoint URL, etc.)/fact_desktop_workspace
-- Boolean. True if the workspace has a desktop environment.fact_workspace_storage
-- List. List of Strings of paths to ResearchCloud storage volumes mounted on the workspace.
Linux flavor operating system.
See here for example output of the facts.
"fact_workspace_info": {
"co_admin_user_only": "false",
"co_id": "coid",
"co_name": "CO Name",
"co_passwordless_sudo": "true",
"co_roles_enabled": "true",
"co_token": "token",
"co_user_api_endpoint": "",
"owner_id": "id",
"workspace_id": "id2",
"workspace_name": "python workbench3"
"fact_workspace_storage": ["/data/my_storage_volume"]
2024 Written by Dawa Ometto (Utrecht University)