If you have Docker installed, you can run the app with the following command:
docker compose up --watch
When it's running, migrate the database and create a superuser:
docker compose exec app python manage.py migrate
docker compose exec app python manage.py createsuperuser
These commands require a local Python environment with the dependencies from
and dev-requirements.txt
- Lint code:
- Blacken the code:
black .
- Sort the imports:
isort --ac .
- Run unit tests:
python manage.py test
- Coverage:
coverage run manage.py test
- Command line report:
coverage report
- Generate HTML report:
coverage html
- Command line report:
To add a new dependency, append it to requirements.in
, install pip-tools
inside the virtual environment
and run pip-compile requirements.in
See pip-tools documentation
for details.
The linter Flake8 expects the code, including docstrings, to follow the
Google Python Style Guide.
See the file .flake8
for the exact configuration.
To let PyCharm use the correct docstring format, change the setting at "Tools -> Python Integrated Tools -> Docstrings -> Docstring format" to Google.