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  • April 26th, 2024

    Congratulations to Jaden Yon, whose poster won an Honorable Mention at the Chemistry department's Undergraduate Research Symposium! Congratulations also to Prof. Valeev for receiving the John C. Schug Research Award from the Department of Chemistry!

    | | | | | Professor Valeev, primary author Jaden Yon, and Sam Slattery by Jaden's postery at the undergraduate research symposium{:class="img-responsive"} | | Jaden Yon and Professor Valeev with their awards{:class="img-responsive"} | | EFV, Jaden, and Sam by Jaden's poster | | Congratulations Jaden and Professor Valeev! |

  • April 24th, 2024

    Congratulations to Dr. Samuel Slattery for successfully defending his thesis, From Hartree Product to Kohn-Sham and Beyond: Exploring Self-Interaction in Self-Consistent Field Methods! Sam has accepted a position with the Army Corps of Engineers in Mississippi.

| | | | | Sam presenting his thesis defense{:class="img-responsive"} | | Sam popping his champaign{:class="img-responsive"} | | Sam's defense | | Congratulations, Sam! |

| | | EFV and Sam celebrating a successful defense{:class="img-responsive"} | | Drs. Valeev and Slattery |


  • December 2022

    VRG members EFV (far left), Bimal Gaudel (front, second from right), and Kshitij Surjuse (front, far right) with collaborators from LBNL, University of Washington, and Florida State University at a SciDAC meeting in Berkeley, CA.

| | | VRG members with collaborators at a SciDAC meeting{:class="img-responsive"} | | VRG members and collaborators at a SciDAC meeting |

  • December 5th, 2022

    Congratulations to Dr. Nakul Teke for successfully defending his thesis! Nakul has accepted a position with Synopsys in North Carolina.

| | | | | Nakul and EFV after the defence{:class="img-responsive"} | | Nakul and the group after the defense{:class="img-responsive"} | | Drs. Teke and Valeev | | Nakul and the VRG members left behind |

  • April 29th, 2022

    Undergraduate member Jaden Yon presented a research poster at the Department of Chemistry's Undergraduate Poster Symposium.

| | | Jaden Yon and coworkers by the research poster{:class="img-responsive"} | | (L-R) Samuel Powell, Conner Masteran, and primary author Jaden Yon by the research poster |

  • April 22nd, 2022

    Group member Samuel Powell presented a poster at the ICTAS research symposium.

| | | Samuel Powell presents a poster at the ICTAS research symposium{:class="img-responsive"} | | |


  • December 10th, 2021

    Congratulations to Dr. Karl Pierce for successfully defending his thesis! Karl will be joining the Flatiron Institute in NYC as a postdoc.

| | | Drs. Pierce, Valeev, and Clement at graduation{:class="img-responsive"} | | Drs. Pierce, Valeev, and Clement at graduation, May 2022 |

  • August 2021

    Congratulations to Karl, who was awarded a Graduate School Doctoral Assistantship for 2021-2022!

  • July 15th, 2021

    Congratulations to Dr. Marjory Clement for successfully defending her thesis! Marjory will be teaching at Valley Classical School in Blacksburg, VA.

| | | Dr. Clement opening her celebratory champagne{:class="img-responsive"} | | Dr. Clement opening her celebratory champagne |


  • May, 2020

    Adam Holmes joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome to the group Adam!

  • February, 2020

    Andrey Asadchev joins the group as a research scientist. Welcome to the group Andrey!


  • June - July 2019

The Valeev group was pleased to host Pratiksha Gaikwad, an undergraduate student from the Indian Institue of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. While here, Pratiksha studied the fundamentals of electronic structure theory. We hope to see you here as a graduate student, Pratiksha!

| | | | |Pratiksha with EFV{:class="img-responsive"} | |Pratiksha with group{:class="img-responsive"} | |Dr. Valeev and Pratiksha | | Pratiksha with the Valeev Group |

  • July 5, 2019

Congratulations to graduate student Nakul Teke on his poster, "Explicitly Correlated Green's Function Methods for Electron Binding Energies of Closed-Shell Molecules", which won a poster prize at the 2019 Molecular Quantum Mechanics conference in Heidelberg, Germany!

  • February 17-22, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Varun Rishi for receiving the 2018 Sanibel Award, given annually to the Quantum Theory Project's outstanding graduate student of the year! Varun delivered his award lecture during the 59th annual Sanibel Symposium, held at St. Simons Island, GA, from February 17-22, 2019.


  • December 28, 2018

Farewell to Dr. Xiao Wang, who has accepted a position as a Research Fellow at the Flatiron Institute under Dr. Timothy Berkelbach. Best wishes, Xiao!

  • September 25, 2018

"State-Averaged Pair Natural Orbitals for Excited States: A Route toward Efficient Equation of Motion Coupled-Cluster" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

  • August 6-9, 2018

Valeev group members Varun Rishi, Nakul Teke, Karl Pierce, and Marjory Clement attended the MolSSI Parallel Computing in Molecular Sciences Summer School and Workshop hosted by Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, CA. Prof. Valeev served as one of the organizers and teachers. More information can be found here.

  • August 2, 2018

"Optimized Pair Natural Orbitals for the Coupled Cluster Methods" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

  • July 25, 2018

Welcome Dr. Ashutosh Kumar, our newest postdoctoral associate! Dr. Kumar received his PhD from Virginia Tech working under Prof. T. Daniel Crawford.

  • April 13, 2018

Congratulations to Drew Lewis for successfully defending his dissertation! Dr. Lewis will be moving to California to work as a postdoc at Sandia.

  • February 8, 2018

Congratulations to Chong Peng for successfully defending his dissertation! Dr. Peng will be remaining with the Valeev group as a research scientist.

| | | | |Chong with EFV{:class="img-responsive"} | |Chong opening champagne{:class="img-responsive"} | |Drs. Valeev and Peng | | Chong opening his celebratory bottle of Champagne |


  • December 8, 2017

Congratulations to Chong Peng for being awarded a Graduate School Doctoral Assistanship from the Department of Chemistry for spring 2018!

  • December 6, 2017

Congratulations to Fabijan Pavosevic for successfully defending his dissertation! Dr. Pavosevic is headed to Yale to work as a postdoctoral associate with Prof. Sharon Hammes-Schiffer.

  • August 2017

Congratulations to Fabijan Pavosevic for being awarded a Graduate School Doctoral Assistanship from the Department of Chemistry for fall 2017!

Welcome Dr. Varun Rishi, our newest postdoctoral associate! Varun received his PhD from the University of Florida working under Prof. Rodney J. Barlett.


  • August 2016

Welcome Dr. Xiao Wang, our newest postdoctoral associate! Xiao received his PhD from the University of Georgia working under Prof. Henry F. Shaefer III.

  • May 19, 2016

Farewell to Jinmei Zhang and Justus Calvin! Jinmei is starting her new job as a Postdoctoral Associate at Lawrence Berkeley Lab with Dr. Chao Yang. Justus is starting his new job at Apple. He will be back to defend his Ph.D. later this summer. Best wishes!


  • December 9, 2014

Prof. Valeev was selected to receive the 2015 Dirac Medal from World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC). The medal will be presented at the next WATOC congress, scheduled to take place in August 2017 in Munich, Germany.

  • November 1, 2014

Dr. David Hollman has just started his new postdoctoral position at Sandia National Labs' Livermore campus. Good luck, David!

  • July 24, 2014

Jinmei Zhang successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis today and became the first Ph.D. graduate from our group! Congratulations, Jinmei!

  • July 7, 2014

Prof. Valeev was selected to receive the 2014 Award from International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences (IAQMS) for his "development of robust and practical methods for the inclusion of explicit R12/F12 effects in electronic structure calculations to address the basis set error in high-level correlation methods". The award will be presented at the 2015 International Conference for Quantum Chemistry in Beijing, China.


  • November 1, 2013

Dr. Andrey Asadchev has just started a job as a software engineer at Skytree, a software company in the Silicon Valley. Good luck, Andrey!