Detects an object's location using photogrammetry. Currently utilizes the Raspberry Pi with a camera module running Open-CV for object detection. Runs a server that provides a live video stream.
"sudo apt-get update"
"sudo apt-get upgrade"
1. sudo raspi-config > 5 Enable Camera > Enable > Reboot
2. put camera module towards the closer end of the ethernet cable on pi, with the blue facing the ethernet.
"vcgencmd get_camera": Checks if the camera is supported or detected
pull up the pin connectors, put in the camera, then push it back down.
3. "raspistill -o image.jpg" for pics
4. "raspivid" -o video.h264 -t 10000" for videos
Select Interface Options
, then Pi Camera
and toggle on. Press Finish
and exit.
You can verify that the camera works by running
raspistill -o image.jpg
which will save a image from the camera in your current directory. You can open up the file inspector and view the image.
- 1.1. Enable SSH on the Pi (if it is not already enabled)
- 1.1.1. Enter sudo raspi-config in a terminal window
- 1.1.2. Select Interfacing Options
- 1.1.3. Navigate to and select SSH
- 1.1.4. Choose Yes
- 1.1.5. Select Ok
- 1.1.6. Choose Finish
The following commands starting from 1.2 are to be run on your local machine, not the Pi.
1.2. Install Python 2.7.13
1.3. Install OpenCV 3.4.0
1.3.1. For Windows, follow this guide to install OpenCV:
1.3.2. Follow this:
- copy opencv_ffmpeg340.dll to C:/Python27 (where 340 is the OpenCV version 3.4.0)
- copy opencv_ffmpeg340_64.dll to C:/Python27 (where 340 is the OpenCV version 3.4.0)
1.4. Install the libraries using the following commands:
pip install imutils
pip install flask
pip install picamera[array]
pip install paramiko
2.1. Turn on the Pi, and ensure it is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your local machine.
2.2. Find the IP address by running 'ifconfig' and looking at wlan0 > inet addr
2.3. Replace the IP address in from the one found in step 5.
2.4. Run
- Install the libraries using the following commands:
pip install imutils
pip install flask
pip install picamera[array]
Run the following commands:
source ~/.profile
workon cv
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
Note: The modprobe bcm2835-vl2 command prevents a common OpenCV assertion error when using the Pi Camera.
Go to the folder where this repository is stored, go to /alpha and run the following:
You can view a live stream by visiting the ip address of your pi in a browser on the same network. You can find the ip address of your Raspberry Pi by typing ifconfig
in the terminal and looking for the inet
Visit <raspberrypi_ip>:5000
in your browser to view the stream.
Alternatively, you can run a simple tracking app in /alpha/test to ensure the proper HSV values for object tracking.
source ~/.profile
workon cv
>>> import cv2
>>> cv2.__version__