This basic 4wheel_bot is to learn the major concpets in ROS like perception, tf, Navigation, localisation etc., and play on it.
use this below command to view the model of the robot
roslaunch my_4wheel_bot view_model.launch
use this below command to generate the map using slam_gmapping and rqt_steering_robot, make sure to change the world_name arg in navigation.launch file if you want to add a new world in gazebo
roslaunch my_4wheel_bot slam.launch
use this command to save the generated map
rosrun map_server map_saver -f path/to/save/the/map/mapname
replace the file_name in this line in the move_base.launch file after saved the map
<arg name="map_file" default="$(find my_4wheel_bot)/maps/file_name"/>
use these both two commands in a seperate terminal
roslaunch my_4wheel_bot navigation.launch
roslaunch my_4wheel_bot move_base.launch
- the laser scan also moves when the bot start moves to the goal given in the rviz.
- add some other cool stuffs over this base of the robot in the future, to make it more fun.