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5. How to contribuite

Vasco Schiavo edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 5 revisions

Firstly, it's important to note that the main branch is the deployed branch, whereas the staging branch is where development takes place. Consequently, only pull requests addressing critical bugs will be accepted against main.

5.1. Add a sequence

We suggest to follow the following steps:

  1. (Optional) Open an issue to discuss and outline the sequence you intend to implement, and/or review the project roadmap.

  2. Think about the best way to represent your sequence.

  3. In the sequentium.sequence.sequences module, implement the sequence in the script corresponding to the category to which your sequence belongs.

  4. Implement tests for your sequence in the sequentium.tests.tests_sequence module. The test structure should resemble the following:

class TestSEQUENCENAME(SequenceTestSuite):
    sequence = SEQUENCENAME()
    sequence_name = 'sequence name'
    ground_truth = [
    ground_truth_length = len(ground_truth)

where SEQUENCENAME is the name of your sequence.

  1. Once the tests and the listing with Ruff are passing, open a pull request against the staging branch.

  2. Congratulations :-)

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