Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
Import RecordSetNotations.
Require Import Base_Isolated.
(* An execution trace in the promising model:
a promise list and local execution logs for all threads
Record Trace := mkTrace{
promiselen : View;
promiselist : View -> option Promise;
executions : TID -> list Event
Instance etaTrace : Settable _ := settable! mkTrace <promiselen; promiselist; executions>.
(* compute memory state from the promise list *)
Inductive rel_replay_mem : View -> (View -> option Promise) -> MemState -> Prop :=
| REPLAY_MEM_EMPTY : forall lp, rel_replay_mem 0 lp (fun addr => 0)
| REPLAY_MEM_WRITE : forall n lp tid val addr s
(Hlp : rel_replay_mem n lp s)
(Hwrite : lp (S n) = Some (WRITE tid val addr)),
rel_replay_mem (S n) lp (update s addr val)
| REPLAY_MEM_OTHER : forall n lp s (Hlp : rel_replay_mem n lp s)
(Hnotwrite: match lp (S n) with
| Some (WRITE _ _ _) => false
| _ => true
end = true
rel_replay_mem (S n) lp s.
Definition get_value (view : View) (promises : View -> option Promise) : option Value :=
match promises view with
| Some (WRITE _ val _) => Some val
| _ => None
(* compute register state of a specific thread from the promise list
and the thread's local execution *)
Inductive rel_replay_reg : (View -> option Promise) -> list Event -> RegState -> Prop :=
| REPLAY_REG_EMPTY : forall lp, rel_replay_reg lp [] (fun reg => 0)
| REPLAY_REG_INTERNAL : forall lp le s i s'
(Hs : rel_replay_reg lp le s)
(Hinternal : execute_internal i s = Some s'),
rel_replay_reg lp ((INTERNAL i) :: le) s'
| REPLAY_REG_LOAD : forall lp le s addr view reg val
(Hs : rel_replay_reg lp le s)
(Hval : get_value view lp = Some val),
rel_replay_reg lp ((LOAD addr view reg) :: le) (update s reg val)
| REPLAY_REG_STORE : forall lp le s addr view reg
(Hs : rel_replay_reg lp le s)
(Hval : get_value view lp = Some (s reg)),
rel_replay_reg lp ((STORE addr view reg) :: le) s
| REPLAY_REG_ACQ : forall lp le s addr view
(Hs : rel_replay_reg lp le s),
rel_replay_reg lp (ACQ view addr :: le) s
| REPLAY_REG_REL : forall lp le s addr view
(Hs : rel_replay_reg lp le s),
rel_replay_reg lp (REL view addr :: le) s.
(* Promising Constraints *)
(* All promises are fulfilled exactly once *)
Definition fulfilled (trace : Trace) : Prop :=
let promises := promiselist trace in
forall (v : View)
(Hmask : exists p, promises v = Some p),
(exists (tid : TID) (e : Event) (n : View),
nth_error (executions trace tid) n = Some e /\
match promises v with
| None => False
| Some (WRITE tid' val addr) => tid = tid' /\ (exists reg, e = STORE addr v reg)
| Some (PULL tid' addr) => tid = tid' /\ e = REL v addr
| Some (PUSH tid' addr) => tid = tid' /\ e = ACQ v addr
end /\
(forall tid' n' e'
(He' : nth_error (executions trace tid') n' = Some e')
(Hmatch :
match e' with
| STORE _ v' _ => v = v'
| REL v' _ => v = v'
| ACQ v' _ => v = v'
| _ => False
), tid = tid' /\ n = n'
(* For each thread, the execution satisfies promising constraint *)
(* Register view and coherence view values in the promising model *)
Definition RegView := RegID -> View.
Definition CohView := Address -> View.
(* Thread-local promising state *)
Record LocalState := mkLocalState{
regstate : RegState;
regview : RegView;
cohview : CohView;
lastbarrier : View;
lastview : View
Instance etaLocalState : Settable _ := settable! mkLocalState <regstate; regview; cohview; lastbarrier; lastview>.
Definition initstate :=
regstate := (fun reg => 0);
regview := (fun v => 0);
cohview := (fun addr => 0);
lastbarrier := 0;
lastview := 0
Definition execute_internal_ls (i : InternalEvent) (ls : LocalState) : option LocalState. Admitted.
Lemma execute_internal_ls_regstate :
forall i ls ls' (Hls : execute_internal_ls i ls = Some ls'),
execute_internal i (regstate ls) = Some (regstate ls').
(* Finding the last promise to addr before view v *)
Definition previous_promise (promises : View -> option Promise) (v : View) (addr : Address) : View. Admitted.
(* We only need the property that the inserting a new promise into the promise list will only increase the value of previous_promise *)
Lemma previous_promise_incr :
forall pl view p lb addr
(Hmask : pl view = None),
previous_promise (update pl view (Some p)) lb addr >= previous_promise pl lb addr.
(* Check the promising view constraints given a promising list and a local execution *)
Inductive rel_promising : TID -> (View -> option Promise) -> list Event -> LocalState -> Prop :=
| PA_EMPTY : forall tid lp, rel_promising tid lp [] initstate
| PA_INTERNAL : forall tid lp le ls i ls'
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hexec : execute_internal_ls i ls = Some ls'),
rel_promising tid lp ((INTERNAL i) :: le) ls'
| PA_LOAD : forall tid lp le ls addr val view reg
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hbarrier : view >= previous_promise lp (lastbarrier ls) addr)
(Hcoh : view >= cohview ls addr)
(Hpromise : lp view = Some (WRITE tid val addr)),
rel_promising tid lp ((LOAD addr view reg) :: le)
<| regstate := update (regstate ls) reg val |>
<| lastview := max (lastview ls) view |>
<| cohview := update (cohview ls) addr view |>
| PA_ACQ : forall tid lp le ls view addr
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hpromise : lp view = Some (PULL tid addr)),
rel_promising tid lp ((ACQ view addr) :: le) (ls <| lastbarrier := max view (lastbarrier ls) |>)
| PA_STORE : forall tid lp le ls addr view reg
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hbarrier : view >= lastbarrier ls)
(Hcoh : view > cohview ls addr)
(Hpromise : lp view = Some (WRITE tid (regstate ls reg) addr)),
rel_promising tid lp ((STORE addr view reg) :: le)
(ls <| lastview := max (lastview ls) view |>
<| cohview := update (cohview ls) addr view |>
| PA_REL : forall tid lp le ls view addr
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hpromise : lp view = Some (PUSH tid addr))
(Hbarrier : view >= lastview ls),
rel_promising tid lp ((REL view addr) :: le) ls.
(* In valid promising trace, all promises must be fulfilled exactly once and it must satisfy the promising constraints *)
Inductive valid_trace : Trace -> Prop :=
| VALID_TRACE : forall t (Hfulfilled : fulfilled t)
(Hconsistent : forall tid, exists ls, rel_promising tid (promiselist t) (executions t tid) ls),
valid_trace t.
(* the result of rel_replay_reg agrees with the regstates in rel_promising *)
Lemma rel_promising_localstate :
forall tid lp le ls
(Hls : rel_promising tid lp le ls)
(Hrs : rel_replay_reg lp le rs),
regstate ls = rs.
intros tid lp le ls Hls. induction Hls; intros; inversion Hrs; simpl in *.
- reflexivity.
- apply IHHls in Hs. rewrite <- Hs in Hinternal.
erewrite execute_internal_ls_regstate in Hinternal. inversion Hinternal.
reflexivity. easy.
- unfold get_value in Hval. rewrite Hpromise in Hval.
inversion Hval. erewrite IHHls. reflexivity. easy.
- apply IHHls. apply Hs.
- apply IHHls. apply Hs.
- apply IHHls. apply Hs.