I hope this is helpful and you can get an idea of my level. If this helps me to save myself a technical test, you are invited to one of these 🍻.
Title | Description | Link to the Repo |
CSS Basics | Basic placement exercise with CSS | Repo |
JS questions | Test A,B,C with JS questions (answered) | Repo |
ExerciseJS | Write a function that from an array and a string returns the path to that string. | Repo |
Longest Subarray | Given an array, a, determine its longest subarray that sums to less than or equal to a given value k. | Repo |
Angular questions | Test A,B,C with Angular questions (answered) | Repo |
Angular CRUD | Hero App that works with firebase | Repo |
Angular Trigonometry Calculator | A simple calculator with the functions sin() cos() tang() and random number button by http that evaluates if the mathematical function is correct or not giving the result in affirmative case. | Repo |
Angular Tested Login Form | A simple login form with a state managed ngxs andtested with Testing library | Repo |
React user fetch | React application that fetches and displays data from api | Repo |
React SPA | App that shows Marvel and DC heroes respectively, using react Router, and various Hooks. | Repo |