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From where does black money come from?

Vinyasi edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 13 revisions

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I like the answer Kishor Shah gives, “However, in India it is running in parallel as economic activity i.e. tramsection” [transaction?] [initiates with black money and end with generation also.” And I’m going to use it to serve as my segue into my answer.

And I like the answer which Himansh Dhomse gives, “There are many ways but none of them are advisable.” So, I’m going to blend both of these viewpoints into my answer.

Actually, the view of Himansh was already inside my answer when I crafted it this morning before I read your question, but I think it’s appropriate to apply it here.

Black implies an underground economy, as in: the “black market”; for instance, what existed in Germany with the collapse of their economy immediately after WWII in which a pack of American cigarettes was used as a large denomination for exchange while an individual cigarette was a small unit of exchange. Meanwhile, Russian vodka was also being used for trading goods and services in post-war Germany: a country devoid of any currency. The beauty of this system is that you could always consume this currency at any time. This redeemed it and prevented inflation. This could hardly be considered to be “black” in the sense of being “bad”. It was their “survival” and very good in lacking anyone (ie, banks or government) from meddling with their grassroots economy. The people, themselves, regulated their own economy, but only due to the initial gifts of cigarettes and Vodka from Allied troops occupying their country.


We can do the same thing inside of a so-called “free energy” circuit. It can manufacture its currency (the similarity to electrical “current” is intentional) from an initial allotment of voltage[1] along with a minuscule current at a moderate frequency of stimulation, ie. voltage sine waves alternating their polarity at around 175k Hz. That’s 175,000 cycles per second – right in between the lower frequency of 160k Hz and the upper boundary of 190k Hz designated by the FCC for non-licensed experimental radio broadcasting (LowFER). This is important to consider since any explosive amplification of energy in a circuit could very well produce radio interference in its immediate surroundings if precautions are not taken to reduce this influence from adversely affecting anyone.

So, for the purposes of my analogy, what does electrical current and electrical voltage represent in a normal economy? Voltage represents the value of a monetary unit in the form of its purchasing power, “How much can a dollar buy?” Inflation has a say-so in modifying our purchasing power whenever too many dollars are floating around in circulation making it impossible for a dollar to buy the same amount of goods or services.

The volume of dollars in circulation is represented by current manifesting in an electrical circuit. Electrical frequency (of Alternating Current) relates to the frequency of exchanges (ie, transactions of buying and selling). The first half of an A/C cycle represents one direction of monetary transactions while the second half of an A/C cycle represents the opposite direction of the flow of money.

Electrical resistance is the hesitancy with which people avoid spending their hard-earned cash.

Time is the foundation upon which all of this rests. For without time, the rate of exchanges would be meaningless. This is important and worth including in this list of actors on this pseudo-analogous stage performance of Shakespeare’s “As You Economically and Electrodynamically Like It”. Time is the Gate Keeper to Free Energy. That is where the magic happens. Forget: “Zero Point” or the “Aether” or “Energy from the Vacuum”. It is time wherein a little bit of energy is magnified into a lot of energy.

Notice, I did not say, “Something from Nothing”. I said, “Getting More from Less”. This is important since the definition of Perpetual Motion Machines is predicated upon the former statement of “Something from Nothing” while the latter statement of “Getting More from Less” is the reality of free energy in general and this economical model which I am proposing in particular.

Time also gives value to our “fiat currency” in as much as our money’s value is not tied to anything in particular. If we refused to spend any of our money, its value would plummet to zero. So, all sorts of antics are devised to encourage us to spend our money – very often on stuff we don’t need (“Hey; Doc. Do I really need a root canal? All I wanted was for you to pull out my tooth!”; and sometimes by way of coercion, ie. taxes, fines, utility bills, etc.

So, let’s begin with my “black” economy

schematic of a reactive motor

Like a thief in the night (as Christ predicted not so long ago in geologic time), the banks swap places with the retail outlets, ie. shops, stores, services, etc, such that we don’t realize the switcheroo has taken place. We continue to go to what we think is the bank to withdraw cash from what we assume is our bank account when in reality we are withdrawing cash from all of the retail outlets’ cash registers! Then we proceed to do our shopping. But instead of depositing our money in the stores’ cash registers, we are actually depositing it into our bank account! Because voltage polarity has become inverted while retaining direction of current.

inversion of voltage polarity with respect to current polarity within an A/C cycle


What had previously been a withdrawal of cash from my account is, now, a deposit. And what had been a payment at the grocery store is, now, a withdrawal of cash while all the while, I get to take home a load of groceries! Yet, I keep doing things the way I have always been doing them without realizing what has happened, in the interim. Not until I look at my bank statements do I recognize I've become a wealthy man who is paid to consume rather than charged or billed! This is the retention of the direction of the flow of current, ie. currency, in this economic model for a free energy circuit. Only the players have traded places, ie. where do I put my money for safe keeping (the bank) versus where do I spend it (the retail outlets).

The accountants hired to keep the books for both retailer and the banks are shared among them both. Yet, they're split into two specialties. One group of accountants specialize in keeping track of the rate of exchanges taking place. This is represented by the smaller current coils, CC1 and CC2, in my circuit. Another group of accountants keep track of the volume of exchanges taking place in the local economy. These accountants are represented by the two large voltage-oriented coils, VC1 and VC2, in my circuit. And the plunger coil is another group of accountants at the head, corporate office (or, at government if you prefer) keeping track of what both local pair of specialized accountants are doing. Yet, being that these corporate accountants are so far away from what's happening at the local level of the economy, they're always behind the local bookkeeping. To catch up, they speed up their corporate bookkeeping. This has a direct impact upon the local accountants who are in charge of keeping track of the rates of exchanges since the local accountants don't want to fall behind the corporate accountants. So, these local accountants also speed up.

Now, both sets of local accountants are magnetically linked via a very strong affiliation – maybe they're twins? Blood brothers and blood sisters? Perhaps...

In any event, they have a strong binding connection with one another (unlike the corporate accountants who have a problem with keeping up with the local economy) such that, if one set of local accountants should change their behavior, an effective change happens with the other set of local accountants as well.

The result is that a conversion takes place since both sets of localized accountants are different by design. Just like a step-up transformer, plus the natural tendency for differences to equalize among extremes which are intimately tied together, the local accountants in charge of keeping track of the rate of exchanges within the local economy give up some of their “velocity” in exchange for the other group of local accountants “taking up the slack” so-to-speak by increasing the “value of the dollars in circulation” which they are keeping track of. Thus, a transformation has taken place without altering the overall economy one bit. In other words, the total watts – the total economic power of the local economy has not changed; only the particular qualities of the local economy have changed with respect to each quality at the level of the consumer and the retailer.

Let me give an example to illustrate these economic qualities and their changes...

Suppose two dollars are spent per minute. And one dollar buys us one gallon of gasoline. Effectively speaking, this results in two gallons of gasoline are purchased per minute. Now, when this “transformation” takes place, a funny thing happens: one dollar no longer buys one gallon of gas. Add to this the fact that no longer are two dollars spent per minute. Instead, two simultaneous transformations occur. The first is that merely one dollar is allowed to be spent per minute – not two. Meanwhile, a second transformation occurs in which one dollar, now, buys us two gallons of gasoline. The net result is nothing, overall, changes from an economic standpoint since two gallons of gasoline are still purchased per minute even though the consumer and the retailer don't see this, necessarily. The accountants see this since they keep track of all of this. So, we may gripe and whine, yet our economic ship is not sinking at all. This is what a transformer does barring any losses due to lack of efficiency of transformations.

The beauty of the transformer's job is that any increase of frequency of transactions recorded at the corporate head office and commanded to occur at the local level is broadcast to the local accountants in charge of keeping track of the local rate of monetary exchanges (buys and sells) and is also automatically evened out to include an additional alteration of the value of individual sales without affecting the total sales per unit of time. This last qualifying phrase (in bold typeset) is very important whenever we deal with an economy or with electricity since these two human endeavors are very similar.

This increase of voltage at the transformer, or its analogous increase in the value of a dollar buying us double the goods and services it used to, is that more pressure – in the form of electrical voltage or buying-power, is going to impinge upon my two little 1µF (one micro Farad) capacitors, C1 and C2, who are in charge of the reversal of voltage out of phase with the current by a full half cycle of Alternating Voltages resulting in the separation of voltage from current by 180° and with the full power of authority of the increased value of each and every dollar to back up these continuing reversals (lest they become overshadowed by the surging local economy and forget to maintain their reversals). For, if they should cease to reverse voltage polarity, the surging economy would collapse into the comatose state expected of so-called “free energy” circuits entertained by the viewpoint of “conventional wisdom” misdiagnosing the situation and misapplying the Laws of Physics.

Conservation of Energy only applies to Energy. It does not apply to the Formative Forces which go to make up the Ingredients of Electrical Energy: Capacitive and Inductive Reactance, plus Time in the form of Frequency of Waves and Phase Relation among the Waves of Current and Voltage. Instead of Conservation of this Proto-Energy, the Organic Laws of Growth and Decay applies. These Laws of Growth and Decay are both Geometric in their Rate of Change utilizing the multiplicative operator of mathematics, ie. Something “Times” Something Else, ie. Something × Something Else plus its Multiplicative Inverse of Division (÷) in the first equation, below, of these two Formulae.

But, first, let me point out that it is this rectangular hyperbolic feature to division’s multiplicative inversion which creates the exponential surges evidenced within transient overloads. The beauty of my circuit is that these overloads are anything but transient, nor are they necessarily brief. They can be half a day in their swelling or as little as a few nano seconds of duration. In this latter sense, they are indeed transient.

Continuing with this discussion…

These latter Laws are the Reactance Formulas of Capacitive and Inductive Reactances...

Capacitive Reactance = 1 ÷ (2π × Frequency × Negative Resistance × Inductance)

Inductive Reactance = 2π × Frequency × Positive Resistance × Inductance

Do you see any variables for voltage or current anywhere within these formulae? No. Why? Perhaps due to the Law of the Conservation of the Manifestation of Electrical Energy does not apply to the pre-manifestation of electricity. Different laws pertain to different phenomena.

You see...

The Law of the Conservation of Energy does not apply towards everything under the Sun.

And I can translate reactance back into electricity either through a resistor or a spark gap. The value of this translation is confined to the domain of a resistor. Yet, a spark gap will broadcast this translation to neighboring components such as the accountant at the head, corporate office if I place a spark gap adjacent to that location. And I do this on the right side of my circuit schematic, above. Thus, the accountant at the corporate office is analogous to the Plunger Coil in my circuit. And this Plunger Coil drives a diaphragm vibrating a vessel of fluid serving as the reception of energy within a hydraulic transmission of a purported conversion of a conventional automobile into an electric one by Nikola Tesla back in 1897 (according to Arthur Mathews, his assistant). Although this hydraulic arrangement of Tesla's transmission for his car was not spelled out to the degree which I am about to describe, I believe mine is a fair assessment considering the fact that I make use of two of Tesla's patents: his valvular conduit – a series of one-way valves, yet is solid-state; and his bladeless turbine depicted, rather crudely – perhaps, in the following image...

hydraulic transmission of Tesla's 1897 EV conversion

All of this manifests more energy than what was drawn from the voltage source of a battery or a solar panel or whatnot to empower the sine wave generator to replicate Tesla's use of 12 radio tubes in his 1931 version of this story. He “tuned into” specific frequency/s freely available in the atmosphere at a voltage level comparable to what my circuit is designed to operate at: a lower boundary of around 1µV (that's shorthand for one micro volt equal to one part per millionth of one volt). The withdrawal of current, from this voltage source, is even less – in the range of either nano or pico amperes. A nano is scientific notation (shorthand) for signifying one part per billion while a pico designates one part per trillion. So, you see, overunity (more energy out than in; ergo, getting more from less) IS possible.

Thus, ends my analogy of why I attempted to answer your question in the first place. I wanted to use money to illustrate how energy occurs. And I wanted to focus on the so-called “black arts” of “free energy” without being misunderstood as so often happens with this discussion.

It's no mistake that the term of “outlaw” is used for the bad guys – especially in old movies of the Western genre. These outlaws are usually highly creative individuals who are largely self-sufficiently self-reliant. They think on their feet – just like the good guys do who are chasing after them. In other words, they're problem solvers. But so are the heroes! Which are which? Who's the bad guys and who are the good guys?

If we all benefit from the shenanigans of the so-called bad guys, than who's to blame? This is the outcome of the Robin Hood character: a man of action stealing from the rich and giving back to the poor to set things right. Yet, the inexplicable Law of Karma, not unlike Newton's Third Law of: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” dictates that “Those that kill by the sword shall die by the sword” as the Bible explains. So, stealing isn't what it's cracked up to be (if we were to take the Robin Hood legend too seriously).

Yet, who is at any loss if everyone gets richer in quality of life despite the worthless value of each dollar which free energy entails as its consequence? This is the function which my transformer analogy performed earlier in this answer: that the value of each dollar increases, yet we don't spend so many dollars per unit of time. Ergo, we buy more with each dollar spent, but less often do we buy anything.

Can you imagine purchasing the entire world of goods and services and, then, sitting back and relaxing for the rest of your life with plenty to spare for everyone else? Ahhhhh.... Now, that's progress!

References... [1]