#Walkthrough for the Prototype like a Pro! Workshop
Before the workshop, there's a few things to prepare beforehand. Please go through these instructions and in case something doesn't work out, come talk to Wen or Pedro.
There's 4 things you'll need to do:
- Install the drivers to connect to the Wemos
- Install & configure the Arduino app
- Sign-up for the Blynk mobile app
- Test it!
For Mac:
WARNING: if you've used one of our Wemos before installing Sierra on your Mac and have the old CH340 drivers, connecting the Wemos to your USB port will crash your Mac. Go to http://www.mblock.cc/posts/run-makeblock-ch340-ch341-on-mac-os-sierra and follow these instructions:
Download this file and run it. You'll need to restart your Mac after the installation is finished.
For Windows:
Some versions of Windows, the device cannot be detected due to missing driver. Please follow this to manually install CH340 driver.
Go to Arduino and download the Arduino IDE for your OS.
Run the installer & start the app
Go to File (or on Mac Arduino)* -> Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager* and paste the link below into it:
Go to Tools -> Board: "Arduino..." -> Board Managers and Install esp8266 by ESP8266 Community
Download the Blynk Arduino Library.
In the Arduino App, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library
Navigate to the Library you've just downloaded and add Choose it.
Testing: Not mandatory but if you want to test your setup beforehand, come get a Wemos and a Micro USB cable and follow the next 4 steps.
From Tools -> Board: "Arduino..." -> select the WeMos D1 R2 & Mini
Connect the WeMos to your PC and under Tools -> Port select dev/cu.wchusbserial1420
Go to Examples > ESP8266 > Blink.
Click the Upload button and wait for it. If all goes well, you should have a blinking blue LED on your Wemos.
Go to your phone's App Store and download the Blynk App or click one of the links — iOS / Android.
Sign up for an account.
- skip first step
- add yourself to the dialout group
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
- log out and log back in
- follow step 2 and 3