This code is really just around for legacy purposes. Go check out this instead if you want something that works:
A vaporwave generator hacked together at UncommonHacks 2016. Downloads audio from a video on youtube and turns it into vaporwave, and also gives it a vaporwave name. Uses python 2.7 with a bunch of dependencies. Now you too can slow some music down and call yourself an artist!
This was only ever tested on Ubuntu 15. You'll need these dependencies:
sudo apt-get install sox
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
sudo pip install youtube-dl
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:heyarje/libav-11
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
From the root folder of this project:
python src/ youtube_query_to_vaporize
For example, python src/ Rebecca Black Friday
will generate a WAV in a folder called rebeccablackfriday/ that sounds something like this.
I put up a bandcamp with some sample songs here.