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a/assets/vendor/js/plyr.polyfilled.js +++ b/assets/vendor/js/plyr.polyfilled.js @@ -1,64 +1,582 @@ /** - * Plyr 3.4.3 + * Plyr 3.4.7 */ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : - typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('Plyr', factory) : - (global.Plyr = factory()); + typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('Plyr', factory) : + (global.Plyr = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; + // Polyfill for creating CustomEvents on IE9/10/11 + + // code pulled from: + // https://github.com/d4tocchini/customevent-polyfill + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent#Polyfill + + (function() { + if (typeof window === 'undefined') { + return; + } + + try { + var ce = new window.CustomEvent('test', { cancelable: true }); + ce.preventDefault(); + if (ce.defaultPrevented !== true) { + // IE has problems with .preventDefault() on custom events + // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23349191 + throw new Error('Could not prevent default'); + } + } catch (e) { + var CustomEvent = function(event, params) { + var evt, origPrevent; + params = params || { + bubbles: false, + cancelable: false, + detail: undefined + }; + + evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); + evt.initCustomEvent( + event, + params.bubbles, + params.cancelable, + params.detail + ); + origPrevent = evt.preventDefault; + evt.preventDefault = function() { + origPrevent.call(this); + try { + Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultPrevented', { + get: function() { + return true; + } + }); + } catch (e) { + this.defaultPrevented = true; + } + }; + return evt; + }; + + CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; + window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; // expose definition to window + } + })(); + var commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } + (function(global) { + /** + * Polyfill URLSearchParams + * + * Inspired from : https://github.com/WebReflection/url-search-params/blob/master/src/url-search-params.js + */ + + var checkIfIteratorIsSupported = function() { + try { + return !!Symbol.iterator; + } catch (error) { + return false; + } + }; + + + var iteratorSupported = checkIfIteratorIsSupported(); + + var createIterator = function(items) { + var iterator = { + next: function() { + var value = items.shift(); + return { done: value === void 0, value: value }; + } + }; + + if (iteratorSupported) { + iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return iterator; + }; + } + + return iterator; + }; + + /** + * Search param name and values should be encoded according to https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlencoded-serializing + * encodeURIComponent() produces the same result except encoding spaces as `%20` instead of `+`. + */ + var serializeParam = function(value) { + return encodeURIComponent(value).replace(/%20/g, '+'); + }; + + var deserializeParam = function(value) { + return decodeURIComponent(value).replace(/\+/g, ' '); + }; + + var polyfillURLSearchParams = function() { + + var URLSearchParams = function(searchString) { + Object.defineProperty(this, '_entries', { writable: true, value: {} }); + + if (typeof searchString === 'string') { + if (searchString !== '') { + this._fromString(searchString); + } + } else if (searchString instanceof URLSearchParams) { + var _this = this; + searchString.forEach(function(value, name) { + _this.append(name, value); + }); + } + }; + + var proto = URLSearchParams.prototype; + + proto.append = function(name, value) { + if (name in this._entries) { + this._entries[name].push(value.toString()); + } else { + this._entries[name] = [value.toString()]; + } + }; + + proto.delete = function(name) { + delete this._entries[name]; + }; + + proto.get = function(name) { + return (name in this._entries) ? this._entries[name][0] : null; + }; + + proto.getAll = function(name) { + return (name in this._entries) ? this._entries[name].slice(0) : []; + }; + + proto.has = function(name) { + return (name in this._entries); + }; + + proto.set = function(name, value) { + this._entries[name] = [value.toString()]; + }; + + proto.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { + var entries; + for (var name in this._entries) { + if (this._entries.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + entries = this._entries[name]; + for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { + callback.call(thisArg, entries[i], name, this); + } + } + } + }; + + proto.keys = function() { + var items = []; + this.forEach(function(value, name) { + items.push(name); + }); + return createIterator(items); + }; + + proto.values = function() { + var items = []; + this.forEach(function(value) { + items.push(value); + }); + return createIterator(items); + }; + + proto.entries = function() { + var items = []; + this.forEach(function(value, name) { + items.push([name, value]); + }); + return createIterator(items); + }; + + if (iteratorSupported) { + proto[Symbol.iterator] = proto.entries; + } + + proto.toString = function() { + var searchArray = []; + this.forEach(function(value, name) { + searchArray.push(serializeParam(name) + '=' + serializeParam(value)); + }); + return searchArray.join('&'); + }; + + Object.defineProperty(proto, '_fromString', { + enumerable: false, + configurable: false, + writable: false, + value: function(searchString) { + this._entries = {}; + searchString = searchString.replace(/^\?/, ''); + var attributes = searchString.split('&'); + var attribute; + for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { + attribute = attributes[i].split('='); + this.append( + deserializeParam(attribute[0]), + (attribute.length > 1) ? deserializeParam(attribute[1]) : '' + ); + } + } + }); + + global.URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams; + }; + + if (!('URLSearchParams' in global) || (new URLSearchParams('?a=1').toString() !== 'a=1')) { + polyfillURLSearchParams(); + } + + if (typeof URLSearchParams.prototype.sort !== 'function') { + URLSearchParams.prototype.sort = function() { + var _this = this; + var items = []; + this.forEach(function(value, name) { + items.push([name, value]); + if (!_this._entries) { + _this.delete(name); + } + }); + items.sort(function(a, b) { + if (a[0] < b[0]) { + return -1; + } else if (a[0] > b[0]) { + return +1; + } else { + return 0; + } + }); + if (_this._entries) { // force reset because IE keeps keys index + _this._entries = {}; + } + for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { + this.append(items[i][0], items[i][1]); + } + }; + } + + // HTMLAnchorElement + + })( + (typeof commonjsGlobal !== 'undefined') ? commonjsGlobal + : ((typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window + : ((typeof self !== 'undefined') ? self : commonjsGlobal)) + ); + + (function(global) { + /** + * Polyfill URL + * + * Inspired from : https://github.com/arv/DOM-URL-Polyfill/blob/master/src/url.js + */ + + var checkIfURLIsSupported = function() { + try { + var u = new URL('b', 'http://a'); + u.pathname = 'c%20d'; + return (u.href === 'http://a/c%20d') && u.searchParams; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; + + + var polyfillURL = function() { + var _URL = global.URL; + + var URL = function(url, base) { + if (typeof url !== 'string') url = String(url); + + // Only create another document if the base is different from current location. + var doc = document, baseElement; + if (base && (global.location === void 0 || base !== global.location.href)) { + doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); + baseElement = doc.createElement('base'); + baseElement.href = base; + doc.head.appendChild(baseElement); + try { + if (baseElement.href.indexOf(base) !== 0) throw new Error(baseElement.href); + } catch (err) { + throw new Error('URL unable to set base ' + base + ' due to ' + err); + } + } + + var anchorElement = doc.createElement('a'); + anchorElement.href = url; + if (baseElement) { + doc.body.appendChild(anchorElement); + anchorElement.href = anchorElement.href; // force href to refresh + } + + if (anchorElement.protocol === ':' || !/:/.test(anchorElement.href)) { + throw new TypeError('Invalid URL'); + } + + Object.defineProperty(this, '_anchorElement', { + value: anchorElement + }); + + + // create a linked searchParams which reflect its changes on URL + var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(this.search); + var enableSearchUpdate = true; + var enableSearchParamsUpdate = true; + var _this = this; + ['append', 'delete', 'set'].forEach(function(methodName) { + var method = searchParams[methodName]; + searchParams[methodName] = function() { + method.apply(searchParams, arguments); + if (enableSearchUpdate) { + enableSearchParamsUpdate = false; + _this.search = searchParams.toString(); + enableSearchParamsUpdate = true; + } + }; + }); + + Object.defineProperty(this, 'searchParams', { + value: searchParams, + enumerable: true + }); + + var search = void 0; + Object.defineProperty(this, '_updateSearchParams', { + enumerable: false, + configurable: false, + writable: false, + value: function() { + if (this.search !== search) { + search = this.search; + if (enableSearchParamsUpdate) { + enableSearchUpdate = false; + this.searchParams._fromString(this.search); + enableSearchUpdate = true; + } + } + } + }); + }; + + var proto = URL.prototype; + + var linkURLWithAnchorAttribute = function(attributeName) { + Object.defineProperty(proto, attributeName, { + get: function() { + return this._anchorElement[attributeName]; + }, + set: function(value) { + this._anchorElement[attributeName] = value; + }, + enumerable: true + }); + }; + + ['hash', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'protocol'] + .forEach(function(attributeName) { + linkURLWithAnchorAttribute(attributeName); + }); + + Object.defineProperty(proto, 'search', { + get: function() { + return this._anchorElement['search']; + }, + set: function(value) { + this._anchorElement['search'] = value; + this._updateSearchParams(); + }, + enumerable: true + }); + + Object.defineProperties(proto, { + + 'toString': { + get: function() { + var _this = this; + return function() { + return _this.href; + }; + } + }, + + 'href': { + get: function() { + return this._anchorElement.href.replace(/\?$/, ''); + }, + set: function(value) { + this._anchorElement.href = value; + this._updateSearchParams(); + }, + enumerable: true + }, + + 'pathname': { + get: function() { + return this._anchorElement.pathname.replace(/(^\/?)/, '/'); + }, + set: function(value) { + this._anchorElement.pathname = value; + }, + enumerable: true + }, + + 'origin': { + get: function() { + // get expected port from protocol + var expectedPort = { 'http:': 80, 'https:': 443, 'ftp:': 21 }[this._anchorElement.protocol]; + // add port to origin if, expected port is different than actual port + // and it is not empty f.e http://foo:8080 + // 8080 != 80 && 8080 != '' + var addPortToOrigin = this._anchorElement.port != expectedPort && + this._anchorElement.port !== ''; + + return this._anchorElement.protocol + + '//' + + this._anchorElement.hostname + + (addPortToOrigin ? (':' + this._anchorElement.port) : ''); + }, + enumerable: true + }, + + 'password': { // TODO + get: function() { + return ''; + }, + set: function(value) { + }, + enumerable: true + }, + + 'username': { // TODO + get: function() { + return ''; + }, + set: function(value) { + }, + enumerable: true + }, + }); + + URL.createObjectURL = function(blob) { + return _URL.createObjectURL.apply(_URL, arguments); + }; + + URL.revokeObjectURL = function(url) { + return _URL.revokeObjectURL.apply(_URL, arguments); + }; + + global.URL = URL; + + }; + + if (!checkIfURLIsSupported()) { + polyfillURL(); + } + + if ((global.location !== void 0) && !('origin' in global.location)) { + var getOrigin = function() { + return global.location.protocol + '//' + global.location.hostname + (global.location.port ? (':' + global.location.port) : ''); + }; + + try { + Object.defineProperty(global.location, 'origin', { + get: getOrigin, + enumerable: true + }); + } catch (e) { + setInterval(function() { + global.location.origin = getOrigin(); + }, 100); + } + } + + })( + (typeof commonjsGlobal !== 'undefined') ? commonjsGlobal + : ((typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window + : ((typeof self !== 'undefined') ? self : commonjsGlobal)) + ); + + var _aFunction = function (it) { + if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); + return it; + }; + + // optional / simple context binding + + var _ctx = function (fn, that, length) { + _aFunction(fn); + if (that === undefined) return fn; + switch (length) { + case 1: return function (a) { + return fn.call(that, a); + }; + case 2: return function (a, b) { + return fn.call(that, a, b); + }; + case 3: return function (a, b, c) { + return fn.call(that, a, b, c); + }; + } + return function (/* ...args */) { + return fn.apply(that, arguments); + }; + }; + var _global = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 - var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math - ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self - // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func - : Function('return this')(); - if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef + // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 + var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math + ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self + // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func + : Function('return this')(); + if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef }); var _core = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var core = module.exports = { version: '2.5.7' }; - if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef + var core = module.exports = { version: '2.5.7' }; + if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef }); var _core_1 = _core.version; var _isObject = function (it) { - return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; + return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; var _anObject = function (it) { - if (!_isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); - return it; + if (!_isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); + return it; }; var _fails = function (exec) { - try { - return !!exec(); - } catch (e) { - return true; - } + try { + return !!exec(); + } catch (e) { + return true; + } }; // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty var _descriptors = !_fails(function () { - return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; + return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); var document$1 = _global.document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var is = _isObject(document$1) && _isObject(document$1.createElement); var _domCreate = function (it) { - return is ? document$1.createElement(it) : {}; + return is ? document$1.createElement(it) : {}; }; var _ie8DomDefine = !_descriptors && !_fails(function () { - return Object.defineProperty(_domCreate('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; + return Object.defineProperty(_domCreate('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) @@ -66,26 +584,26 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string var _toPrimitive = function (it, S) { - if (!_isObject(it)) return it; - var fn, val; - if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; - if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; - if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; - throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); + if (!_isObject(it)) return it; + var fn, val; + if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; + if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; + if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; + throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; var dP = Object.defineProperty; var f = _descriptors ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { - _anObject(O); - P = _toPrimitive(P, true); - _anObject(Attributes); - if (_ie8DomDefine) try { - return dP(O, P, Attributes); - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } - if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); - if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; - return O; + _anObject(O); + P = _toPrimitive(P, true); + _anObject(Attributes); + if (_ie8DomDefine) try { + return dP(O, P, Attributes); + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); + if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; + return O; }; var _objectDp = { @@ -93,115 +611,89 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { }; var _propertyDesc = function (bitmap, value) { - return { - enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), - configurable: !(bitmap & 2), - writable: !(bitmap & 4), - value: value - }; + return { + enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), + configurable: !(bitmap & 2), + writable: !(bitmap & 4), + value: value + }; }; var _hide = _descriptors ? function (object, key, value) { - return _objectDp.f(object, key, _propertyDesc(1, value)); + return _objectDp.f(object, key, _propertyDesc(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { - object[key] = value; - return object; + object[key] = value; + return object; }; var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; var _has = function (it, key) { - return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key); + return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key); }; var id = 0; var px = Math.random(); var _uid = function (key) { - return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36)); + return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36)); }; var _redefine = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var SRC = _uid('src'); - var TO_STRING = 'toString'; - var $toString = Function[TO_STRING]; - var TPL = ('' + $toString).split(TO_STRING); - - _core.inspectSource = function (it) { - return $toString.call(it); - }; - - (module.exports = function (O, key, val, safe) { - var isFunction = typeof val == 'function'; - if (isFunction) _has(val, 'name') || _hide(val, 'name', key); - if (O[key] === val) return; - if (isFunction) _has(val, SRC) || _hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? '' + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key))); - if (O === _global) { - O[key] = val; - } else if (!safe) { - delete O[key]; - _hide(O, key, val); - } else if (O[key]) { - O[key] = val; - } else { - _hide(O, key, val); - } - // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative - })(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() { - return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $toString.call(this); + var SRC = _uid('src'); + var TO_STRING = 'toString'; + var $toString = Function[TO_STRING]; + var TPL = ('' + $toString).split(TO_STRING); + + _core.inspectSource = function (it) { + return $toString.call(it); + }; + + (module.exports = function (O, key, val, safe) { + var isFunction = typeof val == 'function'; + if (isFunction) _has(val, 'name') || _hide(val, 'name', key); + if (O[key] === val) return; + if (isFunction) _has(val, SRC) || _hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? '' + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key))); + if (O === _global) { + O[key] = val; + } else if (!safe) { + delete O[key]; + _hide(O, key, val); + } else if (O[key]) { + O[key] = val; + } else { + _hide(O, key, val); + } + // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative + })(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() { + return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $toString.call(this); + }); }); - }); - - var _aFunction = function (it) { - if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); - return it; - }; - - // optional / simple context binding - - var _ctx = function (fn, that, length) { - _aFunction(fn); - if (that === undefined) return fn; - switch (length) { - case 1: return function (a) { - return fn.call(that, a); - }; - case 2: return function (a, b) { - return fn.call(that, a, b); - }; - case 3: return function (a, b, c) { - return fn.call(that, a, b, c); - }; - } - return function (/* ...args */) { - return fn.apply(that, arguments); - }; - }; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var $export = function (type, name, source) { - var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F; - var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G; - var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S; - var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P; - var IS_BIND = type & $export.B; - var target = IS_GLOBAL ? _global : IS_STATIC ? _global[name] || (_global[name] = {}) : (_global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]; - var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? _core : _core[name] || (_core[name] = {}); - var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {}); - var key, own, out, exp; - if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name; - for (key in source) { - // contains in native - own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; - // export native or passed - out = (own ? target : source)[key]; - // bind timers to global for call from export context - exp = IS_BIND && own ? _ctx(out, _global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? _ctx(Function.call, out) : out; - // extend global - if (target) _redefine(target, key, out, type & $export.U); - // export - if (exports[key] != out) _hide(exports, key, exp); - if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key] != out) expProto[key] = out; - } + var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F; + var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G; + var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S; + var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P; + var IS_BIND = type & $export.B; + var target = IS_GLOBAL ? _global : IS_STATIC ? _global[name] || (_global[name] = {}) : (_global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]; + var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? _core : _core[name] || (_core[name] = {}); + var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {}); + var key, own, out, exp; + if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name; + for (key in source) { + // contains in native + own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; + // export native or passed + out = (own ? target : source)[key]; + // bind timers to global for call from export context + exp = IS_BIND && own ? _ctx(out, _global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? _ctx(Function.call, out) : out; + // extend global + if (target) _redefine(target, key, out, type & $export.U); + // export + if (exports[key] != out) _hide(exports, key, exp); + if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key] != out) expProto[key] = out; + } }; _global.core = _core; // type bitmap @@ -215,606 +707,458 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` var _export = $export; - var TYPED = _uid('typed_array'); - var VIEW = _uid('view'); - var ABV = !!(_global.ArrayBuffer && _global.DataView); - var CONSTR = ABV; - var i = 0; - var l = 9; - var Typed; + // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument) + var _defined = function (it) { + if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); + return it; + }; + + // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument) - var TypedArrayConstructors = ( - 'Int8Array,Uint8Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Int16Array,Uint16Array,Int32Array,Uint32Array,Float32Array,Float64Array' - ).split(','); + var _toObject = function (it) { + return Object(_defined(it)); + }; - while (i < l) { - if (Typed = _global[TypedArrayConstructors[i++]]) { - _hide(Typed.prototype, TYPED, true); - _hide(Typed.prototype, VIEW, true); - } else CONSTR = false; - } + // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error - var _typed = { - ABV: ABV, - CONSTR: CONSTR, - TYPED: TYPED, - VIEW: VIEW + var _iterCall = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { + try { + return entries ? fn(_anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); + // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion) + } catch (e) { + var ret = iterator['return']; + if (ret !== undefined) _anObject(ret.call(iterator)); + throw e; + } }; + var _iterators = {}; + var _library = false; - var _redefineAll = function (target, src, safe) { - for (var key in src) _redefine(target, key, src[key], safe); - return target; - }; + var _shared = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { + var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; + var store = _global[SHARED] || (_global[SHARED] = {}); + + (module.exports = function (key, value) { + return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); + })('versions', []).push({ + version: _core.version, + mode: 'global', + copyright: '© 2018 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)' + }); + }); - var _anInstance = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { - if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) { - throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!'); - } return it; + var _wks = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { + var store = _shared('wks'); + + var Symbol = _global.Symbol; + var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function'; + + var $exports = module.exports = function (name) { + return store[name] || (store[name] = + USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : _uid)('Symbol.' + name)); + }; + + $exports.store = store; + }); + + // check on default Array iterator + + var ITERATOR = _wks('iterator'); + var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; + + var _isArrayIter = function (it) { + return it !== undefined && (_iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it); }; // 7.1.4 ToInteger var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; var _toInteger = function (it) { - return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); + return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); }; // 7.1.15 ToLength var min = Math.min; var _toLength = function (it) { - return it > 0 ? min(_toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 + return it > 0 ? min(_toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; - // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toindex - - - var _toIndex = function (it) { - if (it === undefined) return 0; - var number = _toInteger(it); - var length = _toLength(number); - if (number !== length) throw RangeError('Wrong length!'); - return length; + var _createProperty = function (object, index, value) { + if (index in object) _objectDp.f(object, index, _propertyDesc(0, value)); + else object[index] = value; }; var toString = {}.toString; var _cof = function (it) { - return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1); + return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1); }; - // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings + // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() - // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins - var _iobject = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { - return _cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); - }; + var TAG = _wks('toStringTag'); + // ES3 wrong here + var ARG = _cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; - // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument) - var _defined = function (it) { - if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); - return it; + // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error + var tryGet = function (it, key) { + try { + return it[key]; + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } }; - // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings - - - var _toIobject = function (it) { - return _iobject(_defined(it)); + var _classof = function (it) { + var O, T, B; + return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' + // @@toStringTag case + : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T + // builtinTag case + : ARG ? _cof(O) + // ES3 arguments fallback + : (B = _cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; - var max = Math.max; - var min$1 = Math.min; - var _toAbsoluteIndex = function (index, length) { - index = _toInteger(index); - return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min$1(index, length); - }; + var ITERATOR$1 = _wks('iterator'); - // false -> Array#indexOf - // true -> Array#includes + var core_getIteratorMethod = _core.getIteratorMethod = function (it) { + if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR$1] + || it['@@iterator'] + || _iterators[_classof(it)]; + }; + var ITERATOR$2 = _wks('iterator'); + var SAFE_CLOSING = false; + try { + var riter = [7][ITERATOR$2](); + riter['return'] = function () { SAFE_CLOSING = true; }; + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } - var _arrayIncludes = function (IS_INCLUDES) { - return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { - var O = _toIobject($this); - var length = _toLength(O.length); - var index = _toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); - var value; - // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm - // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare - if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { - value = O[index++]; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare - if (value != value) return true; - // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not - } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) { - if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; - } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; - }; + var _iterDetect = function (exec, skipClosing) { + if (!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false; + var safe = false; + try { + var arr = [7]; + var iter = arr[ITERATOR$2](); + iter.next = function () { return { done: safe = true }; }; + arr[ITERATOR$2] = function () { return iter; }; + exec(arr); + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + return safe; }; - var _shared = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; - var store = _global[SHARED] || (_global[SHARED] = {}); - - (module.exports = function (key, value) { - return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); - })('versions', []).push({ - version: _core.version, - mode: 'global', - copyright: '© 2018 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)' - }); + _export(_export.S + _export.F * !_iterDetect(function (iter) { }), 'Array', { + // Array.from(arrayLike, mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined) + from: function from(arrayLike /* , mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined */) { + var O = _toObject(arrayLike); + var C = typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array; + var aLen = arguments.length; + var mapfn = aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; + var mapping = mapfn !== undefined; + var index = 0; + var iterFn = core_getIteratorMethod(O); + var length, result, step, iterator; + if (mapping) mapfn = _ctx(mapfn, aLen > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2); + // if object isn't iterable or it's array with default iterator - use simple case + if (iterFn != undefined && !(C == Array && _isArrayIter(iterFn))) { + for (iterator = iterFn.call(O), result = new C(); !(step = iterator.next()).done; index++) { + _createProperty(result, index, mapping ? _iterCall(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index], true) : step.value); + } + } else { + length = _toLength(O.length); + for (result = new C(length); length > index; index++) { + _createProperty(result, index, mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index]); + } + } + result.length = index; + return result; + } }); - var shared = _shared('keys'); + // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings - var _sharedKey = function (key) { - return shared[key] || (shared[key] = _uid(key)); + // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins + var _iobject = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { + return _cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; - var arrayIndexOf = _arrayIncludes(false); - var IE_PROTO = _sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); + // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) - var _objectKeysInternal = function (object, names) { - var O = _toIobject(object); - var i = 0; - var result = []; - var key; - for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) _has(O, key) && result.push(key); - // Don't enum bug & hidden keys - while (names.length > i) if (_has(O, key = names[i++])) { - ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); - } - return result; + var _isArray = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { + return _cof(arg) == 'Array'; }; - // IE 8- don't enum bug keys - var _enumBugKeys = ( - 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf' - ).split(','); - - // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) - - var hiddenKeys = _enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); - - var f$1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { - return _objectKeysInternal(O, hiddenKeys); - }; + var SPECIES = _wks('species'); - var _objectGopn = { - f: f$1 + var _arraySpeciesConstructor = function (original) { + var C; + if (_isArray(original)) { + C = original.constructor; + // cross-realm fallback + if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || _isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; + if (_isObject(C)) { + C = C[SPECIES]; + if (C === null) C = undefined; + } + } return C === undefined ? Array : C; }; - // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument) + // ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) - var _toObject = function (it) { - return Object(_defined(it)); - }; - var _arrayFill = function fill(value /* , start = 0, end = @length */) { - var O = _toObject(this); - var length = _toLength(O.length); - var aLen = arguments.length; - var index = _toAbsoluteIndex(aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, length); - var end = aLen > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - var endPos = end === undefined ? length : _toAbsoluteIndex(end, length); - while (endPos > index) O[index++] = value; - return O; + var _arraySpeciesCreate = function (original, length) { + return new (_arraySpeciesConstructor(original))(length); }; - var _wks = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var store = _shared('wks'); - - var Symbol = _global.Symbol; - var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function'; + // 0 -> Array#forEach + // 1 -> Array#map + // 2 -> Array#filter + // 3 -> Array#some + // 4 -> Array#every + // 5 -> Array#find + // 6 -> Array#findIndex - var $exports = module.exports = function (name) { - return store[name] || (store[name] = - USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : _uid)('Symbol.' + name)); - }; - $exports.store = store; - }); - var def = _objectDp.f; - var TAG = _wks('toStringTag'); - var _setToStringTag = function (it, tag, stat) { - if (it && !_has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); + var _arrayMethods = function (TYPE, $create) { + var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1; + var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2; + var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3; + var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4; + var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6; + var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; + var create = $create || _arraySpeciesCreate; + return function ($this, callbackfn, that) { + var O = _toObject($this); + var self = _iobject(O); + var f = _ctx(callbackfn, that, 3); + var length = _toLength(self.length); + var index = 0; + var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined; + var val, res; + for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { + val = self[index]; + res = f(val, index, O); + if (TYPE) { + if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; // map + else if (res) switch (TYPE) { + case 3: return true; // some + case 5: return val; // find + case 6: return index; // findIndex + case 2: result.push(val); // filter + } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every + } + } + return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result; + }; }; - var _typedBuffer = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { - + // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] + var UNSCOPABLES = _wks('unscopables'); + var ArrayProto$1 = Array.prototype; + if (ArrayProto$1[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) _hide(ArrayProto$1, UNSCOPABLES, {}); + var _addToUnscopables = function (key) { + ArrayProto$1[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; + }; + // Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg = undefined) + var $find = _arrayMethods(5); + var KEY = 'find'; + var forced = true; + // Shouldn't skip holes + if (KEY in []) Array(1)[KEY](function () { forced = false; }); + _export(_export.P + _export.F * forced, 'Array', { + find: function find(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) { + return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); + } + }); + _addToUnscopables(KEY); + var f$1 = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; + var _objectPie = { + f: f$1 + }; + // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings + var _toIobject = function (it) { + return _iobject(_defined(it)); + }; + var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + var f$2 = _descriptors ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { + O = _toIobject(O); + P = _toPrimitive(P, true); + if (_ie8DomDefine) try { + return gOPD(O, P); + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + if (_has(O, P)) return _propertyDesc(!_objectPie.f.call(O, P), O[P]); + }; - var gOPN = _objectGopn.f; - var dP = _objectDp.f; + var _objectGopd = { + f: f$2 + }; + // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. + /* eslint-disable no-proto */ - var ARRAY_BUFFER = 'ArrayBuffer'; - var DATA_VIEW = 'DataView'; - var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; - var WRONG_LENGTH = 'Wrong length!'; - var WRONG_INDEX = 'Wrong index!'; - var $ArrayBuffer = _global[ARRAY_BUFFER]; - var $DataView = _global[DATA_VIEW]; - var Math = _global.Math; - var RangeError = _global.RangeError; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow-restricted-names - var Infinity = _global.Infinity; - var BaseBuffer = $ArrayBuffer; - var abs = Math.abs; - var pow = Math.pow; - var floor = Math.floor; - var log = Math.log; - var LN2 = Math.LN2; - var BUFFER = 'buffer'; - var BYTE_LENGTH = 'byteLength'; - var BYTE_OFFSET = 'byteOffset'; - var $BUFFER = _descriptors ? '_b' : BUFFER; - var $LENGTH = _descriptors ? '_l' : BYTE_LENGTH; - var $OFFSET = _descriptors ? '_o' : BYTE_OFFSET; - - // IEEE754 conversions based on https://github.com/feross/ieee754 - function packIEEE754(value, mLen, nBytes) { - var buffer = new Array(nBytes); - var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1; - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1; - var eBias = eMax >> 1; - var rt = mLen === 23 ? pow(2, -24) - pow(2, -77) : 0; - var i = 0; - var s = value < 0 || value === 0 && 1 / value < 0 ? 1 : 0; - var e, m, c; - value = abs(value); - // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare - if (value != value || value === Infinity) { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare - m = value != value ? 1 : 0; - e = eMax; - } else { - e = floor(log(value) / LN2); - if (value * (c = pow(2, -e)) < 1) { - e--; - c *= 2; - } - if (e + eBias >= 1) { - value += rt / c; - } else { - value += rt * pow(2, 1 - eBias); - } - if (value * c >= 2) { - e++; - c /= 2; - } - if (e + eBias >= eMax) { - m = 0; - e = eMax; - } else if (e + eBias >= 1) { - m = (value * c - 1) * pow(2, mLen); - e = e + eBias; - } else { - m = value * pow(2, eBias - 1) * pow(2, mLen); - e = 0; - } - } - for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[i++] = m & 255, m /= 256, mLen -= 8); - e = e << mLen | m; - eLen += mLen; - for (; eLen > 0; buffer[i++] = e & 255, e /= 256, eLen -= 8); - buffer[--i] |= s * 128; - return buffer; - } - function unpackIEEE754(buffer, mLen, nBytes) { - var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1; - var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1; - var eBias = eMax >> 1; - var nBits = eLen - 7; - var i = nBytes - 1; - var s = buffer[i--]; - var e = s & 127; - var m; - s >>= 7; - for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[i], i--, nBits -= 8); - m = e & (1 << -nBits) - 1; - e >>= -nBits; - nBits += mLen; - for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[i], i--, nBits -= 8); - if (e === 0) { - e = 1 - eBias; - } else if (e === eMax) { - return m ? NaN : s ? -Infinity : Infinity; - } else { - m = m + pow(2, mLen); - e = e - eBias; - } return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * pow(2, e - mLen); - } - function unpackI32(bytes) { - return bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]; - } - function packI8(it) { - return [it & 0xff]; - } - function packI16(it) { - return [it & 0xff, it >> 8 & 0xff]; - } - function packI32(it) { - return [it & 0xff, it >> 8 & 0xff, it >> 16 & 0xff, it >> 24 & 0xff]; - } - function packF64(it) { - return packIEEE754(it, 52, 8); - } - function packF32(it) { - return packIEEE754(it, 23, 4); - } + var check = function (O, proto) { + _anObject(O); + if (!_isObject(proto) && proto !== null) throw TypeError(proto + ": can't set as prototype!"); + }; + var _setProto = { + set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? // eslint-disable-line + function (test, buggy, set) { + try { + set = _ctx(Function.call, _objectGopd.f(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2); + set(test, []); + buggy = !(test instanceof Array); + } catch (e) { buggy = true; } + return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { + check(O, proto); + if (buggy) O.__proto__ = proto; + else set(O, proto); + return O; + }; + }({}, false) : undefined), + check: check + }; - function addGetter(C, key, internal) { - dP(C[PROTOTYPE], key, { get: function () { return this[internal]; } }); - } + var setPrototypeOf = _setProto.set; + var _inheritIfRequired = function (that, target, C) { + var S = target.constructor; + var P; + if (S !== C && typeof S == 'function' && (P = S.prototype) !== C.prototype && _isObject(P) && setPrototypeOf) { + setPrototypeOf(that, P); + } return that; + }; - function get(view, bytes, index, isLittleEndian) { - var numIndex = +index; - var intIndex = _toIndex(numIndex); - if (intIndex + bytes > view[$LENGTH]) throw RangeError(WRONG_INDEX); - var store = view[$BUFFER]._b; - var start = intIndex + view[$OFFSET]; - var pack = store.slice(start, start + bytes); - return isLittleEndian ? pack : pack.reverse(); - } - function set(view, bytes, index, conversion, value, isLittleEndian) { - var numIndex = +index; - var intIndex = _toIndex(numIndex); - if (intIndex + bytes > view[$LENGTH]) throw RangeError(WRONG_INDEX); - var store = view[$BUFFER]._b; - var start = intIndex + view[$OFFSET]; - var pack = conversion(+value); - for (var i = 0; i < bytes; i++) store[start + i] = pack[isLittleEndian ? i : bytes - i - 1]; - } + var max = Math.max; + var min$1 = Math.min; + var _toAbsoluteIndex = function (index, length) { + index = _toInteger(index); + return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min$1(index, length); + }; - if (!_typed.ABV) { - $ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer(length) { - _anInstance(this, $ArrayBuffer, ARRAY_BUFFER); - var byteLength = _toIndex(length); - this._b = _arrayFill.call(new Array(byteLength), 0); - this[$LENGTH] = byteLength; - }; - - $DataView = function DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) { - _anInstance(this, $DataView, DATA_VIEW); - _anInstance(buffer, $ArrayBuffer, DATA_VIEW); - var bufferLength = buffer[$LENGTH]; - var offset = _toInteger(byteOffset); - if (offset < 0 || offset > bufferLength) throw RangeError('Wrong offset!'); - byteLength = byteLength === undefined ? bufferLength - offset : _toLength(byteLength); - if (offset + byteLength > bufferLength) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH); - this[$BUFFER] = buffer; - this[$OFFSET] = offset; - this[$LENGTH] = byteLength; - }; - - if (_descriptors) { - addGetter($ArrayBuffer, BYTE_LENGTH, '_l'); - addGetter($DataView, BUFFER, '_b'); - addGetter($DataView, BYTE_LENGTH, '_l'); - addGetter($DataView, BYTE_OFFSET, '_o'); - } - - _redefineAll($DataView[PROTOTYPE], { - getInt8: function getInt8(byteOffset) { - return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0] << 24 >> 24; - }, - getUint8: function getUint8(byteOffset) { - return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0]; - }, - getInt16: function getInt16(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments[1]); - return (bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]) << 16 >> 16; - }, - getUint16: function getUint16(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments[1]); - return bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]; - }, - getInt32: function getInt32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - return unpackI32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments[1])); - }, - getUint32: function getUint32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - return unpackI32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments[1])) >>> 0; - }, - getFloat32: function getFloat32(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments[1]), 23, 4); - }, - getFloat64: function getFloat64(byteOffset /* , littleEndian */) { - return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 8, byteOffset, arguments[1]), 52, 8); - }, - setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) { - set(this, 1, byteOffset, packI8, value); - }, - setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) { - set(this, 1, byteOffset, packI8, value); - }, - setInt16: function setInt16(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 2, byteOffset, packI16, value, arguments[2]); - }, - setUint16: function setUint16(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 2, byteOffset, packI16, value, arguments[2]); - }, - setInt32: function setInt32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 4, byteOffset, packI32, value, arguments[2]); - }, - setUint32: function setUint32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 4, byteOffset, packI32, value, arguments[2]); - }, - setFloat32: function setFloat32(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 4, byteOffset, packF32, value, arguments[2]); - }, - setFloat64: function setFloat64(byteOffset, value /* , littleEndian */) { - set(this, 8, byteOffset, packF64, value, arguments[2]); - } - }); - } else { - if (!_fails(function () { - $ArrayBuffer(1); - }) || !_fails(function () { - new $ArrayBuffer(-1); // eslint-disable-line no-new - }) || _fails(function () { - new $ArrayBuffer(); // eslint-disable-line no-new - new $ArrayBuffer(1.5); // eslint-disable-line no-new - new $ArrayBuffer(NaN); // eslint-disable-line no-new - return $ArrayBuffer.name != ARRAY_BUFFER; - })) { - $ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer(length) { - _anInstance(this, $ArrayBuffer); - return new BaseBuffer(_toIndex(length)); - }; - var ArrayBufferProto = $ArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE] = BaseBuffer[PROTOTYPE]; - for (var keys = gOPN(BaseBuffer), j = 0, key; keys.length > j;) { - if (!((key = keys[j++]) in $ArrayBuffer)) _hide($ArrayBuffer, key, BaseBuffer[key]); - } - ArrayBufferProto.constructor = $ArrayBuffer; - } - // iOS Safari 7.x bug - var view = new $DataView(new $ArrayBuffer(2)); - var $setInt8 = $DataView[PROTOTYPE].setInt8; - view.setInt8(0, 2147483648); - view.setInt8(1, 2147483649); - if (view.getInt8(0) || !view.getInt8(1)) _redefineAll($DataView[PROTOTYPE], { - setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) { - $setInt8.call(this, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24); - }, - setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) { - $setInt8.call(this, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24); - } - }, true); - } - _setToStringTag($ArrayBuffer, ARRAY_BUFFER); - _setToStringTag($DataView, DATA_VIEW); - _hide($DataView[PROTOTYPE], _typed.VIEW, true); - exports[ARRAY_BUFFER] = $ArrayBuffer; - exports[DATA_VIEW] = $DataView; - }); + // false -> Array#indexOf + // true -> Array#includes - // 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor) - var SPECIES = _wks('species'); - var _speciesConstructor = function (O, D) { - var C = _anObject(O).constructor; - var S; - return C === undefined || (S = _anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? D : _aFunction(S); + var _arrayIncludes = function (IS_INCLUDES) { + return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { + var O = _toIobject($this); + var length = _toLength(O.length); + var index = _toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); + var value; + // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm + // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare + if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { + value = O[index++]; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare + if (value != value) return true; + // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not + } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) { + if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; + } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; + }; }; - var SPECIES$1 = _wks('species'); + var shared = _shared('keys'); - var _setSpecies = function (KEY) { - var C = _global[KEY]; - if (_descriptors && C && !C[SPECIES$1]) _objectDp.f(C, SPECIES$1, { - configurable: true, - get: function () { return this; } - }); + var _sharedKey = function (key) { + return shared[key] || (shared[key] = _uid(key)); }; - var ArrayBuffer = _global.ArrayBuffer; - - var $ArrayBuffer = _typedBuffer.ArrayBuffer; - var $DataView = _typedBuffer.DataView; - var $isView = _typed.ABV && ArrayBuffer.isView; - var $slice = $ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice; - var VIEW$1 = _typed.VIEW; - var ARRAY_BUFFER = 'ArrayBuffer'; - - _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * (ArrayBuffer !== $ArrayBuffer), { ArrayBuffer: $ArrayBuffer }); - - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !_typed.CONSTR, ARRAY_BUFFER, { - // ArrayBuffer.isView(arg) - isView: function isView(it) { - return $isView && $isView(it) || _isObject(it) && VIEW$1 in it; - } - }); + var arrayIndexOf = _arrayIncludes(false); + var IE_PROTO = _sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); - _export(_export.P + _export.U + _export.F * _fails(function () { - return !new $ArrayBuffer(2).slice(1, undefined).byteLength; - }), ARRAY_BUFFER, { - // ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice(start, end) - slice: function slice(start, end) { - if ($slice !== undefined && end === undefined) return $slice.call(_anObject(this), start); // FF fix - var len = _anObject(this).byteLength; - var first = _toAbsoluteIndex(start, len); - var fin = _toAbsoluteIndex(end === undefined ? len : end, len); - var result = new (_speciesConstructor(this, $ArrayBuffer))(_toLength(fin - first)); - var viewS = new $DataView(this); - var viewT = new $DataView(result); - var index = 0; - while (first < fin) { - viewT.setUint8(index++, viewS.getUint8(first++)); - } return result; - } - }); + var _objectKeysInternal = function (object, names) { + var O = _toIobject(object); + var i = 0; + var result = []; + var key; + for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) _has(O, key) && result.push(key); + // Don't enum bug & hidden keys + while (names.length > i) if (_has(O, key = names[i++])) { + ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); + } + return result; + }; - _setSpecies(ARRAY_BUFFER); + // IE 8- don't enum bug keys + var _enumBugKeys = ( + 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf' + ).split(','); - // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() + // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) - var TAG$1 = _wks('toStringTag'); - // ES3 wrong here - var ARG = _cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; + var hiddenKeys = _enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); - // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error - var tryGet = function (it, key) { - try { - return it[key]; - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + var f$3 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { + return _objectKeysInternal(O, hiddenKeys); }; - var _classof = function (it) { - var O, T, B; - return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' - // @@toStringTag case - : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG$1)) == 'string' ? T - // builtinTag case - : ARG ? _cof(O) - // ES3 arguments fallback - : (B = _cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; + var _objectGopn = { + f: f$3 }; - var _iterators = {}; + var _stringWs = '\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003' + + '\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF'; - // check on default Array iterator + var space = '[' + _stringWs + ']'; + var non = '\u200b\u0085'; + var ltrim = RegExp('^' + space + space + '*'); + var rtrim = RegExp(space + space + '*$'); - var ITERATOR = _wks('iterator'); - var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; + var exporter = function (KEY, exec, ALIAS) { + var exp = {}; + var FORCE = _fails(function () { + return !!_stringWs[KEY]() || non[KEY]() != non; + }); + var fn = exp[KEY] = FORCE ? exec(trim) : _stringWs[KEY]; + if (ALIAS) exp[ALIAS] = fn; + _export(_export.P + _export.F * FORCE, 'String', exp); + }; - var _isArrayIter = function (it) { - return it !== undefined && (_iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it); + // 1 -> String#trimLeft + // 2 -> String#trimRight + // 3 -> String#trim + var trim = exporter.trim = function (string, TYPE) { + string = String(_defined(string)); + if (TYPE & 1) string = string.replace(ltrim, ''); + if (TYPE & 2) string = string.replace(rtrim, ''); + return string; }; + var _stringTrim = exporter; + // / Object.keys(O) var _objectKeys = Object.keys || function keys(O) { - return _objectKeysInternal(O, _enumBugKeys); + return _objectKeysInternal(O, _enumBugKeys); }; var _objectDps = _descriptors ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { - _anObject(O); - var keys = _objectKeys(Properties); - var length = keys.length; - var i = 0; - var P; - while (length > i) _objectDp.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); - return O; + _anObject(O); + var keys = _objectKeys(Properties); + var length = keys.length; + var i = 0; + var P; + while (length > i) _objectDp.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); + return O; }; var document$2 = _global.document; @@ -830,143 +1174,256 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var createDict = function () { - // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug - var iframe = _domCreate('iframe'); - var i = _enumBugKeys.length; - var lt = '<'; - var gt = '>'; - var iframeDocument; - iframe.style.display = 'none'; - _html.appendChild(iframe); - iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url - // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; - // html.removeChild(iframe); - iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; - iframeDocument.open(); - iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt); - iframeDocument.close(); - createDict = iframeDocument.F; - while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE$1][_enumBugKeys[i]]; - return createDict(); + // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug + var iframe = _domCreate('iframe'); + var i = _enumBugKeys.length; + var lt = '<'; + var gt = '>'; + var iframeDocument; + iframe.style.display = 'none'; + _html.appendChild(iframe); + iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url + // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; + // html.removeChild(iframe); + iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; + iframeDocument.open(); + iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt); + iframeDocument.close(); + createDict = iframeDocument.F; + while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE$1][_enumBugKeys[i]]; + return createDict(); }; var _objectCreate = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { - var result; - if (O !== null) { - Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = _anObject(O); - result = new Empty(); - Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = null; - // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill - result[IE_PROTO$1] = O; - } else result = createDict(); - return Properties === undefined ? result : _objectDps(result, Properties); + var result; + if (O !== null) { + Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = _anObject(O); + result = new Empty(); + Empty[PROTOTYPE$1] = null; + // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill + result[IE_PROTO$1] = O; + } else result = createDict(); + return Properties === undefined ? result : _objectDps(result, Properties); }; - // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) + var gOPN = _objectGopn.f; + var gOPD$1 = _objectGopd.f; + var dP$1 = _objectDp.f; + var $trim = _stringTrim.trim; + var NUMBER = 'Number'; + var $Number = _global[NUMBER]; + var Base = $Number; + var proto = $Number.prototype; + // Opera ~12 has broken Object#toString + var BROKEN_COF = _cof(_objectCreate(proto)) == NUMBER; + var TRIM = 'trim' in String.prototype; + + // 7.1.3 ToNumber(argument) + var toNumber = function (argument) { + var it = _toPrimitive(argument, false); + if (typeof it == 'string' && it.length > 2) { + it = TRIM ? it.trim() : $trim(it, 3); + var first = it.charCodeAt(0); + var third, radix, maxCode; + if (first === 43 || first === 45) { + third = it.charCodeAt(2); + if (third === 88 || third === 120) return NaN; // Number('+0x1') should be NaN, old V8 fix + } else if (first === 48) { + switch (it.charCodeAt(1)) { + case 66: case 98: radix = 2; maxCode = 49; break; // fast equal /^0b[01]+$/i + case 79: case 111: radix = 8; maxCode = 55; break; // fast equal /^0o[0-7]+$/i + default: return +it; + } + for (var digits = it.slice(2), i = 0, l = digits.length, code; i < l; i++) { + code = digits.charCodeAt(i); + // parseInt parses a string to a first unavailable symbol + // but ToNumber should return NaN if a string contains unavailable symbols + if (code < 48 || code > maxCode) return NaN; + } return parseInt(digits, radix); + } + } return +it; + }; + + if (!$Number(' 0o1') || !$Number('0b1') || $Number('+0x1')) { + $Number = function Number(value) { + var it = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : value; + var that = this; + return that instanceof $Number + // check on 1..constructor(foo) case + && (BROKEN_COF ? _fails(function () { proto.valueOf.call(that); }) : _cof(that) != NUMBER) + ? _inheritIfRequired(new Base(toNumber(it)), that, $Number) : toNumber(it); + }; + for (var keys = _descriptors ? gOPN(Base) : ( + // ES3: + 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,' + + // ES6 (in case, if modules with ES6 Number statics required before): + 'EPSILON,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,' + + 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,parseFloat,parseInt,isInteger' + ).split(','), j = 0, key; keys.length > j; j++) { + if (_has(Base, key = keys[j]) && !_has($Number, key)) { + dP$1($Number, key, gOPD$1(Base, key)); + } + } + $Number.prototype = proto; + proto.constructor = $Number; + _redefine(_global, NUMBER, $Number); + } + // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives - var IE_PROTO$2 = _sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); - var ObjectProto = Object.prototype; - var _objectGpo = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { - O = _toObject(O); - if (_has(O, IE_PROTO$2)) return O[IE_PROTO$2]; - if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) { - return O.constructor.prototype; - } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; + + var _objectSap = function (KEY, exec) { + var fn = (_core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY]; + var exp = {}; + exp[KEY] = exec(fn); + _export(_export.S + _export.F * _fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); }; - var ITERATOR$1 = _wks('iterator'); + // Object.keys(O) - var core_getIteratorMethod = _core.getIteratorMethod = function (it) { - if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR$1] - || it['@@iterator'] - || _iterators[_classof(it)]; - }; - // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) - var _isArray = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { - return _cof(arg) == 'Array'; - }; + _objectSap('keys', function () { + return function keys(it) { + return _objectKeys(_toObject(it)); + }; + }); - var SPECIES$2 = _wks('species'); + // 7.2.8 IsRegExp(argument) - var _arraySpeciesConstructor = function (original) { - var C; - if (_isArray(original)) { - C = original.constructor; - // cross-realm fallback - if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || _isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; - if (_isObject(C)) { - C = C[SPECIES$2]; - if (C === null) C = undefined; - } - } return C === undefined ? Array : C; + + var MATCH = _wks('match'); + var _isRegexp = function (it) { + var isRegExp; + return _isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : _cof(it) == 'RegExp'); }; - // ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) + // helper for String#{startsWith, endsWith, includes} - var _arraySpeciesCreate = function (original, length) { - return new (_arraySpeciesConstructor(original))(length); + + var _stringContext = function (that, searchString, NAME) { + if (_isRegexp(searchString)) throw TypeError('String#' + NAME + " doesn't accept regex!"); + return String(_defined(that)); }; - // 0 -> Array#forEach - // 1 -> Array#map - // 2 -> Array#filter - // 3 -> Array#some - // 4 -> Array#every - // 5 -> Array#find - // 6 -> Array#findIndex + var MATCH$1 = _wks('match'); + var _failsIsRegexp = function (KEY) { + var re = /./; + try { + '/./'[KEY](re); + } catch (e) { + try { + re[MATCH$1] = false; + return !'/./'[KEY](re); + } catch (f) { /* empty */ } + } return true; + }; + + var INCLUDES = 'includes'; + _export(_export.P + _export.F * _failsIsRegexp(INCLUDES), 'String', { + includes: function includes(searchString /* , position = 0 */) { + return !!~_stringContext(this, searchString, INCLUDES) + .indexOf(searchString, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); + } + }); + // https://github.com/tc39/Array.prototype.includes + + var $includes = _arrayIncludes(true); + _export(_export.P, 'Array', { + includes: function includes(el /* , fromIndex = 0 */) { + return $includes(this, el, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); + } + }); + _addToUnscopables('includes'); - var _arrayMethods = function (TYPE, $create) { - var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1; - var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2; - var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3; - var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4; - var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6; - var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; - var create = $create || _arraySpeciesCreate; - return function ($this, callbackfn, that) { - var O = _toObject($this); - var self = _iobject(O); - var f = _ctx(callbackfn, that, 3); - var length = _toLength(self.length); - var index = 0; - var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined; - var val, res; - for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { - val = self[index]; - res = f(val, index, O); - if (TYPE) { - if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; // map - else if (res) switch (TYPE) { - case 3: return true; // some - case 5: return val; // find - case 6: return index; // findIndex - case 2: result.push(val); // filter - } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every - } - } - return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result; - }; + var _fixReWks = function (KEY, length, exec) { + var SYMBOL = _wks(KEY); + var fns = exec(_defined, SYMBOL, ''[KEY]); + var strfn = fns[0]; + var rxfn = fns[1]; + if (_fails(function () { + var O = {}; + O[SYMBOL] = function () { return 7; }; + return ''[KEY](O) != 7; + })) { + _redefine(String.prototype, KEY, strfn); + _hide(RegExp.prototype, SYMBOL, length == 2 + // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue) + // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit) + ? function (string, arg) { return rxfn.call(string, this, arg); } + // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string) + // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string) + : function (string) { return rxfn.call(string, this); } + ); + } }; - // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] - var UNSCOPABLES = _wks('unscopables'); - var ArrayProto$1 = Array.prototype; - if (ArrayProto$1[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) _hide(ArrayProto$1, UNSCOPABLES, {}); - var _addToUnscopables = function (key) { - ArrayProto$1[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; + // @@search logic + _fixReWks('search', 1, function (defined, SEARCH, $search) { + // String.prototype.search(regexp) + return [function search(regexp) { + var O = defined(this); + var fn = regexp == undefined ? undefined : regexp[SEARCH]; + return fn !== undefined ? fn.call(regexp, O) : new RegExp(regexp)[SEARCH](String(O)); + }, $search]; + }); + + // get RegExp.prototype.flags + + var _flags = function () { + var that = _anObject(this); + var result = ''; + if (that.global) result += 'g'; + if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i'; + if (that.multiline) result += 'm'; + if (that.unicode) result += 'u'; + if (that.sticky) result += 'y'; + return result; }; + // get RegExp.prototype.flags() + if (_descriptors && /./g.flags != 'g') _objectDp.f(RegExp.prototype, 'flags', { + configurable: true, + get: _flags + }); + + var TO_STRING = 'toString'; + var $toString = /./[TO_STRING]; + + var define = function (fn) { + _redefine(RegExp.prototype, TO_STRING, fn, true); + }; + + // RegExp.prototype.toString() + if (_fails(function () { return $toString.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) != '/a/b'; })) { + define(function toString() { + var R = _anObject(this); + return '/'.concat(R.source, '/', + 'flags' in R ? R.flags : !_descriptors && R instanceof RegExp ? _flags.call(R) : undefined); + }); + // FF44- RegExp#toString has a wrong name + } else if ($toString.name != TO_STRING) { + define(function toString() { + return $toString.call(this); + }); + } + var _iterStep = function (done, value) { - return { value: value, done: !!done }; + return { value: value, done: !!done }; + }; + + var def = _objectDp.f; + + var TAG$1 = _wks('toStringTag'); + + var _setToStringTag = function (it, tag, stat) { + if (it && !_has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG$1)) def(it, TAG$1, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; var IteratorPrototype = {}; @@ -975,11 +1432,25 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { _hide(IteratorPrototype, _wks('iterator'), function () { return this; }); var _iterCreate = function (Constructor, NAME, next) { - Constructor.prototype = _objectCreate(IteratorPrototype, { next: _propertyDesc(1, next) }); - _setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); + Constructor.prototype = _objectCreate(IteratorPrototype, { next: _propertyDesc(1, next) }); + _setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; - var ITERATOR$2 = _wks('iterator'); + // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) + + + var IE_PROTO$2 = _sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); + var ObjectProto = Object.prototype; + + var _objectGpo = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { + O = _toObject(O); + if (_has(O, IE_PROTO$2)) return O[IE_PROTO$2]; + if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) { + return O.constructor.prototype; + } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; + }; + + var ITERATOR$3 = _wks('iterator'); var BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next` var FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator'; var KEYS = 'keys'; @@ -988,56 +1459,56 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { var returnThis = function () { return this; }; var _iterDefine = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { - _iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); - var getMethod = function (kind) { - if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind]; - switch (kind) { - case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; - case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; - } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; - }; - var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; - var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES; - var VALUES_BUG = false; - var proto = Base.prototype; - var $native = proto[ITERATOR$2] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]; - var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT); - var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined; - var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native; - var methods, key, IteratorPrototype; - // Fix native - if ($anyNative) { - IteratorPrototype = _objectGpo($anyNative.call(new Base())); - if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) { - // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators - _setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); - // fix for some old engines - if (typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR$2] != 'function') _hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR$2, returnThis); - } - } - // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF - if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) { - VALUES_BUG = true; - $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); }; - } - // Define iterator - if (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR$2]) { - _hide(proto, ITERATOR$2, $default); - } - // Plug for library - _iterators[NAME] = $default; - _iterators[TAG] = returnThis; - if (DEFAULT) { - methods = { - values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), - keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), - entries: $entries - }; - if (FORCED) for (key in methods) { - if (!(key in proto)) _redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); - } else _export(_export.P + _export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); - } - return methods; + _iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); + var getMethod = function (kind) { + if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind]; + switch (kind) { + case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; + case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; + } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; + }; + var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; + var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES; + var VALUES_BUG = false; + var proto = Base.prototype; + var $native = proto[ITERATOR$3] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]; + var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT); + var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined; + var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native; + var methods, key, IteratorPrototype; + // Fix native + if ($anyNative) { + IteratorPrototype = _objectGpo($anyNative.call(new Base())); + if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) { + // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators + _setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); + // fix for some old engines + if (!_library && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR$3] != 'function') _hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR$3, returnThis); + } + } + // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF + if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) { + VALUES_BUG = true; + $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); }; + } + // Define iterator + if ((!_library || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR$3])) { + _hide(proto, ITERATOR$3, $default); + } + // Plug for library + _iterators[NAME] = $default; + _iterators[TAG] = returnThis; + if (DEFAULT) { + methods = { + values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), + keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), + entries: $entries + }; + if (FORCED) for (key in methods) { + if (!(key in proto)) _redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); + } else _export(_export.P + _export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); + } + return methods; }; // Array.prototype.entries() @@ -1045,21 +1516,21 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { // Array.prototype.values() // Array.prototype[@@iterator]() var es6_array_iterator = _iterDefine(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) { - this._t = _toIobject(iterated); // target - this._i = 0; // next index - this._k = kind; // kind - // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next() + this._t = _toIobject(iterated); // target + this._i = 0; // next index + this._k = kind; // kind + // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next() }, function () { - var O = this._t; - var kind = this._k; - var index = this._i++; - if (!O || index >= O.length) { - this._t = undefined; - return _iterStep(1); - } - if (kind == 'keys') return _iterStep(0, index); - if (kind == 'values') return _iterStep(0, O[index]); - return _iterStep(0, [index, O[index]]); + var O = this._t; + var kind = this._k; + var index = this._i++; + if (!O || index >= O.length) { + this._t = undefined; + return _iterStep(1); + } + if (kind == 'keys') return _iterStep(0, index); + if (kind == 'values') return _iterStep(0, O[index]); + return _iterStep(0, [index, O[index]]); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (, @@ -1069,12792 +1540,8907 @@ typeof navigator === "object" && (function (global, factory) { _addToUnscopables('values'); _addToUnscopables('entries'); - var ITERATOR$3 = _wks('iterator'); - var SAFE_CLOSING = false; + var ITERATOR$4 = _wks('iterator'); + var TO_STRING_TAG = _wks('toStringTag'); + var ArrayValues = _iterators.Array; - try { - var riter = [7][ITERATOR$3](); - riter['return'] = function () { SAFE_CLOSING = true; }; - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + var DOMIterables = { + CSSRuleList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. + CSSStyleDeclaration: false, + CSSValueList: false, + ClientRectList: false, + DOMRectList: false, + DOMStringList: false, + DOMTokenList: true, + DataTransferItemList: false, + FileList: false, + HTMLAllCollection: false, + HTMLCollection: false, + HTMLFormElement: false, + HTMLSelectElement: false, + MediaList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. + MimeTypeArray: false, + NamedNodeMap: false, + NodeList: true, + PaintRequestList: false, + Plugin: false, + PluginArray: false, + SVGLengthList: false, + SVGNumberList: false, + SVGPathSegList: false, + SVGPointList: false, + SVGStringList: false, + SVGTransformList: false, + SourceBufferList: false, + StyleSheetList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. + TextTrackCueList: false, + TextTrackList: false, + TouchList: false + }; + + for (var collections = _objectKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) { + var NAME = collections[i]; + var explicit = DOMIterables[NAME]; + var Collection = _global[NAME]; + var proto$1 = Collection && Collection.prototype; + var key$1; + if (proto$1) { + if (!proto$1[ITERATOR$4]) _hide(proto$1, ITERATOR$4, ArrayValues); + if (!proto$1[TO_STRING_TAG]) _hide(proto$1, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME); + _iterators[NAME] = ArrayValues; + if (explicit) for (key$1 in es6_array_iterator) if (!proto$1[key$1]) _redefine(proto$1, key$1, es6_array_iterator[key$1], true); + } + } - var _iterDetect = function (exec, skipClosing) { - if (!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false; - var safe = false; - try { - var arr = [7]; - var iter = arr[ITERATOR$3](); - iter.next = function () { return { done: safe = true }; }; - arr[ITERATOR$3] = function () { return iter; }; - exec(arr); - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } - return safe; - }; - - var _arrayCopyWithin = [].copyWithin || function copyWithin(target /* = 0 */, start /* = 0, end = @length */) { - var O = _toObject(this); - var len = _toLength(O.length); - var to = _toAbsoluteIndex(target, len); - var from = _toAbsoluteIndex(start, len); - var end = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - var count = Math.min((end === undefined ? len : _toAbsoluteIndex(end, len)) - from, len - to); - var inc = 1; - if (from < to && to < from + count) { - inc = -1; - from += count - 1; - to += count - 1; - } - while (count-- > 0) { - if (from in O) O[to] = O[from]; - else delete O[to]; - to += inc; - from += inc; - } return O; - }; - - var f$2 = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; + // true -> String#at + // false -> String#codePointAt + var _stringAt = function (TO_STRING) { + return function (that, pos) { + var s = String(_defined(that)); + var i = _toInteger(pos); + var l = s.length; + var a, b; + if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; + a = s.charCodeAt(i); + return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff + ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a + : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; + }; + }; + + var $at = _stringAt(true); + + // String.prototype[@@iterator]() + _iterDefine(String, 'String', function (iterated) { + this._t = String(iterated); // target + this._i = 0; // next index + // %StringIteratorPrototype%.next() + }, function () { + var O = this._t; + var index = this._i; + var point; + if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true }; + point = $at(O, index); + this._i += point.length; + return { value: point, done: false }; + }); - var _objectPie = { - f: f$2 + var _meta = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { + var META = _uid('meta'); + + + var setDesc = _objectDp.f; + var id = 0; + var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () { + return true; + }; + var FREEZE = !_fails(function () { + return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})); + }); + var setMeta = function (it) { + setDesc(it, META, { value: { + i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID + w: {} // weak collections IDs + } }); + }; + var fastKey = function (it, create) { + // return primitive with prefix + if (!_isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it; + if (!_has(it, META)) { + // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object + if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F'; + // not necessary to add metadata + if (!create) return 'E'; + // add missing metadata + setMeta(it); + // return object ID + } return it[META].i; + }; + var getWeak = function (it, create) { + if (!_has(it, META)) { + // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object + if (!isExtensible(it)) return true; + // not necessary to add metadata + if (!create) return false; + // add missing metadata + setMeta(it); + // return hash weak collections IDs + } return it[META].w; + }; + // add metadata on freeze-family methods calling + var onFreeze = function (it) { + if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !_has(it, META)) setMeta(it); + return it; + }; + var meta = module.exports = { + KEY: META, + NEED: false, + fastKey: fastKey, + getWeak: getWeak, + onFreeze: onFreeze + }; + }); + var _meta_1 = _meta.KEY; + var _meta_2 = _meta.NEED; + var _meta_3 = _meta.fastKey; + var _meta_4 = _meta.getWeak; + var _meta_5 = _meta.onFreeze; + + var f$4 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; + + var _objectGops = { + f: f$4 }; - var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + // Object.assign(target, source, ...) + + + + - var f$3 = _descriptors ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { - O = _toIobject(O); - P = _toPrimitive(P, true); - if (_ie8DomDefine) try { - return gOPD(O, P); - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } - if (_has(O, P)) return _propertyDesc(!_objectPie.f.call(O, P), O[P]); + var $assign = Object.assign; + + // should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug) + var _objectAssign = !$assign || _fails(function () { + var A = {}; + var B = {}; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef + var S = Symbol(); + var K = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; + A[S] = 7; + K.split('').forEach(function (k) { B[k] = k; }); + return $assign({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys($assign({}, B)).join('') != K; + }) ? function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars + var T = _toObject(target); + var aLen = arguments.length; + var index = 1; + var getSymbols = _objectGops.f; + var isEnum = _objectPie.f; + while (aLen > index) { + var S = _iobject(arguments[index++]); + var keys = getSymbols ? _objectKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : _objectKeys(S); + var length = keys.length; + var j = 0; + var key; + while (length > j) if (isEnum.call(S, key = keys[j++])) T[key] = S[key]; + } return T; + } : $assign; + + var _redefineAll = function (target, src, safe) { + for (var key in src) _redefine(target, key, src[key], safe); + return target; }; - var _objectGopd = { - f: f$3 + var _anInstance = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { + if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) { + throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!'); + } return it; }; - var _typedArray = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - if (_descriptors) { - var global = _global; - var fails = _fails; - var $export = _export; - var $typed = _typed; - var $buffer = _typedBuffer; - var ctx = _ctx; - var anInstance = _anInstance; - var propertyDesc = _propertyDesc; - var hide = _hide; - var redefineAll = _redefineAll; - var toInteger = _toInteger; - var toLength = _toLength; - var toIndex = _toIndex; - var toAbsoluteIndex = _toAbsoluteIndex; - var toPrimitive = _toPrimitive; - var has = _has; - var classof = _classof; - var isObject = _isObject; - var toObject = _toObject; - var isArrayIter = _isArrayIter; - var create = _objectCreate; - var getPrototypeOf = _objectGpo; - var gOPN = _objectGopn.f; - var getIterFn = core_getIteratorMethod; - var uid = _uid; - var wks = _wks; - var createArrayMethod = _arrayMethods; - var createArrayIncludes = _arrayIncludes; - var speciesConstructor = _speciesConstructor; - var ArrayIterators = es6_array_iterator; - var Iterators = _iterators; - var $iterDetect = _iterDetect; - var setSpecies = _setSpecies; - var arrayFill = _arrayFill; - var arrayCopyWithin = _arrayCopyWithin; - var $DP = _objectDp; - var $GOPD = _objectGopd; - var dP = $DP.f; - var gOPD = $GOPD.f; - var RangeError = global.RangeError; - var TypeError = global.TypeError; - var Uint8Array = global.Uint8Array; - var ARRAY_BUFFER = 'ArrayBuffer'; - var SHARED_BUFFER = 'Shared' + ARRAY_BUFFER; - var BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 'BYTES_PER_ELEMENT'; - var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; - var ArrayProto = Array[PROTOTYPE]; - var $ArrayBuffer = $buffer.ArrayBuffer; - var $DataView = $buffer.DataView; - var arrayForEach = createArrayMethod(0); - var arrayFilter = createArrayMethod(2); - var arraySome = createArrayMethod(3); - var arrayEvery = createArrayMethod(4); - var arrayFind = createArrayMethod(5); - var arrayFindIndex = createArrayMethod(6); - var arrayIncludes = createArrayIncludes(true); - var arrayIndexOf = createArrayIncludes(false); - var arrayValues = ArrayIterators.values; - var arrayKeys = ArrayIterators.keys; - var arrayEntries = ArrayIterators.entries; - var arrayLastIndexOf = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf; - var arrayReduce = ArrayProto.reduce; - var arrayReduceRight = ArrayProto.reduceRight; - var arrayJoin = ArrayProto.join; - var arraySort = ArrayProto.sort; - var arraySlice = ArrayProto.slice; - var arrayToString = ArrayProto.toString; - var arrayToLocaleString = ArrayProto.toLocaleString; - var ITERATOR = wks('iterator'); - var TAG = wks('toStringTag'); - var TYPED_CONSTRUCTOR = uid('typed_constructor'); - var DEF_CONSTRUCTOR = uid('def_constructor'); - var ALL_CONSTRUCTORS = $typed.CONSTR; - var TYPED_ARRAY = $typed.TYPED; - var VIEW = $typed.VIEW; - var WRONG_LENGTH = 'Wrong length!'; - - var $map = createArrayMethod(1, function (O, length) { - return allocate(speciesConstructor(O, O[DEF_CONSTRUCTOR]), length); - }); - - var LITTLE_ENDIAN = fails(function () { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef - return new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([1]).buffer)[0] === 1; - }); - - var FORCED_SET = !!Uint8Array && !!Uint8Array[PROTOTYPE].set && fails(function () { - new Uint8Array(1).set({}); - }); - - var toOffset = function (it, BYTES) { - var offset = toInteger(it); - if (offset < 0 || offset % BYTES) throw RangeError('Wrong offset!'); - return offset; - }; - - var validate = function (it) { - if (isObject(it) && TYPED_ARRAY in it) return it; - throw TypeError(it + ' is not a typed array!'); - }; - - var allocate = function (C, length) { - if (!(isObject(C) && TYPED_CONSTRUCTOR in C)) { - throw TypeError('It is not a typed array constructor!'); - } return new C(length); - }; - - var speciesFromList = function (O, list) { - return fromList(speciesConstructor(O, O[DEF_CONSTRUCTOR]), list); - }; - - var fromList = function (C, list) { - var index = 0; - var length = list.length; - var result = allocate(C, length); - while (length > index) result[index] = list[index++]; - return result; - }; - - var addGetter = function (it, key, internal) { - dP(it, key, { get: function () { return this._d[internal]; } }); - }; - - var $from = function from(source /* , mapfn, thisArg */) { - var O = toObject(source); - var aLen = arguments.length; - var mapfn = aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; - var mapping = mapfn !== undefined; - var iterFn = getIterFn(O); - var i, length, values, result, step, iterator; - if (iterFn != undefined && !isArrayIter(iterFn)) { - for (iterator = iterFn.call(O), values = [], i = 0; !(step = iterator.next()).done; i++) { - values.push(step.value); - } O = values; - } - if (mapping && aLen > 2) mapfn = ctx(mapfn, arguments[2], 2); - for (i = 0, length = toLength(O.length), result = allocate(this, length); length > i; i++) { - result[i] = mapping ? mapfn(O[i], i) : O[i]; - } - return result; - }; - - var $of = function of(/* ...items */) { - var index = 0; - var length = arguments.length; - var result = allocate(this, length); - while (length > index) result[index] = arguments[index++]; - return result; - }; - - // iOS Safari 6.x fails here - var TO_LOCALE_BUG = !!Uint8Array && fails(function () { arrayToLocaleString.call(new Uint8Array(1)); }); - - var $toLocaleString = function toLocaleString() { - return arrayToLocaleString.apply(TO_LOCALE_BUG ? arraySlice.call(validate(this)) : validate(this), arguments); - }; - - var proto = { - copyWithin: function copyWithin(target, start /* , end */) { - return arrayCopyWithin.call(validate(this), target, start, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined); - }, - every: function every(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { - return arrayEvery(validate(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - fill: function fill(value /* , start, end */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - return arrayFill.apply(validate(this), arguments); - }, - filter: function filter(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { - return speciesFromList(this, arrayFilter(validate(this), callbackfn, - arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined)); - }, - find: function find(predicate /* , thisArg */) { - return arrayFind(validate(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - findIndex: function findIndex(predicate /* , thisArg */) { - return arrayFindIndex(validate(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - forEach: function forEach(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { - arrayForEach(validate(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - indexOf: function indexOf(searchElement /* , fromIndex */) { - return arrayIndexOf(validate(this), searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - includes: function includes(searchElement /* , fromIndex */) { - return arrayIncludes(validate(this), searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - join: function join(separator) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - return arrayJoin.apply(validate(this), arguments); - }, - lastIndexOf: function lastIndexOf(searchElement /* , fromIndex */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - return arrayLastIndexOf.apply(validate(this), arguments); - }, - map: function map(mapfn /* , thisArg */) { - return $map(validate(this), mapfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - reduce: function reduce(callbackfn /* , initialValue */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - return arrayReduce.apply(validate(this), arguments); - }, - reduceRight: function reduceRight(callbackfn /* , initialValue */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - return arrayReduceRight.apply(validate(this), arguments); - }, - reverse: function reverse() { - var that = this; - var length = validate(that).length; - var middle = Math.floor(length / 2); - var index = 0; - var value; - while (index < middle) { - value = that[index]; - that[index++] = that[--length]; - that[length] = value; - } return that; - }, - some: function some(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { - return arraySome(validate(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); - }, - sort: function sort(comparefn) { - return arraySort.call(validate(this), comparefn); - }, - subarray: function subarray(begin, end) { - var O = validate(this); - var length = O.length; - var $begin = toAbsoluteIndex(begin, length); - return new (speciesConstructor(O, O[DEF_CONSTRUCTOR]))( - O.buffer, - O.byteOffset + $begin * O.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, - toLength((end === undefined ? length : toAbsoluteIndex(end, length)) - $begin) - ); - } - }; - - var $slice = function slice(start, end) { - return speciesFromList(this, arraySlice.call(validate(this), start, end)); - }; - - var $set = function set(arrayLike /* , offset */) { - validate(this); - var offset = toOffset(arguments[1], 1); - var length = this.length; - var src = toObject(arrayLike); - var len = toLength(src.length); - var index = 0; - if (len + offset > length) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH); - while (index < len) this[offset + index] = src[index++]; - }; - - var $iterators = { - entries: function entries() { - return arrayEntries.call(validate(this)); - }, - keys: function keys() { - return arrayKeys.call(validate(this)); - }, - values: function values() { - return arrayValues.call(validate(this)); - } - }; - - var isTAIndex = function (target, key) { - return isObject(target) - && target[TYPED_ARRAY] - && typeof key != 'symbol' - && key in target - && String(+key) == String(key); - }; - var $getDesc = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) { - return isTAIndex(target, key = toPrimitive(key, true)) - ? propertyDesc(2, target[key]) - : gOPD(target, key); - }; - var $setDesc = function defineProperty(target, key, desc) { - if (isTAIndex(target, key = toPrimitive(key, true)) - && isObject(desc) - && has(desc, 'value') - && !has(desc, 'get') - && !has(desc, 'set') - // TODO: add validation descriptor w/o calling accessors - && !desc.configurable - && (!has(desc, 'writable') || desc.writable) - && (!has(desc, 'enumerable') || desc.enumerable) - ) { - target[key] = desc.value; - return target; - } return dP(target, key, desc); - }; - - if (!ALL_CONSTRUCTORS) { - $GOPD.f = $getDesc; - $DP.f = $setDesc; - } - - $export($export.S + $export.F * !ALL_CONSTRUCTORS, 'Object', { - getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getDesc, - defineProperty: $setDesc - }); - - if (fails(function () { arrayToString.call({}); })) { - arrayToString = arrayToLocaleString = function toString() { - return arrayJoin.call(this); - }; - } - - var $TypedArrayPrototype$ = redefineAll({}, proto); - redefineAll($TypedArrayPrototype$, $iterators); - hide($TypedArrayPrototype$, ITERATOR, $iterators.values); - redefineAll($TypedArrayPrototype$, { - slice: $slice, - set: $set, - constructor: function () { /* noop */ }, - toString: arrayToString, - toLocaleString: $toLocaleString - }); - addGetter($TypedArrayPrototype$, 'buffer', 'b'); - addGetter($TypedArrayPrototype$, 'byteOffset', 'o'); - addGetter($TypedArrayPrototype$, 'byteLength', 'l'); - addGetter($TypedArrayPrototype$, 'length', 'e'); - dP($TypedArrayPrototype$, TAG, { - get: function () { return this[TYPED_ARRAY]; } - }); - - // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements - module.exports = function (KEY, BYTES, wrapper, CLAMPED) { - CLAMPED = !!CLAMPED; - var NAME = KEY + (CLAMPED ? 'Clamped' : '') + 'Array'; - var GETTER = 'get' + KEY; - var SETTER = 'set' + KEY; - var TypedArray = global[NAME]; - var Base = TypedArray || {}; - var TAC = TypedArray && getPrototypeOf(TypedArray); - var FORCED = !TypedArray || !$typed.ABV; - var O = {}; - var TypedArrayPrototype = TypedArray && TypedArray[PROTOTYPE]; - var getter = function (that, index) { - var data = that._d; - return data.v[GETTER](index * BYTES + data.o, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - }; - var setter = function (that, index, value) { - var data = that._d; - if (CLAMPED) value = (value = Math.round(value)) < 0 ? 0 : value > 0xff ? 0xff : value & 0xff; - data.v[SETTER](index * BYTES + data.o, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN); - }; - var addElement = function (that, index) { - dP(that, index, { - get: function () { - return getter(this, index); - }, - set: function (value) { - return setter(this, index, value); - }, - enumerable: true - }); - }; - if (FORCED) { - TypedArray = wrapper(function (that, data, $offset, $length) { - anInstance(that, TypedArray, NAME, '_d'); - var index = 0; - var offset = 0; - var buffer, byteLength, length, klass; - if (!isObject(data)) { - length = toIndex(data); - byteLength = length * BYTES; - buffer = new $ArrayBuffer(byteLength); - } else if (data instanceof $ArrayBuffer || (klass = classof(data)) == ARRAY_BUFFER || klass == SHARED_BUFFER) { - buffer = data; - offset = toOffset($offset, BYTES); - var $len = data.byteLength; - if ($length === undefined) { - if ($len % BYTES) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH); - byteLength = $len - offset; - if (byteLength < 0) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH); - } else { - byteLength = toLength($length) * BYTES; - if (byteLength + offset > $len) throw RangeError(WRONG_LENGTH); - } - length = byteLength / BYTES; - } else if (TYPED_ARRAY in data) { - return fromList(TypedArray, data); - } else { - return $from.call(TypedArray, data); - } - hide(that, '_d', { - b: buffer, - o: offset, - l: byteLength, - e: length, - v: new $DataView(buffer) - }); - while (index < length) addElement(that, index++); - }); - TypedArrayPrototype = TypedArray[PROTOTYPE] = create($TypedArrayPrototype$); - hide(TypedArrayPrototype, 'constructor', TypedArray); - } else if (!fails(function () { - TypedArray(1); - }) || !fails(function () { - new TypedArray(-1); // eslint-disable-line no-new - }) || !$iterDetect(function (iter) { - new TypedArray(); // eslint-disable-line no-new - new TypedArray(null); // eslint-disable-line no-new - new TypedArray(1.5); // eslint-disable-line no-new - new TypedArray(iter); // eslint-disable-line no-new - }, true)) { - TypedArray = wrapper(function (that, data, $offset, $length) { - anInstance(that, TypedArray, NAME); - var klass; - // `ws` module bug, temporarily remove validation length for Uint8Array - // https://github.com/websockets/ws/pull/645 - if (!isObject(data)) return new Base(toIndex(data)); - if (data instanceof $ArrayBuffer || (klass = classof(data)) == ARRAY_BUFFER || klass == SHARED_BUFFER) { - return $length !== undefined - ? new Base(data, toOffset($offset, BYTES), $length) - : $offset !== undefined - ? new Base(data, toOffset($offset, BYTES)) - : new Base(data); - } - if (TYPED_ARRAY in data) return fromList(TypedArray, data); - return $from.call(TypedArray, data); - }); - arrayForEach(TAC !== Function.prototype ? gOPN(Base).concat(gOPN(TAC)) : gOPN(Base), function (key) { - if (!(key in TypedArray)) hide(TypedArray, key, Base[key]); - }); - TypedArray[PROTOTYPE] = TypedArrayPrototype; - TypedArrayPrototype.constructor = TypedArray; - } - var $nativeIterator = TypedArrayPrototype[ITERATOR]; - var CORRECT_ITER_NAME = !!$nativeIterator - && ($nativeIterator.name == 'values' || $nativeIterator.name == undefined); - var $iterator = $iterators.values; - hide(TypedArray, TYPED_CONSTRUCTOR, true); - hide(TypedArrayPrototype, TYPED_ARRAY, NAME); - hide(TypedArrayPrototype, VIEW, true); - hide(TypedArrayPrototype, DEF_CONSTRUCTOR, TypedArray); - - if (CLAMPED ? new TypedArray(1)[TAG] != NAME : !(TAG in TypedArrayPrototype)) { - dP(TypedArrayPrototype, TAG, { - get: function () { return NAME; } - }); - } - - O[NAME] = TypedArray; - - $export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * (TypedArray != Base), O); - - $export($export.S, NAME, { - BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: BYTES - }); - - $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { Base.of.call(TypedArray, 1); }), NAME, { - from: $from, - of: $of - }); - - if (!(BYTES_PER_ELEMENT in TypedArrayPrototype)) hide(TypedArrayPrototype, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, BYTES); - - $export($export.P, NAME, proto); - - setSpecies(NAME); - - $export($export.P + $export.F * FORCED_SET, NAME, { set: $set }); - - $export($export.P + $export.F * !CORRECT_ITER_NAME, NAME, $iterators); - - if (TypedArrayPrototype.toString != arrayToString) TypedArrayPrototype.toString = arrayToString; - - $export($export.P + $export.F * fails(function () { - new TypedArray(1).slice(); - }), NAME, { slice: $slice }); - - $export($export.P + $export.F * (fails(function () { - return [1, 2].toLocaleString() != new TypedArray([1, 2]).toLocaleString(); - }) || !fails(function () { - TypedArrayPrototype.toLocaleString.call([1, 2]); - })), NAME, { toLocaleString: $toLocaleString }); - - Iterators[NAME] = CORRECT_ITER_NAME ? $nativeIterator : $iterator; - if (!CORRECT_ITER_NAME) hide(TypedArrayPrototype, ITERATOR, $iterator); - }; - } else module.exports = function () { /* empty */ }; + var _forOf = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { + var BREAK = {}; + var RETURN = {}; + var exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) { + var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function () { return iterable; } : core_getIteratorMethod(iterable); + var f = _ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1); + var index = 0; + var length, step, iterator, result; + if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!'); + // fast case for arrays with default iterator + if (_isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = _toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) { + result = entries ? f(_anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]); + if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; + } else for (iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done;) { + result = _iterCall(iterator, f, step.value, entries); + if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; + } + }; + exports.BREAK = BREAK; + exports.RETURN = RETURN; }); - _typedArray('Int8', 1, function (init) { - return function Int8Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); + var _validateCollection = function (it, TYPE) { + if (!_isObject(it) || it._t !== TYPE) throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required!'); + return it; + }; - _typedArray('Uint8', 1, function (init) { - return function Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); + var getWeak = _meta.getWeak; - _typedArray('Uint8', 1, function (init) { - return function Uint8ClampedArray(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }, true); - _typedArray('Int16', 2, function (init) { - return function Int16Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); - _typedArray('Uint16', 2, function (init) { - return function Uint16Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); - _typedArray('Int32', 4, function (init) { - return function Int32Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); - _typedArray('Uint32', 4, function (init) { - return function Uint32Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); - _typedArray('Float32', 4, function (init) { - return function Float32Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); - _typedArray('Float64', 8, function (init) { - return function Float64Array(data, byteOffset, length) { - return init(this, data, byteOffset, length); - }; - }); + var arrayFind = _arrayMethods(5); + var arrayFindIndex = _arrayMethods(6); + var id$1 = 0; - // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error + // fallback for uncaught frozen keys + var uncaughtFrozenStore = function (that) { + return that._l || (that._l = new UncaughtFrozenStore()); + }; + var UncaughtFrozenStore = function () { + this.a = []; + }; + var findUncaughtFrozen = function (store, key) { + return arrayFind(store.a, function (it) { + return it[0] === key; + }); + }; + UncaughtFrozenStore.prototype = { + get: function (key) { + var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); + if (entry) return entry[1]; + }, + has: function (key) { + return !!findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); + }, + set: function (key, value) { + var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); + if (entry) entry[1] = value; + else this.a.push([key, value]); + }, + 'delete': function (key) { + var index = arrayFindIndex(this.a, function (it) { + return it[0] === key; + }); + if (~index) this.a.splice(index, 1); + return !!~index; + } + }; - var _iterCall = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { - try { - return entries ? fn(_anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); - // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion) - } catch (e) { - var ret = iterator['return']; - if (ret !== undefined) _anObject(ret.call(iterator)); - throw e; - } + var _collectionWeak = { + getConstructor: function (wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) { + var C = wrapper(function (that, iterable) { + _anInstance(that, C, NAME, '_i'); + that._t = NAME; // collection type + that._i = id$1++; // collection id + that._l = undefined; // leak store for uncaught frozen objects + if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); + }); + _redefineAll(C.prototype, { + // WeakMap.prototype.delete(key) + // WeakSet.prototype.delete(value) + 'delete': function (key) { + if (!_isObject(key)) return false; + var data = getWeak(key); + if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, NAME))['delete'](key); + return data && _has(data, this._i) && delete data[this._i]; + }, + // WeakMap.prototype.has(key) + // WeakSet.prototype.has(value) + has: function has(key) { + if (!_isObject(key)) return false; + var data = getWeak(key); + if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, NAME)).has(key); + return data && _has(data, this._i); + } + }); + return C; + }, + def: function (that, key, value) { + var data = getWeak(_anObject(key), true); + if (data === true) uncaughtFrozenStore(that).set(key, value); + else data[that._i] = value; + return that; + }, + ufstore: uncaughtFrozenStore }; - var _forOf = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var BREAK = {}; - var RETURN = {}; - var exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) { - var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function () { return iterable; } : core_getIteratorMethod(iterable); - var f = _ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1); - var index = 0; - var length, step, iterator, result; - if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!'); - // fast case for arrays with default iterator - if (_isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = _toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) { - result = entries ? f(_anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]); - if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; - } else for (iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done;) { - result = _iterCall(iterator, f, step.value, entries); - if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; - } - }; - exports.BREAK = BREAK; - exports.RETURN = RETURN; + var _collection = function (NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) { + var Base = _global[NAME]; + var C = Base; + var ADDER = IS_MAP ? 'set' : 'add'; + var proto = C && C.prototype; + var O = {}; + var fixMethod = function (KEY) { + var fn = proto[KEY]; + _redefine(proto, KEY, + KEY == 'delete' ? function (a) { + return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); + } : KEY == 'has' ? function has(a) { + return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); + } : KEY == 'get' ? function get(a) { + return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? undefined : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); + } : KEY == 'add' ? function add(a) { fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); return this; } + : function set(a, b) { fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a, b); return this; } + ); + }; + if (typeof C != 'function' || !(IS_WEAK || proto.forEach && !_fails(function () { + new C().entries().next(); + }))) { + // create collection constructor + C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER); + _redefineAll(C.prototype, methods); + _meta.NEED = true; + } else { + var instance = new C(); + // early implementations not supports chaining + var HASNT_CHAINING = instance[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) != instance; + // V8 ~ Chromium 40- weak-collections throws on primitives, but should return false + var THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES = _fails(function () { instance.has(1); }); + // most early implementations doesn't supports iterables, most modern - not close it correctly + var ACCEPT_ITERABLES = _iterDetect(function (iter) { new C(iter); }); // eslint-disable-line no-new + // for early implementations -0 and +0 not the same + var BUGGY_ZERO = !IS_WEAK && _fails(function () { + // V8 ~ Chromium 42- fails only with 5+ elements + var $instance = new C(); + var index = 5; + while (index--) $instance[ADDER](index, index); + return !$instance.has(-0); + }); + if (!ACCEPT_ITERABLES) { + C = wrapper(function (target, iterable) { + _anInstance(target, C, NAME); + var that = _inheritIfRequired(new Base(), target, C); + if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); + return that; + }); + C.prototype = proto; + proto.constructor = C; + } + if (THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES || BUGGY_ZERO) { + fixMethod('delete'); + fixMethod('has'); + IS_MAP && fixMethod('get'); + } + if (BUGGY_ZERO || HASNT_CHAINING) fixMethod(ADDER); + // weak collections should not contains .clear method + if (IS_WEAK && proto.clear) delete proto.clear; + } + + _setToStringTag(C, NAME); + + O[NAME] = C; + _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * (C != Base), O); + + if (!IS_WEAK) common.setStrong(C, NAME, IS_MAP); + + return C; + }; + + var es6_weakMap = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { + var each = _arrayMethods(0); + + + + + + + + var WEAK_MAP = 'WeakMap'; + var getWeak = _meta.getWeak; + var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible; + var uncaughtFrozenStore = _collectionWeak.ufstore; + var tmp = {}; + var InternalMap; + + var wrapper = function (get) { + return function WeakMap() { + return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); + }; + }; + + var methods = { + // WeakMap.prototype.get(key) + get: function get(key) { + if (_isObject(key)) { + var data = getWeak(key); + if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, WEAK_MAP)).get(key); + return data ? data[this._i] : undefined; + } + }, + // WeakMap.prototype.set(key, value) + set: function set(key, value) { + return _collectionWeak.def(_validateCollection(this, WEAK_MAP), key, value); + } + }; + + // 23.3 WeakMap Objects + var $WeakMap = module.exports = _collection(WEAK_MAP, wrapper, methods, _collectionWeak, true, true); + + // IE11 WeakMap frozen keys fix + if (_fails(function () { return new $WeakMap().set((Object.freeze || Object)(tmp), 7).get(tmp) != 7; })) { + InternalMap = _collectionWeak.getConstructor(wrapper, WEAK_MAP); + _objectAssign(InternalMap.prototype, methods); + _meta.NEED = true; + each(['delete', 'has', 'get', 'set'], function (key) { + var proto = $WeakMap.prototype; + var method = proto[key]; + _redefine(proto, key, function (a, b) { + // store frozen objects on internal weakmap shim + if (_isObject(a) && !isExtensible(a)) { + if (!this._f) this._f = new InternalMap(); + var result = this._f[key](a, b); + return key == 'set' ? this : result; + // store all the rest on native weakmap + } return method.call(this, a, b); + }); + }); + } }); - var _meta = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var META = _uid('meta'); + function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } + } + function _defineProperties(target, props) { + for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { + var descriptor = props[i]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } + } - var setDesc = _objectDp.f; - var id = 0; - var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () { - return true; - }; - var FREEZE = !_fails(function () { - return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})); + function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; + } + + function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { + value: value, + enumerable: true, + configurable: true, + writable: true + }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + + return obj; + } + + function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { + return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); + } + + function _toConsumableArray(arr) { + return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); + } + + function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) { + for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; + + return arr2; + } + } + + function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; + } + + function _iterableToArray(iter) { + if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || Object.prototype.toString.call(iter) === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); + } + + function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { + var _arr = []; + var _n = true; + var _d = false; + var _e = undefined; + + try { + for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { + _arr.push(_s.value); + + if (i && _arr.length === i) break; + } + } catch (err) { + _d = true; + _e = err; + } finally { + try { + if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); + } finally { + if (_d) throw _e; + } + } + + return _arr; + } + + function _nonIterableSpread() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); + } + + function _nonIterableRest() { + throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); + } + + // Object.assign(target, source) + + + _export(_export.S + _export.F, 'Object', { assign: _objectAssign }); + + // @@split logic + _fixReWks('split', 2, function (defined, SPLIT, $split) { + var isRegExp = _isRegexp; + var _split = $split; + var $push = [].push; + var $SPLIT = 'split'; + var LENGTH = 'length'; + var LAST_INDEX = 'lastIndex'; + if ( + 'abbc'[$SPLIT](/(b)*/)[1] == 'c' || + 'test'[$SPLIT](/(?:)/, -1)[LENGTH] != 4 || + 'ab'[$SPLIT](/(?:ab)*/)[LENGTH] != 2 || + '.'[$SPLIT](/(.?)(.?)/)[LENGTH] != 4 || + '.'[$SPLIT](/()()/)[LENGTH] > 1 || + ''[$SPLIT](/.?/)[LENGTH] + ) { + var NPCG = /()??/.exec('')[1] === undefined; // nonparticipating capturing group + // based on es5-shim implementation, need to rework it + $split = function (separator, limit) { + var string = String(this); + if (separator === undefined && limit === 0) return []; + // If `separator` is not a regex, use native split + if (!isRegExp(separator)) return _split.call(string, separator, limit); + var output = []; + var flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + + (separator.multiline ? 'm' : '') + + (separator.unicode ? 'u' : '') + + (separator.sticky ? 'y' : ''); + var lastLastIndex = 0; + var splitLimit = limit === undefined ? 4294967295 : limit >>> 0; + // Make `global` and avoid `lastIndex` issues by working with a copy + var separatorCopy = new RegExp(separator.source, flags + 'g'); + var separator2, match, lastIndex, lastLength, i; + // Doesn't need flags gy, but they don't hurt + if (!NPCG) separator2 = new RegExp('^' + separatorCopy.source + '$(?!\\s)', flags); + while (match = separatorCopy.exec(string)) { + // `separatorCopy.lastIndex` is not reliable cross-browser + lastIndex = match.index + match[0][LENGTH]; + if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) { + output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index)); + // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined` for NPCG + // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func + if (!NPCG && match[LENGTH] > 1) match[0].replace(separator2, function () { + for (i = 1; i < arguments[LENGTH] - 2; i++) if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined; + }); + if (match[LENGTH] > 1 && match.index < string[LENGTH]) $push.apply(output, match.slice(1)); + lastLength = match[0][LENGTH]; + lastLastIndex = lastIndex; + if (output[LENGTH] >= splitLimit) break; + } + if (separatorCopy[LAST_INDEX] === match.index) separatorCopy[LAST_INDEX]++; // Avoid an infinite loop + } + if (lastLastIndex === string[LENGTH]) { + if (lastLength || !separatorCopy.test('')) output.push(''); + } else output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex)); + return output[LENGTH] > splitLimit ? output.slice(0, splitLimit) : output; + }; + // Chakra, V8 + } else if ('0'[$SPLIT](undefined, 0)[LENGTH]) { + $split = function (separator, limit) { + return separator === undefined && limit === 0 ? [] : _split.call(this, separator, limit); + }; + } + // String.prototype.split(separator, limit) + return [function split(separator, limit) { + var O = defined(this); + var fn = separator == undefined ? undefined : separator[SPLIT]; + return fn !== undefined ? fn.call(separator, O, limit) : $split.call(String(O), separator, limit); + }, $split]; }); - var setMeta = function (it) { - setDesc(it, META, { value: { - i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID - w: {} // weak collections IDs - } }); - }; - var fastKey = function (it, create) { - // return primitive with prefix - if (!_isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it; - if (!_has(it, META)) { - // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object - if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F'; - // not necessary to add metadata - if (!create) return 'E'; - // add missing metadata - setMeta(it); - // return object ID - } return it[META].i; - }; - var getWeak = function (it, create) { - if (!_has(it, META)) { - // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object - if (!isExtensible(it)) return true; - // not necessary to add metadata - if (!create) return false; - // add missing metadata - setMeta(it); - // return hash weak collections IDs - } return it[META].w; - }; - // add metadata on freeze-family methods calling - var onFreeze = function (it) { - if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !_has(it, META)) setMeta(it); - return it; - }; - var meta = module.exports = { - KEY: META, - NEED: false, - fastKey: fastKey, - getWeak: getWeak, - onFreeze: onFreeze + + var isEnum = _objectPie.f; + var _objectToArray = function (isEntries) { + return function (it) { + var O = _toIobject(it); + var keys = _objectKeys(O); + var length = keys.length; + var i = 0; + var result = []; + var key; + while (length > i) if (isEnum.call(O, key = keys[i++])) { + result.push(isEntries ? [key, O[key]] : O[key]); + } return result; + }; }; + + // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-values-entries + + var $entries = _objectToArray(true); + + _export(_export.S, 'Object', { + entries: function entries(it) { + return $entries(it); + } }); - var _meta_1 = _meta.KEY; - var _meta_2 = _meta.NEED; - var _meta_3 = _meta.fastKey; - var _meta_4 = _meta.getWeak; - var _meta_5 = _meta.onFreeze; - var _validateCollection = function (it, TYPE) { - if (!_isObject(it) || it._t !== TYPE) throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required!'); - return it; - }; + // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-values-entries - var dP$1 = _objectDp.f; + var $values = _objectToArray(false); + _export(_export.S, 'Object', { + values: function values(it) { + return $values(it); + } + }); + // @@replace logic + _fixReWks('replace', 2, function (defined, REPLACE, $replace) { + // String.prototype.replace(searchValue, replaceValue) + return [function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) { + var O = defined(this); + var fn = searchValue == undefined ? undefined : searchValue[REPLACE]; + return fn !== undefined + ? fn.call(searchValue, O, replaceValue) + : $replace.call(String(O), searchValue, replaceValue); + }, $replace]; + }); + // 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor) + var SPECIES$1 = _wks('species'); + var _speciesConstructor = function (O, D) { + var C = _anObject(O).constructor; + var S; + return C === undefined || (S = _anObject(C)[SPECIES$1]) == undefined ? D : _aFunction(S); + }; + // fast apply, http://jsperf.lnkit.com/fast-apply/5 + var _invoke = function (fn, args, that) { + var un = that === undefined; + switch (args.length) { + case 0: return un ? fn() + : fn.call(that); + case 1: return un ? fn(args[0]) + : fn.call(that, args[0]); + case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1]) + : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1]); + case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2]) + : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2]); + case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) + : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); + } return fn.apply(that, args); + }; + var process = _global.process; + var setTask = _global.setImmediate; + var clearTask = _global.clearImmediate; + var MessageChannel = _global.MessageChannel; + var Dispatch = _global.Dispatch; + var counter = 0; + var queue = {}; + var ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange'; + var defer, channel, port; + var run = function () { + var id = +this; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins + if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) { + var fn = queue[id]; + delete queue[id]; + fn(); + } + }; + var listener = function (event) { + run.call(event.data); + }; + // Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise: + if (!setTask || !clearTask) { + setTask = function setImmediate(fn) { + var args = []; + var i = 1; + while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); + queue[++counter] = function () { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func + _invoke(typeof fn == 'function' ? fn : Function(fn), args); + }; + defer(counter); + return counter; + }; + clearTask = function clearImmediate(id) { + delete queue[id]; + }; + // Node.js 0.8- + if (_cof(process) == 'process') { + defer = function (id) { + process.nextTick(_ctx(run, id, 1)); + }; + // Sphere (JS game engine) Dispatch API + } else if (Dispatch && Dispatch.now) { + defer = function (id) { + Dispatch.now(_ctx(run, id, 1)); + }; + // Browsers with MessageChannel, includes WebWorkers + } else if (MessageChannel) { + channel = new MessageChannel(); + port = channel.port2; + channel.port1.onmessage = listener; + defer = _ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1); + // Browsers with postMessage, skip WebWorkers + // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is 'object' + } else if (_global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == 'function' && !_global.importScripts) { + defer = function (id) { + _global.postMessage(id + '', '*'); + }; + _global.addEventListener('message', listener, false); + // IE8- + } else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in _domCreate('script')) { + defer = function (id) { + _html.appendChild(_domCreate('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function () { + _html.removeChild(this); + run.call(id); + }; + }; + // Rest old browsers + } else { + defer = function (id) { + setTimeout(_ctx(run, id, 1), 0); + }; + } + } + var _task = { + set: setTask, + clear: clearTask + }; + var macrotask = _task.set; + var Observer = _global.MutationObserver || _global.WebKitMutationObserver; + var process$1 = _global.process; + var Promise$1 = _global.Promise; + var isNode = _cof(process$1) == 'process'; - var fastKey = _meta.fastKey; - - var SIZE = _descriptors ? '_s' : 'size'; - - var getEntry = function (that, key) { - // fast case - var index = fastKey(key); - var entry; - if (index !== 'F') return that._i[index]; - // frozen object case - for (entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) { - if (entry.k == key) return entry; - } - }; - - var _collectionStrong = { - getConstructor: function (wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) { - var C = wrapper(function (that, iterable) { - _anInstance(that, C, NAME, '_i'); - that._t = NAME; // collection type - that._i = _objectCreate(null); // index - that._f = undefined; // first entry - that._l = undefined; // last entry - that[SIZE] = 0; // size - if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); - }); - _redefineAll(C.prototype, { - // Map.prototype.clear() - // Set.prototype.clear() - clear: function clear() { - for (var that = _validateCollection(this, NAME), data = that._i, entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) { - entry.r = true; - if (entry.p) entry.p = entry.p.n = undefined; - delete data[entry.i]; - } - that._f = that._l = undefined; - that[SIZE] = 0; - }, - // Map.prototype.delete(key) - // Set.prototype.delete(value) - 'delete': function (key) { - var that = _validateCollection(this, NAME); - var entry = getEntry(that, key); - if (entry) { - var next = entry.n; - var prev = entry.p; - delete that._i[entry.i]; - entry.r = true; - if (prev) prev.n = next; - if (next) next.p = prev; - if (that._f == entry) that._f = next; - if (that._l == entry) that._l = prev; - that[SIZE]--; - } return !!entry; - }, - // Set.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) - // Map.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) - forEach: function forEach(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) { - _validateCollection(this, NAME); - var f = _ctx(callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, 3); - var entry; - while (entry = entry ? entry.n : this._f) { - f(entry.v, entry.k, this); - // revert to the last existing entry - while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p; - } - }, - // Map.prototype.has(key) - // Set.prototype.has(value) - has: function has(key) { - return !!getEntry(_validateCollection(this, NAME), key); - } - }); - if (_descriptors) dP$1(C.prototype, 'size', { - get: function () { - return _validateCollection(this, NAME)[SIZE]; - } - }); - return C; - }, - def: function (that, key, value) { - var entry = getEntry(that, key); - var prev, index; - // change existing entry - if (entry) { - entry.v = value; - // create new entry - } else { - that._l = entry = { - i: index = fastKey(key, true), // <- index - k: key, // <- key - v: value, // <- value - p: prev = that._l, // <- previous entry - n: undefined, // <- next entry - r: false // <- removed - }; - if (!that._f) that._f = entry; - if (prev) prev.n = entry; - that[SIZE]++; - // add to index - if (index !== 'F') that._i[index] = entry; - } return that; - }, - getEntry: getEntry, - setStrong: function (C, NAME, IS_MAP) { - // add .keys, .values, .entries, [@@iterator] - //,,,,,,, - _iterDefine(C, NAME, function (iterated, kind) { - this._t = _validateCollection(iterated, NAME); // target - this._k = kind; // kind - this._l = undefined; // previous - }, function () { - var that = this; - var kind = that._k; - var entry = that._l; - // revert to the last existing entry - while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p; - // get next entry - if (!that._t || !(that._l = entry = entry ? entry.n : that._t._f)) { - // or finish the iteration - that._t = undefined; - return _iterStep(1); - } - // return step by kind - if (kind == 'keys') return _iterStep(0, entry.k); - if (kind == 'values') return _iterStep(0, entry.v); - return _iterStep(0, [entry.k, entry.v]); - }, IS_MAP ? 'entries' : 'values', !IS_MAP, true); - - // add [@@species],, - _setSpecies(NAME); - } + var _microtask = function () { + var head, last, notify; + + var flush = function () { + var parent, fn; + if (isNode && (parent = process$1.domain)) parent.exit(); + while (head) { + fn = head.fn; + head = head.next; + try { + fn(); + } catch (e) { + if (head) notify(); + else last = undefined; + throw e; + } + } last = undefined; + if (parent) parent.enter(); + }; + + // Node.js + if (isNode) { + notify = function () { + process$1.nextTick(flush); + }; + // browsers with MutationObserver, except iOS Safari - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/339 + } else if (Observer && !(_global.navigator && _global.navigator.standalone)) { + var toggle = true; + var node = document.createTextNode(''); + new Observer(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true }); // eslint-disable-line no-new + notify = function () { + node.data = toggle = !toggle; + }; + // environments with maybe non-completely correct, but existent Promise + } else if (Promise$1 && Promise$1.resolve) { + // Promise.resolve without an argument throws an error in LG WebOS 2 + var promise = Promise$1.resolve(undefined); + notify = function () { + promise.then(flush); + }; + // for other environments - macrotask based on: + // - setImmediate + // - MessageChannel + // - window.postMessag + // - onreadystatechange + // - setTimeout + } else { + notify = function () { + // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global) + macrotask.call(_global, flush); + }; + } + + return function (fn) { + var task = { fn: fn, next: undefined }; + if (last) last.next = task; + if (!head) { + head = task; + notify(); + } last = task; + }; }; - // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. - /* eslint-disable no-proto */ + // NewPromiseCapability(C) - var check = function (O, proto) { - _anObject(O); - if (!_isObject(proto) && proto !== null) throw TypeError(proto + ": can't set as prototype!"); + function PromiseCapability(C) { + var resolve, reject; + this.promise = new C(function ($$resolve, $$reject) { + if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw TypeError('Bad Promise constructor'); + resolve = $$resolve; + reject = $$reject; + }); + this.resolve = _aFunction(resolve); + this.reject = _aFunction(reject); + } + + var f$5 = function (C) { + return new PromiseCapability(C); }; - var _setProto = { - set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? // eslint-disable-line - function (test, buggy, set) { - try { - set = _ctx(Function.call, _objectGopd.f(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2); - set(test, []); - buggy = !(test instanceof Array); - } catch (e) { buggy = true; } - return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { - check(O, proto); - if (buggy) O.__proto__ = proto; - else set(O, proto); - return O; - }; - }({}, false) : undefined), - check: check + + var _newPromiseCapability = { + f: f$5 }; - var setPrototypeOf = _setProto.set; - var _inheritIfRequired = function (that, target, C) { - var S = target.constructor; - var P; - if (S !== C && typeof S == 'function' && (P = S.prototype) !== C.prototype && _isObject(P) && setPrototypeOf) { - setPrototypeOf(that, P); - } return that; + var _perform = function (exec) { + try { + return { e: false, v: exec() }; + } catch (e) { + return { e: true, v: e }; + } }; - var _collection = function (NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) { - var Base = _global[NAME]; - var C = Base; - var ADDER = IS_MAP ? 'set' : 'add'; - var proto = C && C.prototype; - var O = {}; - var fixMethod = function (KEY) { - var fn = proto[KEY]; - _redefine(proto, KEY, - KEY == 'delete' ? function (a) { - return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); - } : KEY == 'has' ? function has(a) { - return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); - } : KEY == 'get' ? function get(a) { - return IS_WEAK && !_isObject(a) ? undefined : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); - } : KEY == 'add' ? function add(a) { fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); return this; } - : function set(a, b) { fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a, b); return this; } - ); - }; - if (typeof C != 'function' || !(IS_WEAK || proto.forEach && !_fails(function () { - new C().entries().next(); - }))) { - // create collection constructor - C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER); - _redefineAll(C.prototype, methods); - _meta.NEED = true; - } else { - var instance = new C(); - // early implementations not supports chaining - var HASNT_CHAINING = instance[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) != instance; - // V8 ~ Chromium 40- weak-collections throws on primitives, but should return false - var THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES = _fails(function () { instance.has(1); }); - // most early implementations doesn't supports iterables, most modern - not close it correctly - var ACCEPT_ITERABLES = _iterDetect(function (iter) { new C(iter); }); // eslint-disable-line no-new - // for early implementations -0 and +0 not the same - var BUGGY_ZERO = !IS_WEAK && _fails(function () { - // V8 ~ Chromium 42- fails only with 5+ elements - var $instance = new C(); - var index = 5; - while (index--) $instance[ADDER](index, index); - return !$instance.has(-0); - }); - if (!ACCEPT_ITERABLES) { - C = wrapper(function (target, iterable) { - _anInstance(target, C, NAME); - var that = _inheritIfRequired(new Base(), target, C); - if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); - return that; - }); - C.prototype = proto; - proto.constructor = C; - } - if (THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES || BUGGY_ZERO) { - fixMethod('delete'); - fixMethod('has'); - IS_MAP && fixMethod('get'); - } - if (BUGGY_ZERO || HASNT_CHAINING) fixMethod(ADDER); - // weak collections should not contains .clear method - if (IS_WEAK && proto.clear) delete proto.clear; - } - - _setToStringTag(C, NAME); - - O[NAME] = C; - _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * (C != Base), O); - - if (!IS_WEAK) common.setStrong(C, NAME, IS_MAP); - - return C; - }; - - var MAP = 'Map'; - - // 23.1 Map Objects - var es6_map = _collection(MAP, function (get) { - return function Map() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); }; - }, { - // Map.prototype.get(key) - get: function get(key) { - var entry = _collectionStrong.getEntry(_validateCollection(this, MAP), key); - return entry && entry.v; - }, - // Map.prototype.set(key, value) - set: function set(key, value) { - return _collectionStrong.def(_validateCollection(this, MAP), key === 0 ? 0 : key, value); - } - }, _collectionStrong, true); - - var SET = 'Set'; - - // 23.2 Set Objects - var es6_set = _collection(SET, function (get) { - return function Set() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); }; - }, { - // Set.prototype.add(value) - add: function add(value) { - return _collectionStrong.def(_validateCollection(this, SET), value = value === 0 ? 0 : value, value); - } - }, _collectionStrong); + var navigator$1 = _global.navigator; - var f$4 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; + var _userAgent = navigator$1 && navigator$1.userAgent || ''; - var _objectGops = { - f: f$4 + var _promiseResolve = function (C, x) { + _anObject(C); + if (_isObject(x) && x.constructor === C) return x; + var promiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f(C); + var resolve = promiseCapability.resolve; + resolve(x); + return promiseCapability.promise; }; - // Object.assign(target, source, ...) + var SPECIES$2 = _wks('species'); + var _setSpecies = function (KEY) { + var C = _global[KEY]; + if (_descriptors && C && !C[SPECIES$2]) _objectDp.f(C, SPECIES$2, { + configurable: true, + get: function () { return this; } + }); + }; + var task = _task.set; + var microtask = _microtask(); - var $assign = Object.assign; - // should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug) - var _objectAssign = !$assign || _fails(function () { - var A = {}; - var B = {}; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef - var S = Symbol(); - var K = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'; - A[S] = 7; - K.split('').forEach(function (k) { B[k] = k; }); - return $assign({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys($assign({}, B)).join('') != K; - }) ? function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars - var T = _toObject(target); - var aLen = arguments.length; - var index = 1; - var getSymbols = _objectGops.f; - var isEnum = _objectPie.f; - while (aLen > index) { - var S = _iobject(arguments[index++]); - var keys = getSymbols ? _objectKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : _objectKeys(S); - var length = keys.length; - var j = 0; - var key; - while (length > j) if (isEnum.call(S, key = keys[j++])) T[key] = S[key]; - } return T; - } : $assign; + var PROMISE = 'Promise'; + var TypeError$1 = _global.TypeError; + var process$2 = _global.process; + var versions = process$2 && process$2.versions; + var v8 = versions && versions.v8 || ''; + var $Promise = _global[PROMISE]; + var isNode$1 = _classof(process$2) == 'process'; + var empty = function () { /* empty */ }; + var Internal, newGenericPromiseCapability, OwnPromiseCapability, Wrapper; + var newPromiseCapability = newGenericPromiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f; - var getWeak = _meta.getWeak; + var USE_NATIVE = !!function () { + try { + // correct subclassing with @@species support + var promise = $Promise.resolve(1); + var FakePromise = (promise.constructor = {})[_wks('species')] = function (exec) { + exec(empty, empty); + }; + // unhandled rejections tracking support, NodeJS Promise without it fails @@species test + return (isNode$1 || typeof PromiseRejectionEvent == 'function') + && promise.then(empty) instanceof FakePromise + // v8 6.6 (Node 10 and Chrome 66) have a bug with resolving custom thenables + // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=830565 + // we can't detect it synchronously, so just check versions + && v8.indexOf('6.6') !== 0 + && _userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/66') === -1; + } catch (e) { /* empty */ } + }(); + + // helpers + var isThenable = function (it) { + var then; + return _isObject(it) && typeof (then = it.then) == 'function' ? then : false; + }; + var notify = function (promise, isReject) { + if (promise._n) return; + promise._n = true; + var chain = promise._c; + microtask(function () { + var value = promise._v; + var ok = promise._s == 1; + var i = 0; + var run = function (reaction) { + var handler = ok ? reaction.ok : reaction.fail; + var resolve = reaction.resolve; + var reject = reaction.reject; + var domain = reaction.domain; + var result, then, exited; + try { + if (handler) { + if (!ok) { + if (promise._h == 2) onHandleUnhandled(promise); + promise._h = 1; + } + if (handler === true) result = value; + else { + if (domain) domain.enter(); + result = handler(value); // may throw + if (domain) { + domain.exit(); + exited = true; + } + } + if (result === reaction.promise) { + reject(TypeError$1('Promise-chain cycle')); + } else if (then = isThenable(result)) { + then.call(result, resolve, reject); + } else resolve(result); + } else reject(value); + } catch (e) { + if (domain && !exited) domain.exit(); + reject(e); + } + }; + while (chain.length > i) run(chain[i++]); // variable length - can't use forEach + promise._c = []; + promise._n = false; + if (isReject && !promise._h) onUnhandled(promise); + }); + }; + var onUnhandled = function (promise) { + task.call(_global, function () { + var value = promise._v; + var unhandled = isUnhandled(promise); + var result, handler, console; + if (unhandled) { + result = _perform(function () { + if (isNode$1) { + process$2.emit('unhandledRejection', value, promise); + } else if (handler = _global.onunhandledrejection) { + handler({ promise: promise, reason: value }); + } else if ((console = _global.console) && console.error) { + console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', value); + } + }); + // Browsers should not trigger `rejectionHandled` event if it was handled here, NodeJS - should + promise._h = isNode$1 || isUnhandled(promise) ? 2 : 1; + } promise._a = undefined; + if (unhandled && result.e) throw result.v; + }); + }; + var isUnhandled = function (promise) { + return promise._h !== 1 && (promise._a || promise._c).length === 0; + }; + var onHandleUnhandled = function (promise) { + task.call(_global, function () { + var handler; + if (isNode$1) { + process$2.emit('rejectionHandled', promise); + } else if (handler = _global.onrejectionhandled) { + handler({ promise: promise, reason: promise._v }); + } + }); + }; + var $reject = function (value) { + var promise = this; + if (promise._d) return; + promise._d = true; + promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap + promise._v = value; + promise._s = 2; + if (!promise._a) promise._a = promise._c.slice(); + notify(promise, true); + }; + var $resolve = function (value) { + var promise = this; + var then; + if (promise._d) return; + promise._d = true; + promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap + try { + if (promise === value) throw TypeError$1("Promise can't be resolved itself"); + if (then = isThenable(value)) { + microtask(function () { + var wrapper = { _w: promise, _d: false }; // wrap + try { + then.call(value, _ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), _ctx($reject, wrapper, 1)); + } catch (e) { + $reject.call(wrapper, e); + } + }); + } else { + promise._v = value; + promise._s = 1; + notify(promise, false); + } + } catch (e) { + $reject.call({ _w: promise, _d: false }, e); // wrap + } + }; + // constructor polyfill + if (!USE_NATIVE) { + // Promise(executor) + $Promise = function Promise(executor) { + _anInstance(this, $Promise, PROMISE, '_h'); + _aFunction(executor); + Internal.call(this); + try { + executor(_ctx($resolve, this, 1), _ctx($reject, this, 1)); + } catch (err) { + $reject.call(this, err); + } + }; + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + Internal = function Promise(executor) { + this._c = []; // <- awaiting reactions + this._a = undefined; // <- checked in isUnhandled reactions + this._s = 0; // <- state + this._d = false; // <- done + this._v = undefined; // <- value + this._h = 0; // <- rejection state, 0 - default, 1 - handled, 2 - unhandled + this._n = false; // <- notify + }; + Internal.prototype = _redefineAll($Promise.prototype, { + // Promise.prototype.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) + then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { + var reaction = newPromiseCapability(_speciesConstructor(this, $Promise)); + reaction.ok = typeof onFulfilled == 'function' ? onFulfilled : true; + reaction.fail = typeof onRejected == 'function' && onRejected; + reaction.domain = isNode$1 ? process$2.domain : undefined; + this._c.push(reaction); + if (this._a) this._a.push(reaction); + if (this._s) notify(this, false); + return reaction.promise; + }, + // Promise.prototype.catch(onRejected) + 'catch': function (onRejected) { + return this.then(undefined, onRejected); + } + }); + OwnPromiseCapability = function () { + var promise = new Internal(); + this.promise = promise; + this.resolve = _ctx($resolve, promise, 1); + this.reject = _ctx($reject, promise, 1); + }; + _newPromiseCapability.f = newPromiseCapability = function (C) { + return C === $Promise || C === Wrapper + ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C) + : newGenericPromiseCapability(C); + }; + } + + _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Promise: $Promise }); + _setToStringTag($Promise, PROMISE); + _setSpecies(PROMISE); + Wrapper = _core[PROMISE]; + // statics + _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, { + // Promise.reject(r) + reject: function reject(r) { + var capability = newPromiseCapability(this); + var $$reject = capability.reject; + $$reject(r); + return capability.promise; + } + }); + _export(_export.S + _export.F * (_library || !USE_NATIVE), PROMISE, { + // Promise.resolve(x) + resolve: function resolve(x) { + return _promiseResolve(_library && this === Wrapper ? $Promise : this, x); + } + }); + _export(_export.S + _export.F * !(USE_NATIVE && _iterDetect(function (iter) { + $Promise.all(iter)['catch'](empty); + })), PROMISE, { + // Promise.all(iterable) + all: function all(iterable) { + var C = this; + var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); + var resolve = capability.resolve; + var reject = capability.reject; + var result = _perform(function () { + var values = []; + var index = 0; + var remaining = 1; + _forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { + var $index = index++; + var alreadyCalled = false; + values.push(undefined); + remaining++; + C.resolve(promise).then(function (value) { + if (alreadyCalled) return; + alreadyCalled = true; + values[$index] = value; + --remaining || resolve(values); + }, reject); + }); + --remaining || resolve(values); + }); + if (result.e) reject(result.v); + return capability.promise; + }, + // Promise.race(iterable) + race: function race(iterable) { + var C = this; + var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); + var reject = capability.reject; + var result = _perform(function () { + _forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { + C.resolve(promise).then(capability.resolve, reject); + }); + }); + if (result.e) reject(result.v); + return capability.promise; + } + }); + var STARTS_WITH = 'startsWith'; + var $startsWith = ''[STARTS_WITH]; + _export(_export.P + _export.F * _failsIsRegexp(STARTS_WITH), 'String', { + startsWith: function startsWith(searchString /* , position = 0 */) { + var that = _stringContext(this, searchString, STARTS_WITH); + var index = _toLength(Math.min(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, that.length)); + var search = String(searchString); + return $startsWith + ? $startsWith.call(that, search, index) + : that.slice(index, index + search.length) === search; + } + }); + // Number.isNaN(number) - var arrayFind = _arrayMethods(5); - var arrayFindIndex = _arrayMethods(6); - var id$1 = 0; + _export(_export.S, 'Number', { + isNaN: function isNaN(number) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare + return number != number; + } + }); - // fallback for uncaught frozen keys - var uncaughtFrozenStore = function (that) { - return that._l || (that._l = new UncaughtFrozenStore()); + // ========================================================================== + // Type checking utils + // ========================================================================== + var getConstructor = function getConstructor(input) { + return input !== null && typeof input !== 'undefined' ? input.constructor : null; }; - var UncaughtFrozenStore = function () { - this.a = []; + + var instanceOf = function instanceOf(input, constructor) { + return Boolean(input && constructor && input instanceof constructor); }; - var findUncaughtFrozen = function (store, key) { - return arrayFind(store.a, function (it) { - return it[0] === key; - }); + + var isNullOrUndefined = function isNullOrUndefined(input) { + return input === null || typeof input === 'undefined'; }; - UncaughtFrozenStore.prototype = { - get: function (key) { - var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); - if (entry) return entry[1]; - }, - has: function (key) { - return !!findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); - }, - set: function (key, value) { - var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key); - if (entry) entry[1] = value; - else this.a.push([key, value]); - }, - 'delete': function (key) { - var index = arrayFindIndex(this.a, function (it) { - return it[0] === key; - }); - if (~index) this.a.splice(index, 1); - return !!~index; - } + + var isObject = function isObject(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === Object; }; - var _collectionWeak = { - getConstructor: function (wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) { - var C = wrapper(function (that, iterable) { - _anInstance(that, C, NAME, '_i'); - that._t = NAME; // collection type - that._i = id$1++; // collection id - that._l = undefined; // leak store for uncaught frozen objects - if (iterable != undefined) _forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); - }); - _redefineAll(C.prototype, { - // WeakMap.prototype.delete(key) - // WeakSet.prototype.delete(value) - 'delete': function (key) { - if (!_isObject(key)) return false; - var data = getWeak(key); - if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, NAME))['delete'](key); - return data && _has(data, this._i) && delete data[this._i]; - }, - // WeakMap.prototype.has(key) - // WeakSet.prototype.has(value) - has: function has(key) { - if (!_isObject(key)) return false; - var data = getWeak(key); - if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, NAME)).has(key); - return data && _has(data, this._i); - } - }); - return C; - }, - def: function (that, key, value) { - var data = getWeak(_anObject(key), true); - if (data === true) uncaughtFrozenStore(that).set(key, value); - else data[that._i] = value; - return that; - }, - ufstore: uncaughtFrozenStore + var isNumber = function isNumber(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === Number && !Number.isNaN(input); }; - var es6_weakMap = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { - var each = _arrayMethods(0); + var isString = function isString(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === String; + }; + var isBoolean = function isBoolean(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === Boolean; + }; + var isFunction = function isFunction(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === Function; + }; + var isArray = function isArray(input) { + return Array.isArray(input); + }; + var isWeakMap = function isWeakMap(input) { + return instanceOf(input, WeakMap); + }; + var isNodeList = function isNodeList(input) { + return instanceOf(input, NodeList); + }; + var isElement = function isElement(input) { + return instanceOf(input, Element); + }; - var WEAK_MAP = 'WeakMap'; - var getWeak = _meta.getWeak; - var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible; - var uncaughtFrozenStore = _collectionWeak.ufstore; - var tmp = {}; - var InternalMap; - - var wrapper = function (get) { - return function WeakMap() { - return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); - }; - }; - - var methods = { - // WeakMap.prototype.get(key) - get: function get(key) { - if (_isObject(key)) { - var data = getWeak(key); - if (data === true) return uncaughtFrozenStore(_validateCollection(this, WEAK_MAP)).get(key); - return data ? data[this._i] : undefined; - } - }, - // WeakMap.prototype.set(key, value) - set: function set(key, value) { - return _collectionWeak.def(_validateCollection(this, WEAK_MAP), key, value); - } - }; - - // 23.3 WeakMap Objects - var $WeakMap = module.exports = _collection(WEAK_MAP, wrapper, methods, _collectionWeak, true, true); - - // IE11 WeakMap frozen keys fix - if (_fails(function () { return new $WeakMap().set((Object.freeze || Object)(tmp), 7).get(tmp) != 7; })) { - InternalMap = _collectionWeak.getConstructor(wrapper, WEAK_MAP); - _objectAssign(InternalMap.prototype, methods); - _meta.NEED = true; - each(['delete', 'has', 'get', 'set'], function (key) { - var proto = $WeakMap.prototype; - var method = proto[key]; - _redefine(proto, key, function (a, b) { - // store frozen objects on internal weakmap shim - if (_isObject(a) && !isExtensible(a)) { - if (!this._f) this._f = new InternalMap(); - var result = this._f[key](a, b); - return key == 'set' ? this : result; - // store all the rest on native weakmap - } return method.call(this, a, b); - }); - }); - } - }); + var isTextNode = function isTextNode(input) { + return getConstructor(input) === Text; + }; - var WEAK_SET = 'WeakSet'; - - // 23.4 WeakSet Objects - _collection(WEAK_SET, function (get) { - return function WeakSet() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); }; - }, { - // WeakSet.prototype.add(value) - add: function add(value) { - return _collectionWeak.def(_validateCollection(this, WEAK_SET), value, true); - } - }, _collectionWeak, false, true); - - // 26.1.1 Reflect.apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) - - - - var rApply = (_global.Reflect || {}).apply; - var fApply = Function.apply; - // MS Edge argumentsList argument is optional - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !_fails(function () { - rApply(function () { /* empty */ }); - }), 'Reflect', { - apply: function apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) { - var T = _aFunction(target); - var L = _anObject(argumentsList); - return rApply ? rApply(T, thisArgument, L) : fApply.call(T, thisArgument, L); - } - }); + var isEvent = function isEvent(input) { + return instanceOf(input, Event); + }; - // fast apply, http://jsperf.lnkit.com/fast-apply/5 - var _invoke = function (fn, args, that) { - var un = that === undefined; - switch (args.length) { - case 0: return un ? fn() - : fn.call(that); - case 1: return un ? fn(args[0]) - : fn.call(that, args[0]); - case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1]) - : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1]); - case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2]) - : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2]); - case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) - : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); - } return fn.apply(that, args); + var isKeyboardEvent = function isKeyboardEvent(input) { + return instanceOf(input, KeyboardEvent); }; - var arraySlice = [].slice; - var factories = {}; + var isCue = function isCue(input) { + return instanceOf(input, window.TextTrackCue) || instanceOf(input, window.VTTCue); + }; - var construct = function (F, len, args) { - if (!(len in factories)) { - for (var n = [], i = 0; i < len; i++) n[i] = 'a[' + i + ']'; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func - factories[len] = Function('F,a', 'return new F(' + n.join(',') + ')'); - } return factories[len](F, args); + var isTrack = function isTrack(input) { + return instanceOf(input, TextTrack) || !isNullOrUndefined(input) && isString(input.kind); }; - var _bind = Function.bind || function bind(that /* , ...args */) { - var fn = _aFunction(this); - var partArgs = arraySlice.call(arguments, 1); - var bound = function (/* args... */) { - var args = partArgs.concat(arraySlice.call(arguments)); - return this instanceof bound ? construct(fn, args.length, args) : _invoke(fn, args, that); - }; - if (_isObject(fn.prototype)) bound.prototype = fn.prototype; - return bound; + var isEmpty = function isEmpty(input) { + return isNullOrUndefined(input) || (isString(input) || isArray(input) || isNodeList(input)) && !input.length || isObject(input) && !Object.keys(input).length; }; - // 26.1.2 Reflect.construct(target, argumentsList [, newTarget]) + var isUrl = function isUrl(input) { + // Accept a URL object + if (instanceOf(input, window.URL)) { + return true; + } // Must be string from here + if (!isString(input)) { + return false; + } // Add the protocol if required + var string = input; + if (!input.startsWith('http://') || !input.startsWith('https://')) { + string = "http://".concat(input); + } + try { + return !isEmpty(new URL(string).hostname); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }; - var rConstruct = (_global.Reflect || {}).construct; + var is$1 = { + nullOrUndefined: isNullOrUndefined, + object: isObject, + number: isNumber, + string: isString, + boolean: isBoolean, + function: isFunction, + array: isArray, + weakMap: isWeakMap, + nodeList: isNodeList, + element: isElement, + textNode: isTextNode, + event: isEvent, + keyboardEvent: isKeyboardEvent, + cue: isCue, + track: isTrack, + url: isUrl, + empty: isEmpty + }; - // MS Edge supports only 2 arguments and argumentsList argument is optional - // FF Nightly sets third argument as `new.target`, but does not create `this` from it - var NEW_TARGET_BUG = _fails(function () { - function F() { /* empty */ } - return !(rConstruct(function () { /* empty */ }, [], F) instanceof F); - }); - var ARGS_BUG = !_fails(function () { - rConstruct(function () { /* empty */ }); - }); + // https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md + // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPM6172J22g - _export(_export.S + _export.F * (NEW_TARGET_BUG || ARGS_BUG), 'Reflect', { - construct: function construct(Target, args /* , newTarget */) { - _aFunction(Target); - _anObject(args); - var newTarget = arguments.length < 3 ? Target : _aFunction(arguments[2]); - if (ARGS_BUG && !NEW_TARGET_BUG) return rConstruct(Target, args, newTarget); - if (Target == newTarget) { - // w/o altered newTarget, optimization for 0-4 arguments - switch (args.length) { - case 0: return new Target(); - case 1: return new Target(args[0]); - case 2: return new Target(args[0], args[1]); - case 3: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2]); - case 4: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); - } - // w/o altered newTarget, lot of arguments case - var $args = [null]; - $args.push.apply($args, args); - return new (_bind.apply(Target, $args))(); - } - // with altered newTarget, not support built-in constructors - var proto = newTarget.prototype; - var instance = _objectCreate(_isObject(proto) ? proto : Object.prototype); - var result = Function.apply.call(Target, instance, args); - return _isObject(result) ? result : instance; - } - }); + var supportsPassiveListeners = function () { + // Test via a getter in the options object to see if the passive property is accessed + var supported = false; - // 26.1.3 Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes) + try { + var options = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { + get: function get() { + supported = true; + return null; + } + }); + window.addEventListener('test', null, options); + window.removeEventListener('test', null, options); + } catch (e) {// Do nothing + } + return supported; + }(); // Toggle event listener + function toggleListener(element, event, callback) { + var _this = this; + var toggle = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false; + var passive = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : true; + var capture = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : false; - // MS Edge has broken Reflect.defineProperty - throwing instead of returning false - _export(_export.S + _export.F * _fails(function () { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef - Reflect.defineProperty(_objectDp.f({}, 1, { value: 1 }), 1, { value: 2 }); - }), 'Reflect', { - defineProperty: function defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes) { - _anObject(target); - propertyKey = _toPrimitive(propertyKey, true); - _anObject(attributes); - try { - _objectDp.f(target, propertyKey, attributes); - return true; - } catch (e) { - return false; - } - } - }); + // Bail if no element, event, or callback + if (!element || !('addEventListener' in element) || is$1.empty(event) || !is$1.function(callback)) { + return; + } // Allow multiple events - // 26.1.4 Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propertyKey) - var gOPD$1 = _objectGopd.f; + var events = event.split(' '); // Build options + // Default to just the capture boolean for browsers with no passive listener support + var options = capture; // If passive events listeners are supported - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - deleteProperty: function deleteProperty(target, propertyKey) { - var desc = gOPD$1(_anObject(target), propertyKey); - return desc && !desc.configurable ? false : delete target[propertyKey]; - } - }); + if (supportsPassiveListeners) { + options = { + // Whether the listener can be passive (i.e. default never prevented) + passive: passive, + // Whether the listener is a capturing listener or not + capture: capture + }; + } // If a single node is passed, bind the event listener - // 26.1.6 Reflect.get(target, propertyKey [, receiver]) + events.forEach(function (type) { + if (_this && _this.eventListeners && toggle) { + // Cache event listener + _this.eventListeners.push({ + element: element, + type: type, + callback: callback, + options: options + }); + } + element[toggle ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'](type, callback, options); + }); + } // Bind event handler + function on(element) { + var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; + var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; + var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true; + var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false; + toggleListener.call(this, element, events, callback, true, passive, capture); + } // Unbind event handler + function off(element) { + var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; + var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; + var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true; + var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false; + toggleListener.call(this, element, events, callback, false, passive, capture); + } // Bind once-only event handler + function once(element) { + var events = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; + var callback = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; + var passive = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : true; + var capture = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false; + function onceCallback() { + off(element, events, onceCallback, passive, capture); - function get(target, propertyKey /* , receiver */) { - var receiver = arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2]; - var desc, proto; - if (_anObject(target) === receiver) return target[propertyKey]; - if (desc = _objectGopd.f(target, propertyKey)) return _has(desc, 'value') - ? desc.value - : desc.get !== undefined - ? desc.get.call(receiver) - : undefined; - if (_isObject(proto = _objectGpo(target))) return get(proto, propertyKey, receiver); - } + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { get: get }); + callback.apply(this, args); + } - // 26.1.7 Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey) + toggleListener.call(this, element, events, onceCallback, true, passive, capture); + } // Trigger event + function triggerEvent(element) { + var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; + var bubbles = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; + var detail = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}; + // Bail if no element + if (!is$1.element(element) || is$1.empty(type)) { + return; + } // Create and dispatch the event - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey) { - return _objectGopd.f(_anObject(target), propertyKey); - } - }); + var event = new CustomEvent(type, { + bubbles: bubbles, + detail: Object.assign({}, detail, { + plyr: this + }) + }); // Dispatch the event - // 26.1.8 Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target) + element.dispatchEvent(event); + } // Unbind all cached event listeners + function unbindListeners() { + if (this && this.eventListeners) { + this.eventListeners.forEach(function (item) { + var element = item.element, + type = item.type, + callback = item.callback, + options = item.options; + element.removeEventListener(type, callback, options); + }); + this.eventListeners = []; + } + } // Run method when / if player is ready + function ready() { + var _this2 = this; + return new Promise(function (resolve) { + return _this2.ready ? setTimeout(resolve, 0) : on.call(_this2, _this2.elements.container, 'ready', resolve); + }).then(function () {}); + } - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - getPrototypeOf: function getPrototypeOf(target) { - return _objectGpo(_anObject(target)); - } - }); + function wrap(elements, wrapper) { + // Convert `elements` to an array, if necessary. + var targets = elements.length ? elements : [elements]; // Loops backwards to prevent having to clone the wrapper on the + // first element (see `child` below). - // 26.1.9 Reflect.has(target, propertyKey) + Array.from(targets).reverse().forEach(function (element, index) { + var child = index > 0 ? wrapper.cloneNode(true) : wrapper; // Cache the current parent and sibling. + var parent = element.parentNode; + var sibling = element.nextSibling; // Wrap the element (is automatically removed from its current + // parent). - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - has: function has(target, propertyKey) { - return propertyKey in target; - } - }); + child.appendChild(element); // If the element had a sibling, insert the wrapper before + // the sibling to maintain the HTML structure; otherwise, just + // append it to the parent. - // 26.1.10 Reflect.isExtensible(target) + if (sibling) { + parent.insertBefore(child, sibling); + } else { + parent.appendChild(child); + } + }); + } // Set attributes + function setAttributes(element, attributes) { + if (!is$1.element(element) || is$1.empty(attributes)) { + return; + } // Assume null and undefined attributes should be left out, + // Setting them would otherwise convert them to "null" and "undefined" - var $isExtensible = Object.isExtensible; - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - isExtensible: function isExtensible(target) { - _anObject(target); - return $isExtensible ? $isExtensible(target) : true; - } - }); + Object.entries(attributes).filter(function (_ref) { + var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), + value = _ref2[1]; - // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols + return !is$1.nullOrUndefined(value); + }).forEach(function (_ref3) { + var _ref4 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2), + key = _ref4[0], + value = _ref4[1]; + return element.setAttribute(key, value); + }); + } // Create a DocumentFragment + function createElement(type, attributes, text) { + // Create a new + var element = document.createElement(type); // Set all passed attributes - var Reflect$1 = _global.Reflect; - var _ownKeys = Reflect$1 && Reflect$1.ownKeys || function ownKeys(it) { - var keys = _objectGopn.f(_anObject(it)); - var getSymbols = _objectGops.f; - return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys; - }; + if (is$1.object(attributes)) { + setAttributes(element, attributes); + } // Add text node - // 26.1.11 Reflect.ownKeys(target) + if (is$1.string(text)) { + element.innerText = text; + } // Return built element - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { ownKeys: _ownKeys }); - // 26.1.12 Reflect.preventExtensions(target) + return element; + } // Inaert an element after another + function insertAfter(element, target) { + if (!is$1.element(element) || !is$1.element(target)) { + return; + } - var $preventExtensions = Object.preventExtensions; + target.parentNode.insertBefore(element, target.nextSibling); + } // Insert a DocumentFragment - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - preventExtensions: function preventExtensions(target) { - _anObject(target); - try { - if ($preventExtensions) $preventExtensions(target); - return true; - } catch (e) { - return false; - } - } - }); + function insertElement(type, parent, attributes, text) { + if (!is$1.element(parent)) { + return; + } - // 26.1.13 Reflect.set(target, propertyKey, V [, receiver]) + parent.appendChild(createElement(type, attributes, text)); + } // Remove element(s) + function removeElement(element) { + if (is$1.nodeList(element) || is$1.array(element)) { + Array.from(element).forEach(removeElement); + return; + } + if (!is$1.element(element) || !is$1.element(element.parentNode)) { + return; + } + element.parentNode.removeChild(element); + } // Remove all child elements + function emptyElement(element) { + if (!is$1.element(element)) { + return; + } + var length = element.childNodes.length; + while (length > 0) { + element.removeChild(element.lastChild); + length -= 1; + } + } // Replace element + function replaceElement(newChild, oldChild) { + if (!is$1.element(oldChild) || !is$1.element(oldChild.parentNode) || !is$1.element(newChild)) { + return null; + } + oldChild.parentNode.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild); + return newChild; + } // Get an attribute object from a string selector - function set(target, propertyKey, V /* , receiver */) { - var receiver = arguments.length < 4 ? target : arguments[3]; - var ownDesc = _objectGopd.f(_anObject(target), propertyKey); - var existingDescriptor, proto; - if (!ownDesc) { - if (_isObject(proto = _objectGpo(target))) { - return set(proto, propertyKey, V, receiver); - } - ownDesc = _propertyDesc(0); - } - if (_has(ownDesc, 'value')) { - if (ownDesc.writable === false || !_isObject(receiver)) return false; - if (existingDescriptor = _objectGopd.f(receiver, propertyKey)) { - if (existingDescriptor.get || existingDescriptor.set || existingDescriptor.writable === false) return false; - existingDescriptor.value = V; - _objectDp.f(receiver, propertyKey, existingDescriptor); - } else _objectDp.f(receiver, propertyKey, _propertyDesc(0, V)); - return true; - } - return ownDesc.set === undefined ? false : (ownDesc.set.call(receiver, V), true); - } + function getAttributesFromSelector(sel, existingAttributes) { + // For example: + // '.test' to { class: 'test' } + // '#test' to { id: 'test' } + // '[data-test="test"]' to { 'data-test': 'test' } + if (!is$1.string(sel) || is$1.empty(sel)) { + return {}; + } + + var attributes = {}; + var existing = existingAttributes; + sel.split(',').forEach(function (s) { + // Remove whitespace + var selector = s.trim(); + var className = selector.replace('.', ''); + var stripped = selector.replace(/[[\]]/g, ''); // Get the parts and value + + var parts = stripped.split('='); + var key = parts[0]; + var value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].replace(/["']/g, '') : ''; // Get the first character + + var start = selector.charAt(0); + + switch (start) { + case '.': + // Add to existing classname + if (is$1.object(existing) && is$1.string(existing.class)) { + existing.class += " ".concat(className); + } + + attributes.class = className; + break; + + case '#': + // ID selector + attributes.id = selector.replace('#', ''); + break; + + case '[': + // Attribute selector + attributes[key] = value; + break; + + default: + break; + } + }); + return attributes; + } // Toggle hidden - _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { set: set }); + function toggleHidden(element, hidden) { + if (!is$1.element(element)) { + return; + } - // 26.1.14 Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto) + var hide = hidden; + if (!is$1.boolean(hide)) { + hide = !element.hidden; + } + if (hide) { + element.setAttribute('hidden', ''); + } else { + element.removeAttribute('hidden'); + } + } // Mirror Element.classList.toggle, with IE compatibility for "force" argument - if (_setProto) _export(_export.S, 'Reflect', { - setPrototypeOf: function setPrototypeOf(target, proto) { - _setProto.check(target, proto); - try { - _setProto.set(target, proto); - return true; - } catch (e) { - return false; - } - } - }); + function toggleClass(element, className, force) { + if (is$1.nodeList(element)) { + return Array.from(element).map(function (e) { + return toggleClass(e, className, force); + }); + } - var process = _global.process; - var setTask = _global.setImmediate; - var clearTask = _global.clearImmediate; - var MessageChannel = _global.MessageChannel; - var Dispatch = _global.Dispatch; - var counter = 0; - var queue = {}; - var ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange'; - var defer, channel, port; - var run = function () { - var id = +this; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins - if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) { - var fn = queue[id]; - delete queue[id]; - fn(); - } - }; - var listener = function (event) { - run.call(event.data); - }; - // Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise: - if (!setTask || !clearTask) { - setTask = function setImmediate(fn) { - var args = []; - var i = 1; - while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); - queue[++counter] = function () { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func - _invoke(typeof fn == 'function' ? fn : Function(fn), args); - }; - defer(counter); - return counter; - }; - clearTask = function clearImmediate(id) { - delete queue[id]; - }; - // Node.js 0.8- - if (_cof(process) == 'process') { - defer = function (id) { - process.nextTick(_ctx(run, id, 1)); - }; - // Sphere (JS game engine) Dispatch API - } else if (Dispatch && Dispatch.now) { - defer = function (id) { - Dispatch.now(_ctx(run, id, 1)); - }; - // Browsers with MessageChannel, includes WebWorkers - } else if (MessageChannel) { - channel = new MessageChannel(); - port = channel.port2; - channel.port1.onmessage = listener; - defer = _ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1); - // Browsers with postMessage, skip WebWorkers - // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is 'object' - } else if (_global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == 'function' && !_global.importScripts) { - defer = function (id) { - _global.postMessage(id + '', '*'); - }; - _global.addEventListener('message', listener, false); - // IE8- - } else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in _domCreate('script')) { - defer = function (id) { - _html.appendChild(_domCreate('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function () { - _html.removeChild(this); - run.call(id); - }; - }; - // Rest old browsers - } else { - defer = function (id) { - setTimeout(_ctx(run, id, 1), 0); - }; - } - } - var _task = { - set: setTask, - clear: clearTask - }; + if (is$1.element(element)) { + var method = 'toggle'; - var macrotask = _task.set; - var Observer = _global.MutationObserver || _global.WebKitMutationObserver; - var process$1 = _global.process; - var Promise$1 = _global.Promise; - var isNode = _cof(process$1) == 'process'; + if (typeof force !== 'undefined') { + method = force ? 'add' : 'remove'; + } - var _microtask = function () { - var head, last, notify; - - var flush = function () { - var parent, fn; - if (isNode && (parent = process$1.domain)) parent.exit(); - while (head) { - fn = head.fn; - head = head.next; - try { - fn(); - } catch (e) { - if (head) notify(); - else last = undefined; - throw e; - } - } last = undefined; - if (parent) parent.enter(); - }; - - // Node.js - if (isNode) { - notify = function () { - process$1.nextTick(flush); - }; - // browsers with MutationObserver, except iOS Safari - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/339 - } else if (Observer && !(_global.navigator && _global.navigator.standalone)) { - var toggle = true; - var node = document.createTextNode(''); - new Observer(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true }); // eslint-disable-line no-new - notify = function () { - node.data = toggle = !toggle; - }; - // environments with maybe non-completely correct, but existent Promise - } else if (Promise$1 && Promise$1.resolve) { - // Promise.resolve without an argument throws an error in LG WebOS 2 - var promise = Promise$1.resolve(undefined); - notify = function () { - promise.then(flush); - }; - // for other environments - macrotask based on: - // - setImmediate - // - MessageChannel - // - window.postMessag - // - onreadystatechange - // - setTimeout - } else { - notify = function () { - // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global) - macrotask.call(_global, flush); - }; - } - - return function (fn) { - var task = { fn: fn, next: undefined }; - if (last) last.next = task; - if (!head) { - head = task; - notify(); - } last = task; - }; - }; + element.classList[method](className); + return element.classList.contains(className); + } - // NewPromiseCapability(C) + return false; + } // Has class name + function hasClass(element, className) { + return is$1.element(element) && element.classList.contains(className); + } // Element matches selector - function PromiseCapability(C) { - var resolve, reject; - this.promise = new C(function ($$resolve, $$reject) { - if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw TypeError('Bad Promise constructor'); - resolve = $$resolve; - reject = $$reject; - }); - this.resolve = _aFunction(resolve); - this.reject = _aFunction(reject); - } + function matches(element, selector) { - var f$5 = function (C) { - return new PromiseCapability(C); - }; + function match() { + return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).includes(this); + } - var _newPromiseCapability = { - f: f$5 - }; + var matches = match; + return matches.call(element, selector); + } // Find all elements - var _perform = function (exec) { - try { - return { e: false, v: exec() }; - } catch (e) { - return { e: true, v: e }; - } - }; + function getElements(selector) { + return this.elements.container.querySelectorAll(selector); + } // Find a single element - var navigator$1 = _global.navigator; + function getElement(selector) { + return this.elements.container.querySelector(selector); + } // Trap focus inside container - var _userAgent = navigator$1 && navigator$1.userAgent || ''; + function trapFocus() { + var element = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; + var toggle = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; - var _promiseResolve = function (C, x) { - _anObject(C); - if (_isObject(x) && x.constructor === C) return x; - var promiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f(C); - var resolve = promiseCapability.resolve; - resolve(x); - return promiseCapability.promise; - }; + if (!is$1.element(element)) { + return; + } - var task = _task.set; - var microtask = _microtask(); + var focusable = getElements.call(this, 'button:not(:disabled), input:not(:disabled), [tabindex]'); + var first = focusable[0]; + var last = focusable[focusable.length - 1]; + var trap = function trap(event) { + // Bail if not tab key or not fullscreen + if (event.key !== 'Tab' || event.keyCode !== 9) { + return; + } // Get the current focused element + var focused = document.activeElement; - var PROMISE = 'Promise'; - var TypeError$1 = _global.TypeError; - var process$2 = _global.process; - var versions = process$2 && process$2.versions; - var v8 = versions && versions.v8 || ''; - var $Promise = _global[PROMISE]; - var isNode$1 = _classof(process$2) == 'process'; - var empty = function () { /* empty */ }; - var Internal, newGenericPromiseCapability, OwnPromiseCapability, Wrapper; - var newPromiseCapability = newGenericPromiseCapability = _newPromiseCapability.f; + if (focused === last && !event.shiftKey) { + // Move focus to first element that can be tabbed if Shift isn't used + first.focus(); + event.preventDefault(); + } else if (focused === first && event.shiftKey) { + // Move focus to last element that can be tabbed if Shift is used + last.focus(); + event.preventDefault(); + } + }; - var USE_NATIVE = !!function () { - try { - // correct subclassing with @@species support - var promise = $Promise.resolve(1); - var FakePromise = (promise.constructor = {})[_wks('species')] = function (exec) { - exec(empty, empty); - }; - // unhandled rejections tracking support, NodeJS Promise without it fails @@species test - return (isNode$1 || typeof PromiseRejectionEvent == 'function') - && promise.then(empty) instanceof FakePromise - // v8 6.6 (Node 10 and Chrome 66) have a bug with resolving custom thenables - // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=830565 - // we can't detect it synchronously, so just check versions - && v8.indexOf('6.6') !== 0 - && _userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/66') === -1; - } catch (e) { /* empty */ } - }(); + toggleListener.call(this, this.elements.container, 'keydown', trap, toggle, false); + } // Set focus and tab focus class - // helpers - var isThenable = function (it) { - var then; - return _isObject(it) && typeof (then = it.then) == 'function' ? then : false; - }; - var notify = function (promise, isReject) { - if (promise._n) return; - promise._n = true; - var chain = promise._c; - microtask(function () { - var value = promise._v; - var ok = promise._s == 1; - var i = 0; - var run = function (reaction) { - var handler = ok ? reaction.ok : reaction.fail; - var resolve = reaction.resolve; - var reject = reaction.reject; - var domain = reaction.domain; - var result, then, exited; - try { - if (handler) { - if (!ok) { - if (promise._h == 2) onHandleUnhandled(promise); - promise._h = 1; - } - if (handler === true) result = value; - else { - if (domain) domain.enter(); - result = handler(value); // may throw - if (domain) { - domain.exit(); - exited = true; - } - } - if (result === reaction.promise) { - reject(TypeError$1('Promise-chain cycle')); - } else if (then = isThenable(result)) { - then.call(result, resolve, reject); - } else resolve(result); - } else reject(value); - } catch (e) { - if (domain && !exited) domain.exit(); - reject(e); - } - }; - while (chain.length > i) run(chain[i++]); // variable length - can't use forEach - promise._c = []; - promise._n = false; - if (isReject && !promise._h) onUnhandled(promise); - }); - }; - var onUnhandled = function (promise) { - task.call(_global, function () { - var value = promise._v; - var unhandled = isUnhandled(promise); - var result, handler, console; - if (unhandled) { - result = _perform(function () { - if (isNode$1) { - process$2.emit('unhandledRejection', value, promise); - } else if (handler = _global.onunhandledrejection) { - handler({ promise: promise, reason: value }); - } else if ((console = _global.console) && console.error) { - console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', value); - } - }); - // Browsers should not trigger `rejectionHandled` event if it was handled here, NodeJS - should - promise._h = isNode$1 || isUnhandled(promise) ? 2 : 1; - } promise._a = undefined; - if (unhandled && result.e) throw result.v; - }); - }; - var isUnhandled = function (promise) { - return promise._h !== 1 && (promise._a || promise._c).length === 0; - }; - var onHandleUnhandled = function (promise) { - task.call(_global, function () { - var handler; - if (isNode$1) { - process$2.emit('rejectionHandled', promise); - } else if (handler = _global.onrejectionhandled) { - handler({ promise: promise, reason: promise._v }); - } - }); - }; - var $reject = function (value) { - var promise = this; - if (promise._d) return; - promise._d = true; - promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap - promise._v = value; - promise._s = 2; - if (!promise._a) promise._a = promise._c.slice(); - notify(promise, true); - }; - var $resolve = function (value) { - var promise = this; - var then; - if (promise._d) return; - promise._d = true; - promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap - try { - if (promise === value) throw TypeError$1("Promise can't be resolved itself"); - if (then = isThenable(value)) { - microtask(function () { - var wrapper = { _w: promise, _d: false }; // wrap - try { - then.call(value, _ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), _ctx($reject, wrapper, 1)); - } catch (e) { - $reject.call(wrapper, e); - } - }); - } else { - promise._v = value; - promise._s = 1; - notify(promise, false); - } - } catch (e) { - $reject.call({ _w: promise, _d: false }, e); // wrap - } - }; + function setFocus() { + var element = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; + var tabFocus = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; - // constructor polyfill - if (!USE_NATIVE) { - // Promise(executor) - $Promise = function Promise(executor) { - _anInstance(this, $Promise, PROMISE, '_h'); - _aFunction(executor); - Internal.call(this); - try { - executor(_ctx($resolve, this, 1), _ctx($reject, this, 1)); - } catch (err) { - $reject.call(this, err); - } - }; - // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars - Internal = function Promise(executor) { - this._c = []; // <- awaiting reactions - this._a = undefined; // <- checked in isUnhandled reactions - this._s = 0; // <- state - this._d = false; // <- done - this._v = undefined; // <- value - this._h = 0; // <- rejection state, 0 - default, 1 - handled, 2 - unhandled - this._n = false; // <- notify - }; - Internal.prototype = _redefineAll($Promise.prototype, { - // Promise.prototype.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) - then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { - var reaction = newPromiseCapability(_speciesConstructor(this, $Promise)); - reaction.ok = typeof onFulfilled == 'function' ? onFulfilled : true; - reaction.fail = typeof onRejected == 'function' && onRejected; - reaction.domain = isNode$1 ? process$2.domain : undefined; - this._c.push(reaction); - if (this._a) this._a.push(reaction); - if (this._s) notify(this, false); - return reaction.promise; - }, - // Promise.prototype.catch(onRejected) - 'catch': function (onRejected) { - return this.then(undefined, onRejected); - } - }); - OwnPromiseCapability = function () { - var promise = new Internal(); - this.promise = promise; - this.resolve = _ctx($resolve, promise, 1); - this.reject = _ctx($reject, promise, 1); - }; - _newPromiseCapability.f = newPromiseCapability = function (C) { - return C === $Promise || C === Wrapper - ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C) - : newGenericPromiseCapability(C); - }; + if (!is$1.element(element)) { + return; + } // Set regular focus + + + element.focus({ + preventScroll: true + }); // If we want to mimic keyboard focus via tab + + if (tabFocus) { + toggleClass(element, this.config.classNames.tabFocus); + } } - _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Promise: $Promise }); - _setToStringTag($Promise, PROMISE); - _setSpecies(PROMISE); - Wrapper = _core[PROMISE]; + var transitionEndEvent = function () { + var element = document.createElement('span'); + var events = { + WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', + MozTransition: 'transitionend', + OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend', + transition: 'transitionend' + }; + var type = Object.keys(events).find(function (event) { + return element.style[event] !== undefined; + }); + return is$1.string(type) ? events[type] : false; + }(); // Force repaint of element - // statics - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, { - // Promise.reject(r) - reject: function reject(r) { - var capability = newPromiseCapability(this); - var $$reject = capability.reject; - $$reject(r); - return capability.promise; - } - }); - _export(_export.S + _export.F * (!USE_NATIVE), PROMISE, { - // Promise.resolve(x) - resolve: function resolve(x) { - return _promiseResolve(_library && this === Wrapper ? $Promise : this, x); - } - }); - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !(USE_NATIVE && _iterDetect(function (iter) { - $Promise.all(iter)['catch'](empty); - })), PROMISE, { - // Promise.all(iterable) - all: function all(iterable) { - var C = this; - var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); - var resolve = capability.resolve; - var reject = capability.reject; - var result = _perform(function () { - var values = []; - var index = 0; - var remaining = 1; - _forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { - var $index = index++; - var alreadyCalled = false; - values.push(undefined); - remaining++; - C.resolve(promise).then(function (value) { - if (alreadyCalled) return; - alreadyCalled = true; - values[$index] = value; - --remaining || resolve(values); - }, reject); - }); - --remaining || resolve(values); - }); - if (result.e) reject(result.v); - return capability.promise; - }, - // Promise.race(iterable) - race: function race(iterable) { - var C = this; - var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); - var reject = capability.reject; - var result = _perform(function () { - _forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { - C.resolve(promise).then(capability.resolve, reject); - }); - }); - if (result.e) reject(result.v); - return capability.promise; - } - }); + function repaint(element) { + setTimeout(function () { + try { + toggleHidden(element, true); + element.offsetHeight; // eslint-disable-line + + toggleHidden(element, false); + } catch (e) {// Do nothing + } + }, 0); + } + + // ========================================================================== + // Browser sniffing + // Unfortunately, due to mixed support, UA sniffing is required + // ========================================================================== + var browser = { + isIE: + /* @cc_on!@ */ + !!document.documentMode, + isWebkit: 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style && !/Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent), + isIPhone: /(iPhone|iPod)/gi.test(navigator.platform), + isIos: /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/gi.test(navigator.platform) + }; - var f$6 = _wks; + var defaultCodecs = { + 'audio/ogg': 'vorbis', + 'audio/wav': '1', + 'video/webm': 'vp8, vorbis', + 'video/mp4': 'avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2', + 'video/ogg': 'theora' + }; // Check for feature support - var _wksExt = { - f: f$6 + var support = { + // Basic support + audio: 'canPlayType' in document.createElement('audio'), + video: 'canPlayType' in document.createElement('video'), + // Check for support + // Basic functionality vs full UI + check: function check(type, provider, playsinline) { + var canPlayInline = browser.isIPhone && playsinline && support.playsinline; + var api = support[type] || provider !== 'html5'; + var ui = api && support.rangeInput && (type !== 'video' || !browser.isIPhone || canPlayInline); + return { + api: api, + ui: ui + }; + }, + // Picture-in-picture support + // Safari & Chrome only currently + pip: function () { + if (browser.isIPhone) { + return false; + } // Safari + // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkitjs/adding_picture_in_picture_to_your_safari_media_controls + + + if (is$1.function(createElement('video').webkitSetPresentationMode)) { + return true; + } // Chrome + // https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/10/watch-video-using-picture-in-picture + + + if (document.pictureInPictureEnabled && !createElement('video').disablePictureInPicture) { + return true; + } + + return false; + }(), + // Airplay support + // Safari only currently + airplay: is$1.function(window.WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent), + // Inline playback support + // https://webkit.org/blog/6784/new-video-policies-for-ios/ + playsinline: 'playsInline' in document.createElement('video'), + // Check for mime type support against a player instance + // Credits: http://diveintohtml5.info/everything.html + // Related: http://www.leanbackplayer.com/test/h5mt.html + mime: function mime(inputType) { + var _inputType$split = inputType.split('/'), + _inputType$split2 = _slicedToArray(_inputType$split, 1), + mediaType = _inputType$split2[0]; + + var type = inputType; // Verify we're using HTML5 and there's no media type mismatch + + if (!this.isHTML5 || mediaType !== this.type) { + return false; + } // Add codec if required + + + if (Object.keys(defaultCodecs).includes(type)) { + type += "; codecs=\"".concat(defaultCodecs[inputType], "\""); + } + + try { + return Boolean(type && this.media.canPlayType(type).replace(/no/, '')); + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + }, + // Check for textTracks support + textTracks: 'textTracks' in document.createElement('video'), + // Sliders + rangeInput: function () { + var range = document.createElement('input'); + range.type = 'range'; + return range.type === 'range'; + }(), + // Touch + // NOTE: Remember a device can be mouse + touch enabled so we check on first touch event + touch: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement, + // Detect transitions support + transitions: transitionEndEvent !== false, + // Reduced motion iOS & MacOS setting + // https://webkit.org/blog/7551/responsive-design-for-motion/ + reducedMotion: 'matchMedia' in window && window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches }; - var defineProperty = _objectDp.f; - var _wksDefine = function (name) { - var $Symbol = _core.Symbol || (_core.Symbol = _global.Symbol || {}); - if (name.charAt(0) != '_' && !(name in $Symbol)) defineProperty($Symbol, name, { value: _wksExt.f(name) }); + var html5 = { + getSources: function getSources() { + var _this = this; + + if (!this.isHTML5) { + return []; + } + + var sources = Array.from(this.media.querySelectorAll('source')); // Filter out unsupported sources + + return sources.filter(function (source) { + return support.mime.call(_this, source.getAttribute('type')); + }); + }, + // Get quality levels + getQualityOptions: function getQualityOptions() { + // Get sizes from elements + return html5.getSources.call(this).map(function (source) { + return Number(source.getAttribute('size')); + }).filter(Boolean); + }, + extend: function extend() { + if (!this.isHTML5) { + return; + } + + var player = this; // Quality + + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'quality', { + get: function get() { + // Get sources + var sources = html5.getSources.call(player); + var source = sources.find(function (source) { + return source.getAttribute('src') === player.source; + }); // Return size, if match is found + + return source && Number(source.getAttribute('size')); + }, + set: function set(input) { + // Get sources + var sources = html5.getSources.call(player); // Get first match for requested size + + var source = sources.find(function (source) { + return Number(source.getAttribute('size')) === input; + }); // No matching source found + + if (!source) { + return; + } // Get current state + + + var _player$media = player.media, + currentTime = _player$media.currentTime, + paused = _player$media.paused, + preload = _player$media.preload, + readyState = _player$media.readyState; // Set new source + + player.media.src = source.getAttribute('src'); // Prevent loading if preload="none" and the current source isn't loaded (#1044) + + if (preload !== 'none' || readyState) { + // Restore time + player.once('loadedmetadata', function () { + player.currentTime = currentTime; // Resume playing + + if (!paused) { + player.play(); + } + }); // Load new source + + player.media.load(); + } // Trigger change event + + + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'qualitychange', false, { + quality: input + }); + } + }); + }, + // Cancel current network requests + // See https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/174 + cancelRequests: function cancelRequests() { + if (!this.isHTML5) { + return; + } // Remove child sources + + + removeElement(html5.getSources.call(this)); // Set blank video src attribute + // This is to prevent a MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error + // Info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32231579/how-to-properly-dispose-of-an-html5-video-and-close-socket-or-connection + + this.media.setAttribute('src', this.config.blankVideo); // Load the new empty source + // This will cancel existing requests + // See https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/174 + + this.media.load(); // Debugging + + this.debug.log('Cancelled network requests'); + } }; - // all enumerable object keys, includes symbols + // ========================================================================== + function dedupe(array) { + if (!is$1.array(array)) { + return array; + } + return array.filter(function (item, index) { + return array.indexOf(item) === index; + }); + } // Get the closest value in an array - var _enumKeys = function (it) { - var result = _objectKeys(it); - var getSymbols = _objectGops.f; - if (getSymbols) { - var symbols = getSymbols(it); - var isEnum = _objectPie.f; - var i = 0; - var key; - while (symbols.length > i) if (isEnum.call(it, key = symbols[i++])) result.push(key); - } return result; - }; + function closest(array, value) { + if (!is$1.array(array) || !array.length) { + return null; + } - // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window + return array.reduce(function (prev, curr) { + return Math.abs(curr - value) < Math.abs(prev - value) ? curr : prev; + }); + } - var gOPN = _objectGopn.f; - var toString$1 = {}.toString; + function cloneDeep(object) { + return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)); + } // Get a nested value in an object - var windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames - ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : []; + function getDeep(object, path) { + return path.split('.').reduce(function (obj, key) { + return obj && obj[key]; + }, object); + } // Deep extend destination object with N more objects - var getWindowNames = function (it) { - try { - return gOPN(it); - } catch (e) { - return windowNames.slice(); - } - }; + function extend() { + var target = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; + + for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { + sources[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; + } + + if (!sources.length) { + return target; + } + + var source = sources.shift(); + + if (!is$1.object(source)) { + return target; + } + + Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) { + if (is$1.object(source[key])) { + if (!Object.keys(target).includes(key)) { + Object.assign(target, _defineProperty({}, key, {})); + } + + extend(target[key], source[key]); + } else { + Object.assign(target, _defineProperty({}, key, source[key])); + } + }); + return extend.apply(void 0, [target].concat(sources)); + } - var f$7 = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { - return windowNames && toString$1.call(it) == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(_toIobject(it)); - }; + var dP$2 = _objectDp.f; + var gOPN$1 = _objectGopn.f; + + + var $RegExp = _global.RegExp; + var Base$1 = $RegExp; + var proto$2 = $RegExp.prototype; + var re1 = /a/g; + var re2 = /a/g; + // "new" creates a new object, old webkit buggy here + var CORRECT_NEW = new $RegExp(re1) !== re1; + + if (_descriptors && (!CORRECT_NEW || _fails(function () { + re2[_wks('match')] = false; + // RegExp constructor can alter flags and IsRegExp works correct with @@match + return $RegExp(re1) != re1 || $RegExp(re2) == re2 || $RegExp(re1, 'i') != '/a/i'; + }))) { + $RegExp = function RegExp(p, f) { + var tiRE = this instanceof $RegExp; + var piRE = _isRegexp(p); + var fiU = f === undefined; + return !tiRE && piRE && p.constructor === $RegExp && fiU ? p + : _inheritIfRequired(CORRECT_NEW + ? new Base$1(piRE && !fiU ? p.source : p, f) + : Base$1((piRE = p instanceof $RegExp) ? p.source : p, piRE && fiU ? _flags.call(p) : f) + , tiRE ? this : proto$2, $RegExp); + }; + var proxy = function (key) { + key in $RegExp || dP$2($RegExp, key, { + configurable: true, + get: function () { return Base$1[key]; }, + set: function (it) { Base$1[key] = it; } + }); + }; + for (var keys$1 = gOPN$1(Base$1), i$1 = 0; keys$1.length > i$1;) proxy(keys$1[i$1++]); + proto$2.constructor = $RegExp; + $RegExp.prototype = proto$2; + _redefine(_global, 'RegExp', $RegExp); + } - var _objectGopnExt = { - f: f$7 - }; + _setSpecies('RegExp'); + + function generateId(prefix) { + return "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); + } // Format string - // ECMAScript 6 symbols shim + function format(input) { + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; + } + if (is$1.empty(input)) { + return input; + } + return input.toString().replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, i) { + return args[i].toString(); + }); + } // Get percentage + function getPercentage(current, max) { + if (current === 0 || max === 0 || Number.isNaN(current) || Number.isNaN(max)) { + return 0; + } + return (current / max * 100).toFixed(2); + } // Replace all occurances of a string in a string - var META = _meta.KEY; + function replaceAll() { + var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; + var find = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; + var replace = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : ''; + return input.replace(new RegExp(find.toString().replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, '\\$1'), 'g'), replace.toString()); + } // Convert to title case + function toTitleCase() { + var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; + return input.toString().replace(/\w\S*/g, function (text) { + return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1).toLowerCase(); + }); + } // Convert string to pascalCase + function toPascalCase() { + var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; + var string = input.toString(); // Convert kebab case + string = replaceAll(string, '-', ' '); // Convert snake case + string = replaceAll(string, '_', ' '); // Convert to title case + string = toTitleCase(string); // Convert to pascal case + return replaceAll(string, ' ', ''); + } // Convert string to pascalCase + function toCamelCase() { + var input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; + var string = input.toString(); // Convert to pascal case + string = toPascalCase(string); // Convert first character to lowercase + return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1); + } // Remove HTML from a string + function stripHTML(source) { + var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); + var element = document.createElement('div'); + fragment.appendChild(element); + element.innerHTML = source; + return fragment.firstChild.innerText; + } // Like outerHTML, but also works for DocumentFragment + function getHTML(element) { + var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); + wrapper.appendChild(element); + return wrapper.innerHTML; + } + var resources = { + pip: 'PIP', + airplay: 'AirPlay', + html5: 'HTML5', + vimeo: 'Vimeo', + youtube: 'YouTube' + }; + var i18n = { + get: function get() { + var key = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ''; + var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; + + if (is$1.empty(key) || is$1.empty(config)) { + return ''; + } + + var string = getDeep(config.i18n, key); + + if (is$1.empty(string)) { + if (Object.keys(resources).includes(key)) { + return resources[key]; + } + + return ''; + } + + var replace = { + '{seektime}': config.seekTime, + '{title}': config.title + }; + Object.entries(replace).forEach(function (_ref) { + var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), + key = _ref2[0], + value = _ref2[1]; + + string = replaceAll(string, key, value); + }); + return string; + } + }; + + var Storage = + /*#__PURE__*/ + function () { + function Storage(player) { + _classCallCheck(this, Storage); + + this.enabled = player.config.storage.enabled; + this.key = player.config.storage.key; + } // Check for actual support (see if we can use it) + + + _createClass(Storage, [{ + key: "get", + value: function get(key) { + if (!Storage.supported || !this.enabled) { + return null; + } + + var store = window.localStorage.getItem(this.key); + + if (is$1.empty(store)) { + return null; + } + + var json = JSON.parse(store); + return is$1.string(key) && key.length ? json[key] : json; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(object) { + // Bail if we don't have localStorage support or it's disabled + if (!Storage.supported || !this.enabled) { + return; + } // Can only store objectst + + + if (!is$1.object(object)) { + return; + } // Get current storage + + + var storage = this.get(); // Default to empty object + + if (is$1.empty(storage)) { + storage = {}; + } // Update the working copy of the values + + + extend(storage, object); // Update storage + + window.localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(storage)); + } + }], [{ + key: "supported", + get: function get() { + try { + if (!('localStorage' in window)) { + return false; + } + + var test = '___test'; // Try to use it (it might be disabled, e.g. user is in private mode) + // see: https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/131 + + window.localStorage.setItem(test, test); + window.localStorage.removeItem(test); + return true; + } catch (e) { + return false; + } + } + }]); + + return Storage; + }(); + // ========================================================================== + // Fetch wrapper + // Using XHR to avoid issues with older browsers + // ========================================================================== + function fetch(url) { + var responseType = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'text'; + return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { + try { + var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Check for CORS support + + if (!('withCredentials' in request)) { + return; + } + + request.addEventListener('load', function () { + if (responseType === 'text') { + try { + resolve(JSON.parse(request.responseText)); + } catch (e) { + resolve(request.responseText); + } + } else { + resolve(request.response); + } + }); + request.addEventListener('error', function () { + throw new Error(request.status); + }); + request.open('GET', url, true); // Set the required response type + + request.responseType = responseType; + request.send(); + } catch (e) { + reject(e); + } + }); + } + // ========================================================================== + function loadSprite(url, id) { + if (!is$1.string(url)) { + return; + } + var prefix = 'cache'; + var hasId = is$1.string(id); + var isCached = false; + var exists = function exists() { + return document.getElementById(id) !== null; + }; + var update = function update(container, data) { + container.innerHTML = data; // Check again incase of race condition - var gOPD$2 = _objectGopd.f; - var dP$2 = _objectDp.f; - var gOPN$1 = _objectGopnExt.f; - var $Symbol = _global.Symbol; - var $JSON = _global.JSON; - var _stringify = $JSON && $JSON.stringify; - var PROTOTYPE$2 = 'prototype'; - var HIDDEN = _wks('_hidden'); - var TO_PRIMITIVE = _wks('toPrimitive'); - var isEnum = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; - var SymbolRegistry = _shared('symbol-registry'); - var AllSymbols = _shared('symbols'); - var OPSymbols = _shared('op-symbols'); - var ObjectProto$1 = Object[PROTOTYPE$2]; - var USE_NATIVE$1 = typeof $Symbol == 'function'; - var QObject = _global.QObject; - // Don't use setters in Qt Script, https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/173 - var setter = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE$2] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE$2].findChild; - - // fallback for old Android, https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=687 - var setSymbolDesc = _descriptors && _fails(function () { - return _objectCreate(dP$2({}, 'a', { - get: function () { return dP$2(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; } - })).a != 7; - }) ? function (it, key, D) { - var protoDesc = gOPD$2(ObjectProto$1, key); - if (protoDesc) delete ObjectProto$1[key]; - dP$2(it, key, D); - if (protoDesc && it !== ObjectProto$1) dP$2(ObjectProto$1, key, protoDesc); - } : dP$2; - - var wrap = function (tag) { - var sym = AllSymbols[tag] = _objectCreate($Symbol[PROTOTYPE$2]); - sym._k = tag; - return sym; - }; - - var isSymbol = USE_NATIVE$1 && typeof $Symbol.iterator == 'symbol' ? function (it) { - return typeof it == 'symbol'; - } : function (it) { - return it instanceof $Symbol; - }; - - var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(it, key, D) { - if (it === ObjectProto$1) $defineProperty(OPSymbols, key, D); - _anObject(it); - key = _toPrimitive(key, true); - _anObject(D); - if (_has(AllSymbols, key)) { - if (!D.enumerable) { - if (!_has(it, HIDDEN)) dP$2(it, HIDDEN, _propertyDesc(1, {})); - it[HIDDEN][key] = true; - } else { - if (_has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key]) it[HIDDEN][key] = false; - D = _objectCreate(D, { enumerable: _propertyDesc(0, false) }); - } return setSymbolDesc(it, key, D); - } return dP$2(it, key, D); - }; - var $defineProperties = function defineProperties(it, P) { - _anObject(it); - var keys = _enumKeys(P = _toIobject(P)); - var i = 0; - var l = keys.length; - var key; - while (l > i) $defineProperty(it, key = keys[i++], P[key]); - return it; - }; - var $create = function create(it, P) { - return P === undefined ? _objectCreate(it) : $defineProperties(_objectCreate(it), P); - }; - var $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) { - var E = isEnum.call(this, key = _toPrimitive(key, true)); - if (this === ObjectProto$1 && _has(AllSymbols, key) && !_has(OPSymbols, key)) return false; - return E || !_has(this, key) || !_has(AllSymbols, key) || _has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][key] ? E : true; - }; - var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) { - it = _toIobject(it); - key = _toPrimitive(key, true); - if (it === ObjectProto$1 && _has(AllSymbols, key) && !_has(OPSymbols, key)) return; - var D = gOPD$2(it, key); - if (D && _has(AllSymbols, key) && !(_has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) D.enumerable = true; - return D; - }; - var $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { - var names = gOPN$1(_toIobject(it)); - var result = []; - var i = 0; - var key; - while (names.length > i) { - if (!_has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && key != HIDDEN && key != META) result.push(key); - } return result; - }; - var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) { - var IS_OP = it === ObjectProto$1; - var names = gOPN$1(IS_OP ? OPSymbols : _toIobject(it)); - var result = []; - var i = 0; - var key; - while (names.length > i) { - if (_has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && (IS_OP ? _has(ObjectProto$1, key) : true)) result.push(AllSymbols[key]); - } return result; - }; - - // Symbol([description]) - if (!USE_NATIVE$1) { - $Symbol = function Symbol() { - if (this instanceof $Symbol) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor!'); - var tag = _uid(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); - var $set = function (value) { - if (this === ObjectProto$1) $set.call(OPSymbols, value); - if (_has(this, HIDDEN) && _has(this[HIDDEN], tag)) this[HIDDEN][tag] = false; - setSymbolDesc(this, tag, _propertyDesc(1, value)); - }; - if (_descriptors && setter) setSymbolDesc(ObjectProto$1, tag, { configurable: true, set: $set }); - return wrap(tag); - }; - _redefine($Symbol[PROTOTYPE$2], 'toString', function toString() { - return this._k; - }); - - _objectGopd.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - _objectDp.f = $defineProperty; - _objectGopn.f = _objectGopnExt.f = $getOwnPropertyNames; - _objectPie.f = $propertyIsEnumerable; - _objectGops.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols; - - if (_descriptors && !_library) { - _redefine(ObjectProto$1, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, true); - } - - _wksExt.f = function (name) { - return wrap(_wks(name)); - }; - } + if (hasId && exists()) { + return; + } // Inject the SVG to the body - _export(_export.G + _export.W + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE$1, { Symbol: $Symbol }); - - for (var es6Symbols = ( - //,,,,,,,,,, - 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables' - ).split(','), j = 0; es6Symbols.length > j;)_wks(es6Symbols[j++]); - - for (var wellKnownSymbols = _objectKeys(_wks.store), k = 0; wellKnownSymbols.length > k;) _wksDefine(wellKnownSymbols[k++]); - - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE$1, 'Symbol', { - // Symbol.for(key) - 'for': function (key) { - return _has(SymbolRegistry, key += '') - ? SymbolRegistry[key] - : SymbolRegistry[key] = $Symbol(key); - }, - // Symbol.keyFor(sym) - keyFor: function keyFor(sym) { - if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(sym + ' is not a symbol!'); - for (var key in SymbolRegistry) if (SymbolRegistry[key] === sym) return key; - }, - useSetter: function () { setter = true; }, - useSimple: function () { setter = false; } - }); - _export(_export.S + _export.F * !USE_NATIVE$1, 'Object', { - // Object.create(O [, Properties]) - create: $create, - // Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) - defineProperty: $defineProperty, - // Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) - defineProperties: $defineProperties, - // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) - getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor, - // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) - getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames, - // Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O) - getOwnPropertySymbols: $getOwnPropertySymbols - }); + document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', container); + }; // Only load once if ID set - // 24.3.2 JSON.stringify(value [, replacer [, space]]) - $JSON && _export(_export.S + _export.F * (!USE_NATIVE$1 || _fails(function () { - var S = $Symbol(); - // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {} - // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null - // V8 throws on boxed symbols - return _stringify([S]) != '[null]' || _stringify({ a: S }) != '{}' || _stringify(Object(S)) != '{}'; - })), 'JSON', { - stringify: function stringify(it) { - var args = [it]; - var i = 1; - var replacer, $replacer; - while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); - $replacer = replacer = args[1]; - if (!_isObject(replacer) && it === undefined || isSymbol(it)) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined - if (!_isArray(replacer)) replacer = function (key, value) { - if (typeof $replacer == 'function') value = $replacer.call(this, key, value); - if (!isSymbol(value)) return value; - }; - args[1] = replacer; - return _stringify.apply($JSON, args); - } - }); - // Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive](hint) - $Symbol[PROTOTYPE$2][TO_PRIMITIVE] || _hide($Symbol[PROTOTYPE$2], TO_PRIMITIVE, $Symbol[PROTOTYPE$2].valueOf); - // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag] - _setToStringTag($Symbol, 'Symbol'); - // Math[@@toStringTag] - _setToStringTag(Math, 'Math', true); - // 24.3.3 JSON[@@toStringTag] - _setToStringTag(_global.JSON, 'JSON', true); + if (!hasId || !exists()) { + var useStorage = Storage.supported; // Create container - // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives + var container = document.createElement('div'); + container.setAttribute('hidden', ''); + if (hasId) { + container.setAttribute('id', id); + } // Check in cache - var _objectSap = function (KEY, exec) { - var fn = (_core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY]; - var exp = {}; - exp[KEY] = exec(fn); - _export(_export.S + _export.F * _fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); - }; + if (useStorage) { + var cached = window.localStorage.getItem("".concat(prefix, "-").concat(id)); + isCached = cached !== null; - // Object.freeze(O) + if (isCached) { + var data = JSON.parse(cached); + update(container, data.content); + } + } // Get the sprite - var meta = _meta.onFreeze; - _objectSap('freeze', function ($freeze) { - return function freeze(it) { - return $freeze && _isObject(it) ? $freeze(meta(it)) : it; - }; - }); + fetch(url).then(function (result) { + if (is$1.empty(result)) { + return; + } - // Object.seal(O) + if (useStorage) { + window.localStorage.setItem("".concat(prefix, "-").concat(id), JSON.stringify({ + content: result + })); + } - var meta$1 = _meta.onFreeze; + update(container, result); + }).catch(function () {}); + } + } - _objectSap('seal', function ($seal) { - return function seal(it) { - return $seal && _isObject(it) ? $seal(meta$1(it)) : it; - }; - }); + // ========================================================================== - // Object.preventExtensions(O) + var getHours = function getHours(value) { + return parseInt(value / 60 / 60 % 60, 10); + }; + var getMinutes = function getMinutes(value) { + return parseInt(value / 60 % 60, 10); + }; + var getSeconds = function getSeconds(value) { + return parseInt(value % 60, 10); + }; // Format time to UI friendly string - var meta$2 = _meta.onFreeze; + function formatTime() { + var time = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; + var displayHours = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; + var inverted = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; - _objectSap('preventExtensions', function ($preventExtensions) { - return function preventExtensions(it) { - return $preventExtensions && _isObject(it) ? $preventExtensions(meta$2(it)) : it; - }; - }); + // Bail if the value isn't a number + if (!is$1.number(time)) { + return formatTime(null, displayHours, inverted); + } // Format time component to add leading zero - // Object.isFrozen(O) + var format = function format(value) { + return "0".concat(value).slice(-2); + }; // Breakdown to hours, mins, secs - _objectSap('isFrozen', function ($isFrozen) { - return function isFrozen(it) { - return _isObject(it) ? $isFrozen ? $isFrozen(it) : false : true; - }; - }); - // Object.isSealed(O) + var hours = getHours(time); + var mins = getMinutes(time); + var secs = getSeconds(time); // Do we need to display hours? + if (displayHours || hours > 0) { + hours = "".concat(hours, ":"); + } else { + hours = ''; + } // Render - _objectSap('isSealed', function ($isSealed) { - return function isSealed(it) { - return _isObject(it) ? $isSealed ? $isSealed(it) : false : true; - }; - }); - // Object.isExtensible(O) + return "".concat(inverted && time > 0 ? '-' : '').concat(hours).concat(format(mins), ":").concat(format(secs)); + } + var controls = { + // Get icon URL + getIconUrl: function getIconUrl() { + var url = new URL(this.config.iconUrl, window.location); + var cors = url.host !== window.location.host || browser.isIE && !window.svg4everybody; + return { + url: this.config.iconUrl, + cors: cors + }; + }, + // Find the UI controls + findElements: function findElements() { + try { + this.elements.controls = getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.controls.wrapper); // Buttons + + this.elements.buttons = { + play: getElements.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.play), + pause: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pause), + restart: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.restart), + rewind: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.rewind), + fastForward: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fastForward), + mute: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.mute), + pip: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.pip), + airplay: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.airplay), + settings: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.settings), + captions: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.captions), + fullscreen: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.buttons.fullscreen) + }; // Progress + + this.elements.progress = getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.progress); // Inputs + + this.elements.inputs = { + seek: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.seek), + volume: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.inputs.volume) + }; // Display + + this.elements.display = { + buffer: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.buffer), + currentTime: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.currentTime), + duration: getElement.call(this, this.config.selectors.display.duration) + }; // Seek tooltip + + if (is$1.element(this.elements.progress)) { + this.elements.display.seekTooltip = this.elements.progress.querySelector(".".concat(this.config.classNames.tooltip)); + } + + return true; + } catch (error) { + // Log it + this.debug.warn('It looks like there is a problem with your custom controls HTML', error); // Restore native video controls + + this.toggleNativeControls(true); + return false; + } + }, + // Create icon + createIcon: function createIcon(type, attributes) { + var namespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; + var iconUrl = controls.getIconUrl.call(this); + var iconPath = "".concat(!iconUrl.cors ? iconUrl.url : '', "#").concat(this.config.iconPrefix); // Create + + var icon = document.createElementNS(namespace, 'svg'); + setAttributes(icon, extend(attributes, { + role: 'presentation', + focusable: 'false' + })); // Create the to reference sprite + + var use = document.createElementNS(namespace, 'use'); + var path = "".concat(iconPath, "-").concat(type); // Set `href` attributes + // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/460 + // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/xlink:href + + if ('href' in use) { + use.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', path); + } // Always set the older attribute even though it's "deprecated" (it'll be around for ages) + + + use.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', path); // Add to + + icon.appendChild(use); + return icon; + }, + // Create hidden text label + createLabel: function createLabel(key) { + var attr = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; + var text = i18n.get(key, this.config); + var attributes = Object.assign({}, attr, { + class: [attr.class, this.config.classNames.hidden].filter(Boolean).join(' ') + }); + return createElement('span', attributes, text); + }, + // Create a badge + createBadge: function createBadge(text) { + if (is$1.empty(text)) { + return null; + } + + var badge = createElement('span', { + class: this.config.classNames.menu.value + }); + badge.appendChild(createElement('span', { + class: this.config.classNames.menu.badge + }, text)); + return badge; + }, + // Create a
to hide the standard controls and UI + setAspectRatio: function setAspectRatio(input) { + var _split$map = (is$1.string(input) ? input : this.config.ratio).split(':').map(Number), + _split$map2 = _slicedToArray(_split$map, 2), + x = _split$map2[0], + y = _split$map2[1]; + + var padding = 100 / x * y; + vimeo.padding = padding; + this.elements.wrapper.style.paddingBottom = "".concat(padding, "%"); + + if (this.supported.ui) { + var height = 240; + var offset = (height - padding) / (height / 50); + this.media.style.transform = "translateY(-".concat(offset, "%)"); + } + }, + // API Ready + ready: function ready$$1() { + var _this2 = this; + + var player = this; // Get Vimeo params for the iframe + + var options = { + loop: player.config.loop.active, + autoplay: player.autoplay, + // muted: player.muted, + byline: false, + portrait: false, + title: false, + speed: true, + transparent: 0, + gesture: 'media', + playsinline: !this.config.fullscreen.iosNative + }; + var params = buildUrlParams(options); // Get the source URL or ID + + var source = player.media.getAttribute('src'); // Get from
if needed + + if (is$1.empty(source)) { + source = player.media.getAttribute(player.config.attributes.embed.id); + } + + var id = parseId(source); // Build an iframe + + var iframe = createElement('iframe'); + var src = format(player.config.urls.vimeo.iframe, id, params); + iframe.setAttribute('src', src); + iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', ''); + iframe.setAttribute('allowtransparency', ''); + iframe.setAttribute('allow', 'autoplay'); // Get poster, if already set + + var poster = player.poster; // Inject the package + + var wrapper = createElement('div', { + poster: poster, + class: player.config.classNames.embedContainer + }); + wrapper.appendChild(iframe); + player.media = replaceElement(wrapper, player.media); // Get poster image + + fetch(format(player.config.urls.vimeo.api, id), 'json').then(function (response) { + if (is$1.empty(response)) { + return; + } // Get the URL for thumbnail + + + var url = new URL(response[0].thumbnail_large); // Get original image + + url.pathname = "".concat(url.pathname.split('_')[0], ".jpg"); // Set and show poster + + ui.setPoster.call(player, url.href).catch(function () {}); + }); // Setup instance + // https://github.com/vimeo/player.js + + player.embed = new window.Vimeo.Player(iframe, { + autopause: player.config.autopause, + muted: player.muted + }); + player.media.paused = true; + player.media.currentTime = 0; // Disable native text track rendering + + if (player.supported.ui) { + player.embed.disableTextTrack(); + } // Create a faux HTML5 API using the Vimeo API + + + player.media.play = function () { + assurePlaybackState.call(player, true); + return player.embed.play(); + }; + + player.media.pause = function () { + assurePlaybackState.call(player, false); + return player.embed.pause(); + }; + + player.media.stop = function () { + player.pause(); + player.currentTime = 0; + }; // Seeking + + + var currentTime = player.media.currentTime; + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentTime', { + get: function get() { + return currentTime; + }, + set: function set(time) { + // Vimeo will automatically play on seek if the video hasn't been played before + // Get current paused state and volume etc + var embed = player.embed, + media = player.media, + paused = player.paused, + volume = player.volume; + var restorePause = paused && !embed.hasPlayed; // Set seeking state and trigger event + + media.seeking = true; + triggerEvent.call(player, media, 'seeking'); // If paused, mute until seek is complete + + Promise.resolve(restorePause && embed.setVolume(0)) // Seek + .then(function () { + return embed.setCurrentTime(time); + }) // Restore paused + .then(function () { + return restorePause && embed.pause(); + }) // Restore volume + .then(function () { + return restorePause && embed.setVolume(volume); + }).catch(function () {// Do nothing + }); + } + }); // Playback speed + + var speed = player.config.speed.selected; + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'playbackRate', { + get: function get() { + return speed; + }, + set: function set(input) { + player.embed.setPlaybackRate(input).then(function () { + speed = input; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ratechange'); + }).catch(function (error) { + // Hide menu item (and menu if empty) + if (error.name === 'Error') { + controls.setSpeedMenu.call(player, []); + } + }); + } + }); // Volume + + var volume = player.config.volume; + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'volume', { + get: function get() { + return volume; + }, + set: function set(input) { + player.embed.setVolume(input).then(function () { + volume = input; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange'); + }); + } + }); // Muted + + var muted = player.config.muted; + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'muted', { + get: function get() { + return muted; + }, + set: function set(input) { + var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : false; + player.embed.setVolume(toggle ? 0 : player.config.volume).then(function () { + muted = toggle; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'volumechange'); + }); + } + }); // Loop + + var loop = player.config.loop; + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'loop', { + get: function get() { + return loop; + }, + set: function set(input) { + var toggle = is$1.boolean(input) ? input : player.config.loop.active; + player.embed.setLoop(toggle).then(function () { + loop = toggle; + }); + } + }); // Source + + var currentSrc; + player.embed.getVideoUrl().then(function (value) { + currentSrc = value; + controls.setDownloadLink.call(player); + }).catch(function (error) { + _this2.debug.warn(error); + }); + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'currentSrc', { + get: function get() { + return currentSrc; + } + }); // Ended + + Object.defineProperty(player.media, 'ended', { + get: function get() { + return player.currentTime === player.duration; + } + }); // Set aspect ratio based on video size + + Promise.all([player.embed.getVideoWidth(), player.embed.getVideoHeight()]).then(function (dimensions) { + vimeo.ratio = getAspectRatio(dimensions[0], dimensions[1]); + vimeo.setAspectRatio.call(_this2, vimeo.ratio); + }); // Set autopause + + player.embed.setAutopause(player.config.autopause).then(function (state) { + player.config.autopause = state; + }); // Get title + + player.embed.getVideoTitle().then(function (title) { + player.config.title = title; + ui.setTitle.call(_this2); + }); // Get current time + + player.embed.getCurrentTime().then(function (value) { + currentTime = value; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate'); + }); // Get duration + + player.embed.getDuration().then(function (value) { + player.media.duration = value; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange'); + }); // Get captions + + player.embed.getTextTracks().then(function (tracks) { + player.media.textTracks = tracks; + captions.setup.call(player); + }); + player.embed.on('cuechange', function (_ref) { + var _ref$cues = _ref.cues, + cues = _ref$cues === void 0 ? [] : _ref$cues; + var strippedCues = cues.map(function (cue) { + return stripHTML(cue.text); + }); + captions.updateCues.call(player, strippedCues); + }); + player.embed.on('loaded', function () { + // Assure state and events are updated on autoplay + player.embed.getPaused().then(function (paused) { + assurePlaybackState.call(player, !paused); + + if (!paused) { + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing'); + } + }); + + if (is$1.element(player.embed.element) && player.supported.ui) { + var frame = player.embed.element; // Fix keyboard focus issues + // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/317 + + frame.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); + } + }); + player.embed.on('play', function () { + assurePlaybackState.call(player, true); + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'playing'); + }); + player.embed.on('pause', function () { + assurePlaybackState.call(player, false); + }); + player.embed.on('timeupdate', function (data) { + player.media.seeking = false; + currentTime = data.seconds; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'timeupdate'); + }); + player.embed.on('progress', function (data) { + player.media.buffered = data.percent; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'progress'); // Check all loaded + + if (parseInt(data.percent, 10) === 1) { + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'canplaythrough'); + } // Get duration as if we do it before load, it gives an incorrect value + // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/891 + + + player.embed.getDuration().then(function (value) { + if (value !== player.media.duration) { + player.media.duration = value; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'durationchange'); + } + }); + }); + player.embed.on('seeked', function () { + player.media.seeking = false; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'seeked'); + }); + player.embed.on('ended', function () { + player.media.paused = true; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'ended'); + }); + player.embed.on('error', function (detail) { + player.media.error = detail; + triggerEvent.call(player, player.media, 'error'); + }); // Set height/width on fullscreen + + player.on('enterfullscreen exitfullscreen', function (event) { + var target = player.fullscreen.target; // Ignore for iOS native + + if (target !== player.elements.container) { + return; + } + + var toggle = event.type === 'enterfullscreen'; + + var _vimeo$ratio$split$ma = vimeo.ratio.split(':').map(Number), + _vimeo$ratio$split$ma2 = _slicedToArray(_vimeo$ratio$split$ma, 2), + x = _vimeo$ratio$split$ma2[0], + y = _vimeo$ratio$split$ma2[1]; + + var dimension = x > y ? 'width' : 'height'; + target.style[dimension] = toggle ? "".concat(vimeo.padding, "%") : null; + }); // Rebuild UI + + setTimeout(function () { + return ui.build.call(player); + }, 0); + } }; - // ========================================================================== - // Plyr default config - // ========================================================================== - - var defaults$1 = { - // Disable - enabled: true, + function parseId$1(url) { + if (is$1.empty(url)) { + return null; + } - // Custom media title - title: '', - - // Logging to console - debug: false, + var regex = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|&v=)([^#&?]*).*/; + return url.match(regex) ? RegExp.$2 : url; + } // Set playback state and trigger change (only on actual change) - // Auto play (if supported) - autoplay: false, - - // Only allow one media playing at once (vimeo only) - autopause: true, - - // Allow inline playback on iOS (this effects YouTube/Vimeo - HTML5 requires the attribute present) - // TODO: Remove iosNative fullscreen option in favour of this (logic needs work) - playsinline: true, - - // Default time to skip when rewind/fast forward - seekTime: 10, - - // Default volume - volume: 1, - muted: false, - - // Pass a custom duration - duration: null, - - // Display the media duration on load in the current time position - // If you have opted to display both duration and currentTime, this is ignored - displayDuration: true, - - // Invert the current time to be a countdown - invertTime: true, - - // Clicking the currentTime inverts it's value to show time left rather than elapsed - toggleInvert: true, - - // Aspect ratio (for embeds) - ratio: '16:9', - - // Click video container to play/pause - clickToPlay: true, - - // Auto hide the controls - hideControls: true, - - // Reset to start when playback ended - resetOnEnd: false, - - // Disable the standard context menu - disableContextMenu: true, - - // Sprite (for icons) - loadSprite: true, - iconPrefix: 'plyr', - iconUrl: 'https://cdn.plyr.io/3.3.12/plyr.svg', - - // Blank video (used to prevent errors on source change) - blankVideo: 'https://cdn.plyr.io/static/blank.mp4', - - // Quality default - quality: { - default: 576, - options: [4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 576, 480, 360, 240] - }, - - // Set loops - loop: { - active: false - // start: null, - // end: null, - }, - - // Speed default and options to display - speed: { - selected: 1, - options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2] - }, - - // Keyboard shortcut settings - keyboard: { - focused: true, - global: false - }, - - // Display tooltips - tooltips: { - controls: false, - seek: true - }, - - // Captions settings - captions: { - active: false, - language: 'auto', - // Listen to new tracks added after Plyr is initialized. - // This is needed for streaming captions, but may result in unselectable options - update: false - }, - - // Fullscreen settings - fullscreen: { - enabled: true, // Allow fullscreen? - fallback: true, // Fallback for vintage browsers - iosNative: false // Use the native fullscreen in iOS (disables custom controls) - }, - - // Local storage - storage: { - enabled: true, - key: 'plyr' - }, - - // Default controls - controls: ['play-large', - // 'restart', - // 'rewind', - 'play', - // 'fast-forward', - 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'volume', 'captions', 'settings', 'pip', 'airplay', 'fullscreen'], - settings: ['captions', 'quality', 'speed'], - - // Localisation - i18n: { - restart: 'Restart', - rewind: 'Rewind {seektime}s', - play: 'Play', - pause: 'Pause', - fastForward: 'Forward {seektime}s', - seek: 'Seek', - seekLabel: '{currentTime} of {duration}', - played: 'Played', - buffered: 'Buffered', - currentTime: 'Current time', - duration: 'Duration', - volume: 'Volume', - mute: 'Mute', - unmute: 'Unmute', - enableCaptions: 'Enable captions', - disableCaptions: 'Disable captions', - enterFullscreen: 'Enter fullscreen', - exitFullscreen: 'Exit fullscreen', - frameTitle: 'Player for {title}', - captions: 'Captions', - settings: 'Settings', - menuBack: 'Go back to previous menu', - speed: 'Speed', - normal: 'Normal', - quality: 'Quality', - loop: 'Loop', - start: 'Start', - end: 'End', - all: 'All', - reset: 'Reset', - disabled: 'Disabled', - enabled: 'Enabled', - advertisement: 'Ad', - qualityBadge: { - 2160: '4K', - 1440: 'HD', - 1080: 'HD', - 720: 'HD', - 576: 'SD', - 480: 'SD' - } - }, - - // URLs - urls: { - vimeo: { - sdk: 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js', - iframe: 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/{0}?{1}', - api: 'https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/{0}.json' - }, - youtube: { - sdk: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api', - api: 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id={0}&key={1}&fields=items(snippet(title))&part=snippet' - }, - googleIMA: { - sdk: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js' - } - }, - - // Custom control listeners - listeners: { - seek: null, - play: null, - pause: null, - restart: null, - rewind: null, - fastForward: null, - mute: null, - volume: null, - captions: null, - fullscreen: null, - pip: null, - airplay: null, - speed: null, - quality: null, - loop: null, - language: null - }, - - // Events to watch and bubble - events: [ - // Events to watch on HTML5 media elements and bubble - // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Media_events - 'ended', 'progress', 'stalled', 'playing', 'waiting', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough', 'loadstart', 'loadeddata', 'loadedmetadata', 'timeupdate', 'volumechange', 'play', 'pause', 'error', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'emptied', 'ratechange', 'cuechange', - - // Custom events - 'enterfullscreen', 'exitfullscreen', 'captionsenabled', 'captionsdisabled', 'languagechange', 'controlshidden', 'controlsshown', 'ready', - - // YouTube - 'statechange', - - // Quality - 'qualitychange', - - // Ads - 'adsloaded', 'adscontentpause', 'adscontentresume', 'adstarted', 'adsmidpoint', 'adscomplete', 'adsallcomplete', 'adsimpression', 'adsclick'], - - // Selectors - // Change these to match your template if using custom HTML - selectors: { - editable: 'input, textarea, select, [contenteditable]', - container: '.plyr', - controls: { - container: null, - wrapper: '.plyr__controls' - }, - labels: '[data-plyr]', - buttons: { - play: '[data-plyr="play"]', - pause: '[data-plyr="pause"]', - restart: '[data-plyr="restart"]', - rewind: '[data-plyr="rewind"]', - fastForward: '[data-plyr="fast-forward"]', - mute: '[data-plyr="mute"]', - captions: '[data-plyr="captions"]', - fullscreen: '[data-plyr="fullscreen"]', - pip: '[data-plyr="pip"]', - airplay: '[data-plyr="airplay"]', - settings: '[data-plyr="settings"]', - loop: '[data-plyr="loop"]' - }, - inputs: { - seek: '[data-plyr="seek"]', - volume: '[data-plyr="volume"]', - speed: '[data-plyr="speed"]', - language: '[data-plyr="language"]', - quality: '[data-plyr="quality"]' - }, - display: { - currentTime: '.plyr__time--current', - duration: '.plyr__time--duration', - buffer: '.plyr__progress__buffer', - loop: '.plyr__progress__loop', // Used later - volume: '.plyr__volume--display' - }, - progress: '.plyr__progress', - captions: '.plyr__captions', - caption: '.plyr__caption', - menu: { - quality: '.js-plyr__menu__list--quality' - } - }, - - // Class hooks added to the player in different states - classNames: { - type: 'plyr--{0}', - provider: 'plyr--{0}', - video: 'plyr__video-wrapper', - embed: 'plyr__video-embed', - embedContainer: 'plyr__video-embed__container', - poster: 'plyr__poster', - posterEnabled: 'plyr__poster-enabled', - ads: 'plyr__ads', - control: 'plyr__control', - controlPressed: 'plyr__control--pressed', - playing: 'plyr--playing', - paused: 'plyr--paused', - stopped: 'plyr--stopped', - loading: 'plyr--loading', - hover: 'plyr--hover', - tooltip: 'plyr__tooltip', - cues: 'plyr__cues', - hidden: 'plyr__sr-only', - hideControls: 'plyr--hide-controls', - isIos: 'plyr--is-ios', - isTouch: 'plyr--is-touch', - uiSupported: 'plyr--full-ui', - noTransition: 'plyr--no-transition', - display: { - time: 'plyr__time' - }, - menu: { - value: 'plyr__menu__value', - badge: 'plyr__badge', - open: 'plyr--menu-open' - }, - captions: { - enabled: 'plyr--captions-enabled', - active: 'plyr--captions-active' - }, - fullscreen: { - enabled: 'plyr--fullscreen-enabled', - fallback: 'plyr--fullscreen-fallback' - }, - pip: { - supported: 'plyr--pip-supported', - active: 'plyr--pip-active' - }, - airplay: { - supported: 'plyr--airplay-supported', - active: 'plyr--airplay-active' - }, - tabFocus: 'plyr__tab-focus' - }, - - // Embed attributes - attributes: { - embed: { - provider: 'data-plyr-provider', - id: 'data-plyr-embed-id' - } - }, - - // API keys - keys: { - google: null - }, - - // Advertisements plugin - // Register for an account here: http://vi.ai/publisher-video-monetization/?aid=plyrio - ads: { - enabled: false, - publisherId: '' - } - }; - // ========================================================================== - // Plyr supported types and providers - // ========================================================================== + function assurePlaybackState$1(play) { + if (play && !this.embed.hasPlayed) { + this.embed.hasPlayed = true; + } + + if (this.media.paused === play) { + this.media.paused = !play; + triggerEvent.call(this, this.media, play ? 'play' : 'pause'); + } + } - var providers = { - html5: 'html5', - youtube: 'youtube', - vimeo: 'vimeo' + var youtube = { + setup: function setup() { + var _this = this; + + // Add embed class for responsive + toggleClass(this.elements.wrapper, this.config.classNames.embed, true); // Set aspect ratio + + youtube.setAspectRatio.call(this); // Setup API + + if (is$1.object(window.YT) && is$1.function(window.YT.Player)) { + youtube.ready.call(this); + } else { + // Load the API + loadScript(this.config.urls.youtube.sdk).catch(function (error) { + _this.debug.warn('YouTube API failed to load', error); + }); // Setup callback for the API + // YouTube has it's own system of course... + + window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks = window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks || []; // Add to queue + + window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks.push(function () { + youtube.ready.call(_this); + }); // Set callback to process queue + + window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { + window.onYouTubeReadyCallbacks.forEach(function (callback) { + callback(); + }); + }; + } + }, + // Get the media title + getTitle: function getTitle(videoId) { + var _this2 = this; + + // Try via undocumented API method first + // This method disappears now and then though... + // https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/issues/709 + if (is$1.function(this.embed.getVideoData)) { + var _this$embed$getVideoD = this.embed.getVideoData(), + title = _this$embed$getVideoD.title; + + if (is$1.empty(title)) { + this.config.title = title; + ui.setTitle.call(this); + return; + } + } // Or via Google API + + + var key = this.config.keys.google; + + if (is$1.string(key) && !is$1.empty(key)) { + var url = format(this.config.urls.youtube.api, videoId, key); + fetch(url).then(function (result) { + if (is$1.object(result)) { + _this2.config.title = result.items[0].snippet.title; + ui.setTitle.call(_this2); + } + }).catch(function () {}); + } + }, + // Set aspect ratio + setAspectRatio: function setAspectRatio() { + var ratio = this.config.ratio.split(':'); + this.elements.wrapper.style.paddingBottom = "".concat(100 / ratio[0] * ratio[1], "%"); + }, + // API ready + ready: function ready$$1() { + var player = this; // Ignore already setup (race condition) + + var currentId = player.media.getAttribute('id'); + + if (!is$1.empty(currentId) && currentId.startsWith('youtube-')) { + return; + } // Get the source URL or ID + + + var source = player.media.getAttribute('src'); // Get from
if needed + + if (is$1.empty(source)) { + source = player.media.getAttribute(this.config.attributes.embed.id); + } // Replace the