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Demographic history with SMC

SNP data for Sequentially Markovian Coalescent (SMC) analyses

We only used variants from scaffold with a length greater than 1Mbp in which account for approximately 75% of genome size (N75=983,972, first 142 scaffolds). Additionally, different methods have different limitations in number of samples, we used:

  • Three individuals from each location in PSMC analysis.
  • All samples (unphased, 74 indvs) except the mislabeled sample from each location in SMC++.

0. Mutation rate estimate

The per generation mutation rate of A.digitifera estimated based on a divergence time of 15.5 Million years to A. tenuis is 2.89e-8 in (Mao, Economo, and Satoh 2018). A more recent study that used numerous fossil calibration points and 818 orthologous genes points toward a much older divergence time of 50Mya (Shinzato et al. 2020). Given the inherent uncertainties in these estimates we chose a value of 37.5Mya as this lies at the midpoint between the youngest Acropora fossils (25 Mya) (Santodomingo, Wallace, and Johnson 2015) and more ancient estimates from whole genome analyses (Shinzato et al. 2020). To translate these divergence times to mutation rates we updated calculations in (Mao, Economo, and Satoh 2018) as follows;

# Original calculation in Mao et al
#(79427941/(79427942+363368171)/(2 × 15.5)) x 5 × 10−6 = 2.89 × 10−8

#calibrate divergence time to 37.5
(79427941/(79427942+363368171)/(2 × 37.5)) x 5 × 10−6 = 1.20 x 10-8

This gave a per generation mutation rate of 1.2e-8 that we used for all analyses.

1. PSMC analysis

We first used bcftools mpileup and call functions to get sample-specific SNP data sets, in which we removed sites with mean map and base quality < 30. Then appied psmc to each sample with 64 atomic time (-p 4+25*2+4+6).

bcftools mpileup -Q 30 -q 30 -C 50 -f {reference}.fa -r {chr} {sample}.bam | \
 bcftools call -c | \ vcf2fq -d 10 -D 80 -Q 30 > {sample}_{chr}.fq
cat {sample}_*.fq > {sample}_consensus.fq

fq2psmcfa {sample}_consensus.fq > {sample}.psmcfa

## run psmc
psmc -p 4+25*2+4+6 -o {sample}.psmc {sample}.psmcfa

To perform bootstrapping, we run splitfa to split long scaffold to shorter segments and applied psmc with -b option to allow it randomly sample with replacement from these segments for 100 times.

splitfa {sample}.psmcfa > split.{sample}.psmcfa
psmc -b -p 4+25*2+4+6 -o bootstrap/round-{n}.psmc split.{sample}.psmc.fa  # n=1:100
cat bootstrap/round-*.psmc > {sample}_bs_combined.psmc

Figure1: The demographic history inferred by PSMC for inshore, north offshore, and south offshore

2. SMC++ analysis

Firstly, a single VCF file for each scaffold was extracted and indexed.

bcftools view -r {chr} -Oz -o {chr}.vcf.gz Adigi.v2.filtered.74.vcf.gz 
tabix {chr}.vcf.gz

To distinguish invariant positions with missing data, we mask genome regions where: a) with low or super high coverage across all samples (less than three reads covered or greater than 3000); b) We generated the genome mask files created using Heng Li’s SNPable tools and extracted the ambiguous positions (c==“0” or c==“1”).

samtools depth -r {chr} -aa -f bamfiles.txt | \
awk '{sum=0; for(i=3; i<=NF; i++) {sum+=$i}; print $1"\t"$2"\t"sum }' | \
awk '{if($3<3 || $3>3000) print $1"\t"$2"\t"$2}' | \
bedtools merge -i stdin | bgzip > {chr}.low_masked.bed.gz

zcat {chr}.low_masked.bed.gz Adigi_{chr}.mask.bed.gz | bedtools sort | bedtools merge |bgzip > {chr}.masked.bed.gz

Mask files of all scaffolds were concatenated together and we keep blocks with a length greater than 2Kb. Next, vcf files were converted into a SMC format file using vcf2smc in which we send in a vcf file of one scaffold and specify a list samples in the population. All smc+ input files were used together in a single run by varying the choice of distinguished individuals(8 from each pop) and resulting in a composite likelihood estimate.

smc++ vcf2smc -d {sample} {sample} \
  --mask all.masked.bed.gz {chr}.vcf.gz {chr}_{sample}.smc.gz {chr} \
  POP:$(cat {sample}.txt | paste -s -d ',')

smc++ estimate command was ran to estimate population history for each population.

## cubic spine version
smc++ estimate --cores 30 -o estimate --base {pop} --spline cubic \
 --timepoints 20 200000 --em-iterations 50 --thinning 3000 --knots 10 1.2e-8 {pop}.*.smc.gz
## piecewise(default) spine version
smc++ estimate --cores 30 -o estimate --base {pop} \
        --em-iterations 50 --timepoints 20 200000 --thinning 3000 \
        --knots 40 1.2e-8 {pop}.*.smc.gz

Eventually, we chose the piecewise spline for better resemble to PSMC plot and more details. However, the result file are available for plotting (csv,cubic spline plot).

2.1 Demographic history of three reefs

Figure 2: The effective population size estimate using SMC++ approach. The red, blue, and green lines represent the results of inshore, offshore north, and offshore south respectively.

To do bootstrapping, we performed 20(due to computational constraint) bootstrap estimates in SMC++ with fragmented and re-sampled scaffolds (generate by script SMC++ estimate was ran with these data sets with the same parameters as before.

2.2 Divergence time among populations

The smc++ can estimate joint demography and speculate the splitting time between pair of populations. To do this, we first create a joint frequency spectrum for every pair of populations using vcf2smc.

smc++ vcf2smc {chr}.vcf.gz {pop1}_{pop2}.smc.gz {chr} POP1:{sampleid},..  POP2:{sampleid},..

Next,we ran smc++ split with same parameters we used in estimate.

smc++ split -o split --base {pop1}_{pop2} \
--timepoints 20 200000 --em-iterations 50 --thinning 3000 \
{pop1}.final.json {pop2}.final.json {pop1}_{pop2}.smc.gz

Eventually, we made the pairwise plot using smc plot tool with a five year generation time.

Figure 3: Three figures above show the joint demography between any two populations (IN: Inshore, NO: North Offshore, SO: South Offshore) and the estimated splitting time (blue vertical line)

Add climate data in plot

Evaluating the uncertainty in mutation rate and generation time.

In SMC++, we re-ran the estimate using three mutation rates/generation time (3, 5, and 7 years) and also the splitting time.

  • 1.2e-8 calculated in this study.
  • 1.86e-8 from Cooke et al 2020
  • 2.89e-8 from Matz et al 2018

Figure 3: Variation in the estimated timing of key demographic events under different mutation rates and generation times. All estimates were obtained using SMC++. A. the bottleneck time of inshore (IN), north offshore (NO), and south offshore (SO) A. digitifera populations. B. the split time between each pair of populations.


Mao, Yafei, Evan P Economo, and Noriyuki Satoh. 2018. “The Roles of Introgression and Climate Change in the Rise to Dominance of Acropora Corals.” Current Biology 28 (21): 3373–3382.e5.

Santodomingo, Nadiezhda, Carden C Wallace, and Kenneth G Johnson. 2015. “Fossils Reveal a High Diversity of the Staghorn Coral Genera Acropora and Isopora (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the Neogene of Indonesia.” Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 175 (4): 677–763.

Shinzato, Chuya, Konstantin Khalturin, Jun Inoue, Yuna Zayasu, Miyuki Kanda, Mayumi Kawamitsu, Yuki Yoshioka, Hiroshi Yamashita, Go Suzuki, and Noriyuki Satoh. 2020. “Eighteen Coral Genomes Reveal the Evolutionary Origin of Acropora Strategies to Accommodate Environmental Changes.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (1): 16–30.