The system authentication is based on JWT. When a user authenticates, a token is generated and stored in cookies. When the user logs out, the token is deleted, thereby revoking access to protected views in the system.
Registration (
):- Checks if the email is already in use.
- Hashes the password.
- Creates and saves a new user in the database.
- Generates an access token and stores it in a cookie.
Login (
):- Searches for the user by email.
- Compares the provided password with the hashed password in the database.
- If credentials are correct, generates an access token and stores it in a cookie.
Token Verification (
):- Verifies the validity of the token stored in the cookie.
- If the token is valid, returns the user details.
Logout (
):- Deletes the cookie containing the token.
- Authentication Middleware (
):- Checks if there is a token in the cookie.
- If the token is valid, allows access to protected routes.
Registration (
)- Uses the authentication context (
) to manage registration. - Utilizes
for form validation. - Redirects the user to the notes page after registration.
- Uses the authentication context (
Login (
)- Uses the authentication context (
) to manage login. - Utilizes
for form validation. - Redirects the user to the notes page after login.
- Uses the authentication context (
Authentication Context (
)- Defines a React context to manage authentication state.
- Provides functions for signup, signin, signout, and checking authentication status.
- Uses functions (
) to make HTTP requests to the backend.
- The user visits the registration page.
- Completes the registration form.
- Client-side validation ensures email uniqueness.
- If data is valid, a registration request is sent to the server.
- The server validates the data and registers the user in the database.
- The user visits the login page.
- Completes the login form.
- If data is valid, a login request is sent to the server.
- The server authenticates the user and generates an access token.
Token Verification:
- The user visits a protected page.
- Checks for the existence of the authentication token.
- If the token exists, a verification request is sent to the server.
- The server verifies the token and allows access if it is valid.
- The user performs a logout action.
- The authentication token stored in the cookie is removed.
This flow ensures a secure and efficient process for registration, login, and route protection in the application.
I have to change to functions to a class. Perhaps this diagram folloWs the current and future behavior of the authentication
User Model (
)- Defines the user data schema for MongoDB.
)- Contains functions for creating JWT tokens.
AuthMiddleware (
)- Verify the token.
AuthController (
)- Logic of the authentication system.