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ROK4 Python tools

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The rok4-tools package help to use ROK4 project concepts, like Tile Matrix Sets, data pyramids or layers.


Required system packages :

  • debian : apt install python3-rados python3-gdal

The rok4 package is available on :

  • PyPI : pip install rok4
  • GitHub : pip install<version>/rok4-<version>-py3-none-any.whl



PYR2PYR allow to copy a pyramid from a storage to another one. It is possible to ignore slab under a provided size. Copy is parallelized. If MD5 hash are in the pyramid's list file, they are used to check integrity after copy.

To obtain an example of JSON configuration, call pyr2pyr --role example. To check a JSON configuration, call pyr2pyr --role check --conf conf.json. JSON configuratio can be a file or a S3 object(use a path's prefix, for example : s3://bucket/configuration.json)


A full copy requires the tool call with the three modes (all need the JSON configuration), in this order :

  1. master role
    • Actions : write N TODO lists, in a file or s3 directory.
    • Call : pyr2pyr --role master --conf conf.json
  2. agent role :
    • Actions : read the TODO list from the work directory and copy slabs
    • Call (one by TODO list) : pyr2pyr --role agent --conf conf.json --split X
  3. finisher role:
    • Actions : read all TODO lists and write the output pyramid's list file and its descriptor
    • Call : pyr2pyr --role finisher --conf conf.json

PYR2PYR workflow


JSON configuration content (generated from the JSON schema with jsonschema2md bin/pyr2pyr.schema.json /dev/stdout)

  • logger (object): Logger configuration.
    • layout (string): Log format, according to logging python library. Default: %(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s.
    • file (string): Path to log file. Standard output is used if not provided.
    • level (string): Log level. Must be one of: ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'NOTSET']. Default: WARNING.
  • from (object): Pyramid to copy.
    • descriptor (string): Path to pyramid's descriptor to copy.
  • to (object): Pyramid to write.
    • name (string): Output pyramid's name.
    • storage (object)
      • type (string): Storage type. Must be one of: ['FILE', 'S3', 'CEPH'].
      • root (string): Storage root : a directory for FILE storage, pool name for CEPH storage, bucket name for S3 storage.
      • depth (integer): Tree depth, only for FILE storage. Minimum: 1. Default: 2.
  • process (object): Processing parameters.
    • directory (string): Directory to write copies to process, FILE directory or S3/CEPH prefix.
    • parallelization (integer): Parallelization level, number of todo lists and agents working at the same time. Minimum: 1. Default: 1.
    • follow_links (boolean): Do we follow links (data slabs in others pyramids than the 'from' one). Default: False.
    • slab_limit (integer): Minimum slab size (if under, we do not copy). Minimum: 0. Default: 0.


MAKE-LAYER generate a layer's descriptor, ROK4 server compliant, from pyramids' descriptors


make-layer [-h] --pyramids storage://path/to/pyr.json[>BOTTOM>TOP] [storage://path/to/pyr.json[>BOTTOM>TOP] ...] --name my data [--styles normal [normal ...]] [--title my data]