目标1:Linux & OS
阶段目标: # 1. 大致搞清楚 OS 都有哪些机制 # 2. 清楚自己的代码会用到哪些 OS 相关的底层机制
目标2:JVM & GC
阶段目标: #1. JVM 主要做了哪些工作,通用的 GC 算法及实现机制
side project interview hacker
# Make a long term interviewing plan(frequency,target JD,summarize strategy) # Make an web app that can record every interview(questions-it,hr,personal,etc) # This app can make a push to my java-interview git repo every time after posting interview record # This app should deploy on my Cloud Host and has its own domain(which i already had one:)) # This app's data should be common with wx mini app that helps to review and improve my interview performance
white board tag
# Write down whatever you recalled to the white board, and this write board will associate with tags that in the store system.
This can help you review and learn what you have missed or faild.
- 每日记录并自己作答一个大厂高频面试题,第二天利用碎片时间做 review
- 面试题来源:技术群语雀分享、公众号技术面试分享、海外兔TOPK
- review 重点:深度(结合OS等底层)、提取自己独特观点、分类归纳总结