This package was more a proof-of-concept for publishing a package rather than something super useful. Either way, any useful functionality was merged into next-utils long ago.
This package exports a function that, when called, will tell you if your execution environment is browser-like (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) or server-like (e.g. Node). Useful for Next.js and other fullstack/isomorphic apps.
This package includes TypeScript types and provides:
- A UMD/CJS/AMD bundle (no tree-shaking)
- ES2015 modules (tree-shaking)
npm install is-server-side
import { isServer } from 'is-server-side'
isServer() && doServerStuff();
Issues and pull requests are welcome! In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Please lint and test your code!
- 1.0.x Initial release