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682 lines (535 loc) · 35.4 KB

File metadata and controls

682 lines (535 loc) · 35.4 KB


1.1.0 (Jan 18, 2024)

New Features

  • BREAKING. Controls. Renamed valueToUrl/valueFromUrl to valueToStorage/valueFromStorage
  • Combobox controls (Select, SelectMany, Date, Time). Added method .renderPopup() to have ability to override popup options
  • SelectControl. SelectManyControl. RadioControl.
    • Allowed to use mixed types in $options.items. Improved JSDoc (added example)
    • Allowed to prevent closing menu via ev.preventDefault => $options.items = [{value: 1, text: (v, li) => {... li.onclick = (e) => e.preventDefault();... } }]
    • Allowed to use complex values with saving to storage (refactored methods valueToStorage/valueFromStorage)


  • HTML. Fixed intellisense (html.json was missed in the package)
  • Styles. Textbased controls. Added opacity: 1 for button[clear]/prefix/postfix as fix when controls in a flex-row and it resizes on hover
  • Combobox controls (Select, SelectMany, Date, Time). Memory leak: menu is closed but not removed when click on body outside control

1.0.4 (Dec 29, 2023)

New Features

1.0.3 (Dec 9, 2023)

New Features

  • Helpers. Deprecate mathSumFloat in favor of mathFixFP
  • Styles.
    • Moved all icons to single ./styles.ts const WUPcssIconSet to allow re-use it
    • Added init root styles on script run (to allow re-use css variables before any WUP component is appended)
  • Modal
    • Allow to prevent auto closing via form.$onSubmitEnd = (e) => e.preventDefault()
    • Allow to prevent auto closing via form.$onSubmit = (e) => e.preventDefault()
  • Controls. Added css-animation for box-shadow/borders
  • RadioControl. Added comparison by to allow use cloned items/value
  • NumberControl. New options scale & offset
  • Form
    • Added form.$validate(...) for manual triggering validations
    • Changed spinner to custom friendly looked


  • Global. Custom event callbacks like $onChange(e) have null
  • Controls
    • Wrong TS-type on $onChange() callback
  • Form
    • Focus lost on pending (because every active element is disabled). Refactored pending state: elements changes to readonly + applied css-style [busy] + added attribute aria-busy to form
    • Possible to submit by Enter key in pending state
  • ModalElement. button[close] is overlayed by header

1.0.2 (Nov 21, 2023)

New Features

  • Global
    • Added Preact tsx/jsx support
  • Controls
    • Added text-align: start by default to avoid unexpected inheritance
    • RadioControl. Added attribute [checked] to re-style whole item

1.0.1 (Nov 17, 2023)


  • ModalElement. Wrong behavior on confirmModal + replace: true + click outside on previous/hidden modal
  • PopupElement. Popup blinks on fast open+close
  • Controls
    • Missed css-var --base-margin
    • Missed style flex: 1 for switch/checkbox controls

1.0.0 (Nov 13, 2023)

New Features

  • ModalElement demo
  • Global
    • Added multi language support: override window.__wupln (to dynamic change) or global __wupln during the compilation (for static change)
    • Added css variable --base-margin to unify margins for all elements
    • Added support HTML intellisense for WebStorm (no action required from developer/user side)
  • helper focusFirst. Added option isFocusLast & static querySelector (possible to get from focusFirst.$selector)
  • FormElement
    • Increased height of button[type=submit]
    • Added callback $onSubmitEnd & event $submitEnd
    • Added public method $submit() for manual calling
    • Web Accessibility: auto-tie with closest heading via aria-labelledby
  • Text based controls
    • Added css variable --ctrl-label-active-pos to simplify customization of label position
  • SelectControl. SelectManyControl. Improved handling promise rejection in $options.items
  • SelectManyControl. Added scrolling style & restricted max-height by default


  • helper findScrollParent. Returns parent despite on parent.child with position-fixed
  • helper promiseWait. Throws error twice instead of 1 time
  • PopupElement. Popup hidden if target inside content with position: fixed and target.parent.parent is scrollable
  • DropdownElement. Target button is overflowed by menu in animation-stack
  • PasswordControl. Input height is changed on button[eye] click
  • Text based controls
    • Sometimes weird blink & poor render during the animation on focus
    • Button clear changes control size on hover if parent is flexbox
  • SelectControl. SelectManyControl. storageKey + items as Promise don't work together
  • CircleElement. Update options/items colors triggers animated re-render with blink


  • Global.

    • Added static .$use(). Call it before using element: WUPTextControl.$use() (self-registration by import works now and will be removed in the future)

    • Renamed css-vars:

      • --ctrl-select-menu-hover >>> --menu-hover-bg
      • --anim-time >>> --anim-t
      • --popup >>> popup-text
      • --popup-anim >>> popup-anim-t
      • --tooltip >>> tooltip-text
      • --spin-speed >>> spin-t
      • --btn-submit >>> --btn-submit-text
      • --ctrl >>> --ctrl-text
      • --ctrl-clr-width >>> --ctrl-clr-w
      • --ctrl-select-item >>> --ctrl-select-item-text
      • --ctrl-time-off >>> --ctrl-time-off-text
      • --ctrl-select-menu-hover >>> --menu-hover-bg
    • Refactored & unified custom events. Now every event contains detail as object: e.detail = { ... }

  • PopupElement

    • z-index is changed from 90000 to 8000
    • Renamed show/hide to open/close (the same for DropdownElement):
      • enum ShowCases >>> PopupShowCases
      • enum HideCases >>> PopupHideCases
      • option showCase >>> openCase
      • method $show() >>> $open()
      • method $hide() >>> $close()
      • state-prop $isShown >>> $isOpened
      • event $onShown >>> $onOpened
      • etc.
    • Refactored/normalized enum PopupShowCases
  • Combobox controls (Select, SelectMany, Date, Time)

    • Renamed show/hide to open/close:
      • enum ShowCases >>> MenuShowCases
      • enum HideCases >>> MenuHideCases
      • event $showMenu >>> $openMenu
      • event $hideMenu >>> $closeMenu etc.

0.10.2 (Oct 11, 2023)


0.10.1 (Oct 10, 2023)


  • Controls. Renamed some css-vars (this is last big breaking change)
  • FormElement. Option autoSave renamed to autoStore


  • TypeScript. Updated CustomEvents $onWillShow, $onWillHide, $onChange
  • Text based controls
    • Label doesn't go to top on browser autofill
    • Value missed & undo/redo failed on browser autofill
  • SelectManyControl
    • Showing button[clear] on hover changes height
    • Focus sometimes is wrong when user removes item & reverts changes via click on button[clear=back]


  • Added built-in colors for darkMode. Append attr [wupdark] to body to use it. Don't forget to define general text & background colors yourself

0.9.1 (Sep 28, 2023)


  • Internals (Note: Skip this if you haven't created custom Elements inherited from WUP...)
    • Added auto-mapping between attributes <=> options based on key-values in $defaults
    • TypeScript. Removed interface Defaults. Merged with interface Options and now contains all fields as required
    • Now removing attributes/options always rollbacks to value defined in $defaults
    • Method getAttr changed to parseAttr
  • Global
  • Controls
    • Option skey renamed to storageKey
    • Option storageKey changes $value instead of $initValue and now triggers $onChange event on init (added enum-key
    • Removed css maxHeight for [error] popup
    • Changing $initValue isn't fired $onChange event anymore
  • CircleElement. Renamed option minsize to minSize
  • SpinElement
    • Defaults fit & overflowTarget = auto (was null)
    • Attribute w-overflowtarget expects auto or querySelector string (previously expected global-ref window.someObj)


  • TypeScript
    • Updated version & types
    • Refactored & fixed some types
  • helper observer. excludeNested doesn't exclude when re-assign nested properties
  • RadioControl. autoFocus makes focused 1st but not active input when form.$options.autoFocus=true
  • SelectControl. Wrong error Not found in items when re-assign items & initValue after a time
  • SelectManyControl
    • Wrong error Not found in items when re-assign items & initValue after a time
    • Removing item from value affects on $initValue
    • $isChanged is wrong if user removed then added same value
  • DateControl
    • Validations min, max, exclude don't exclude time in comparison
    • Validations messages min & max isn't formatted according to utc
    • Error message doesn't appear for invalid input by pressing Enter
    • Validation _parse doesn't work when added extra char and another char auto-removed (shifted & removed)
    • History undo works wrong is select all + type new + Ctrl-Z
  • TimeControl
    • Validation _parse doesn't work when added extra char and another char auto-removed (shifted & removed)
    • Error message doesn't appear for invalid input by pressing Enter
  • CalendarControl. Removed useless background for button month in the header


  • Global. Added support HTML intellisense in VSCode: follow instructions to use this
  • Controls
    • button[clear] not hidden anymore for required controls (user must have ability to clear all at once & put new text). To rollback it use css-rule wup-text[required] button[clear] { display: none; }
    • button[clear] visible only on focus & hover. To rollback it use css wup-text button[clear] { display: block!important; }
    • updated hover & focus styles
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time)
    • Now menu is hidden by default when autoFocus enabled. To revert to previous behavior use WUPSelectControl.$defaults.showCase |= ShowCases.onFocusAuto
  • SelectControl.SelectManyControl.
    • Added validationRules minCount & maxCount
    • Updated hover style for menu items. User css-var --ctrl-select-menu-hover to change

0.8.1 (Aug 29, 2023)


  • Internals (Note: If you haven't created custom Elements inherited from WUP... - don't pay attention on it).
    • Refactored $options initialization. So all inherited Elements must override only $defaults and use TOptions as generic instead of overriding $options like it was before.
    • Deprecated static property nameUnique
    • Controls. Disable maxWidthByTarget for error-popup
    • Global. Improved styles performance via refactoring selectors


  • Text based controls
    • $initValue + click on button[clear] + Ctrl+Z => history undo does't work
    • button[clear] isn't updated on $initValue or $options.clearActions changing
    • wrong behavior_when user removes/inserts text in the start
  • SelectControl
    • clearing input + click outside doesn't clear value
    • $options.readOnlyInput=7 must be ignored when allowNewValue enabled
    • improved input delete behavior for $options.multiple
    • menu isn't refreshed after button-clear click
    • selected menu-item isn't into view sometimes with 1st opening popup
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time). Popup shows/hides when user select text with mouseUp on label (outside input)
  • CalendarControl. $value=undefined doesn't reset selected
  • NumberControl.
    • Alt+MouseWheel changes ±0.1 when decimal isn't allowed
    • Alt+MouseWheel changes ±0.1 but Alt-keyUp moves focus to browser panel
  • CircleElement.
    • wrong tooltip position when segment is half of circle
    • wrong console.error when items=[{value:2}]
    • *wrong label-value when item value < option minsize*
    • edges of small segment are not rounded according to corner
  • TimeControl.
    • menu items with wrong sizes and text not aligned
    • extra pixel when scrolled if content size is decimal h=239.7


  • Controls. Event $change and callback $onChange has prop SetValueReason.initValue now
  • Internals. Improved memory consumption & performance via excluding nested props of $options to be observed
  • Text based controls
    • History undo/redo (Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y, Ctrl+Shift+Z). Refactored, fixed & optimized via storing only changes
  • PopupElement. Added showCase alwaysOff (popup hidden by default)
  • CircleElement. Added percentage for tooltips
  • TimeControl. Added option menuButtonsOff to hide buttons

0.7.1 (Jul 24, 2023)


  • Controls. $options.clearAction => refactored enum-names & improved behavior/dynamic-icon for button[clear]


  • SelectControl.SelectManyControl
    • menu scrolled to 1st selected item if even select last one (when multiple is allowed)
    • $options.items[0] !== items[0] because wrapped to observer
    • Unable to clear value with Backspace+Enter
  • SelectManyControl. Menu hides when user selects all items - but it's maybe wrong
  • RadioControl
    • $options.items[0] !== items[0] because wrapped to observer
    • $options.readOnly doesn't work - user able to change value
  • CalendarControl
    • Wrong size of monthPicker if previously scroll dayPicker to min/max date
    • User can't scroll when $initValue > $options.max
  • DateControl. Menu isn't closed if click on the selected date
  • TextareaControl
    • Exception when try to clear empty control
    • Ctrl + Z doesn't revert changes
  • NumberControl. option format isn't applied on init
  • Text based controls. Mask. Wrong behavior_when user removes/inserts text in the middle
  • Text based controls - Improved undo/redo overall
    • Ctrl+Z sometimes is wrong
    • Ctrl+Я doesn't work. Need support for different languages
    • Press Escape, Ctrl+Z => no undo-action
    • No undo-action when shake iPhone
  • Controls.Styles. button[clear] has shifted icon when mouse hover


  • helper observer. Added option excludeNested to exclude some nested properties from observer
  • SelectControl.SelectManyControl. $options.readOnlyInput can be number X to enable autoMode where input.readOnly = items.length < X.
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time). readOnlyInput moved to $defaults
  • Controls.Global
    • Improved value comparison (static method $isEqual) to compare by .id. So now don't need to worry about complex objects with id's (mostly related to SelectControl.$options.items & RadioControl.$options.items)
    • Added readonly property $isRequired based on $options.validations.required
  • CalendarControl. DateControl. $options.startWith can be string-date

0.6.1 (Jun 26, 2023)


  • Controls. $initValue overrides $value when it set before
  • Combobox controls (Select, SelectMany Date, Time). Menu border is blue when invalid + hover
  • Combobox controls (Select, SelectMany, Date, Time). Sometimes menu not scrolled to selected item by opening
  • SwitchControl. CheckControl. form.$initModel is ignored
  • RadioControl. $options.items with object-values doesn't work
  • RadioControl. set in a row $options.items=... and $value=... doesn't work
  • SelectControl.SelectManyControl. Set in a row $options.items=... and $value=... doesn't work
  • SelectControl.SelectManyControl. Arrow changes control size during rotation
  • PopupElement. Wrong position if target inside body and html is scrollable instead of body
  • NumberControl. Pattern 0.# and value 2 shows error Incomplete value
  • helper observer. Exception on promise-property
  • Global. Sometimes some css-vars not appended to styles in production (as result black Circle)
  • CalendarControl. Wrong autoscroll to top page after 1st focus
  • TimeControl. Scrollbar is visible when menu opens to top


  • FormElement. Added option autoSave to prevent losing not-submitted data
  • Controls
    • Internal setValue has argument reason now
    • Event $change and callback $onChange has prop detail: SetValueReason now
    • Added $ and $options.skey to store/get value in different storages local/session/url
    • Extended custom validation to (value, control, reason) => false | string. Was (value) => false | string
    • Hide button[clear] by default for disabled/readonly/required
  • Global. Added JSDoc comments for jsx/tsx files (previously hovering on <wup-text> showed nothing)

0.6.0 (May 19, 2023)



  • helper animateDropdown. Wrong for left,right,top directions
  • PopupElement. Popup hides by mouseenter if was opened by target.mouseenter
  • PopupElement. Popup impossible to hide by click if opened by hover
  • NumberControl.
    • -234 showed as -,234
    • error message min/max is not formatted as input
    • useless inline style 'overflow' on focus
  • Controls. Asterisk is visible on empty label when value is required


  • DropdownElement demo
  • Added ability to reuse built-in styles (scroll,button['submit'] etc.). See FAQ/sharedStyles
  • SelectManyControl demo. Added ability to sort/order items via drag&drop OR Arrows + Shift
  • Added helper animateStack
  • PopupElement
    • Added option animation: Animations.stack
    • Added support for attribute [animation] ("stack","drawer","") : <wup-popup animation="stack">...</wup-popup>
    • Extended attribute placement. Now it has predefined opposite rules (so right-middle means [right-middle, left-middle])
    • Reduced memory consumption via significant refactoring listeners & callback
    • Popup always closed by keydown Escape if wasn't prevented (if was opened via default listener)
    • Popup always closed by focusLost of target & popup for accessibility purpose (if was opened via default listener)
    • Ability to call $show() and $hide() with working listeners (previously manual call of $show() removed all listeners)
    • Controls. Able to setup $defaults.validations (like WUPNumberControl.$validations = {min: 0} etc.)
  • Global. Added custom callbacks for events. So event popup.addEventListener("$show",e=>...) equal to popup.$onShow = (e)=>...

0.5.2 (Mar 29, 2023)


  • Controls. Need to add border by default otherwise it's invisible on the white body
  • CircleElement. Wrong tooltip position when segment is half of circle

0.5.0 (Mar 27, 2023)


  • Internals. Methods getNumAttr, getRefAttr, getBoolAttr is refactored to single getAttr
  • SelectControl. Simplified menu styling
  • PopupElement. Prop $isOpen deprecated in favor of $isShown


  • SelectManyControl demo
  • SelectControl. Added option multiple (attribute [multiple] & $options.multiple)
  • PopupElement
    • Option target can be SVGElement
    • Option offset can be function
    • Added properties $isShown, $isHidden, $isShowing, $isHidding
    • Added rule: popup can't be more than window.innerWidth & window.innerHeight. The rule impossible to disable!
    • Calling $show() & $hide() possible several times at once without re-rendering
    • Events $willShow & $willHide have properties detail.showCase & detail.hideCase
  • CircleElement
    • Added option minsize (attribute [minsize] & $options.minsize)
    • Added option tooltip per item ($options.items[0].tooltip)


  • Global. Sometimes events are not disposed. Fix for helper onEvent (need to remove events with options as is)
  • helper onFocusLost. Isn't fired if stopPropagation is called
  • TimeControl. Extra margin for menu-buttons on Safari
  • SwitchControl. CheckControl. Attribute initvalue='' sets value to true (expected false)
  • TextareaControl. Ctrl + B makes text bold but it's unexpected for plain textarea
  • Controls. Hover effect on Android devices (expected: no-hover on touch-screens)
  • Controls. Focus frame isn't rounded on Safari
  • Controls. Attributes initvalue,min,max for controls Date & Calendar doesn't work on Safari (Date.parse(yyyy-MM-dd) doesn't work by default)
  • Controls. Controls are not rendered if parsing initvalue is wrong
  • Controls. Unexpected autofocus on mask-inputs on Safari
  • Controls. Annoying autoselect on touchscreens. Now $options.selectOnFocus is disabled by default
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time). Now popup isn't opened if user clears control and gets focus at the same time
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time). Click on disabled item throws console.error
  • Combobox controls (Select, Date, Time). Focus goes to menu-list by keydown 'Tab' in Firefox
  • SelectControl. Sometimes popup isn't not scrolled to selected item during the opening
  • SpinElement. Animation for TwinDualRing doesn't work on Safari 14-
  • SpinElement. Wrong render on option fit on Safari 14-
  • PopupElement. Animation for opacity doesn't work on Safari 14-
  • PopupElement. Animation affects on bluring text if user scroll body during the animation
  • PopupElement. Wrong position during dropdownAnimation and several show/hide at once
  • PopupElement. Allow to show/hide on double-click (because on some browsers double-click works with huge delay)
  • PopupElement. 2nd $show() has predefined maxSize & position can be different
  • PopupElement. Popup could be > 100vw. Now popup has max size 100vw & 100vh (by default)
  • PopupElement. No-updates on screensize changes. Now popup position & size changes with device-rotation
  • PopupElement. No popup if mousedown>move>up>click on target
  • CircleElement. Items color doesn't work (because attr [fill] can't override css-rule)

0.4.1 (Jan 27, 2023)



  • CalendarControl. Different pickers height after scrolling
  • helper WUPScrolled. maxHeight left after scrolling finished
  • helper WUPScrolled. goto previous sometimes scrolls through the whole range

0.4.0 (Jan 26, 2023)




  • helper localeInfo. AM/PM parsed to 'a' but expected 'A'
  • helper dateFromString. 12:00 PM throws Error but expected 12:00
  • Icon check. Reduced thickness to fit other texts & icons
  • PopupElement. Changing content size doesn't re-calc popup position
  • PopupElement. Wrong position if parent has style transform.translate
  • PopupElement. Content is blured if transform.translate with float values
  • DateControl. Clearing input doesn't reset $value
  • DateControl. Required asterisk is removed by opening menu

0.3.0 (Dec 27, 2022)


  • DateControl:
    • Was
      • changing $options.format & attr [format] related to all date-strings: attributes initvalue/min/max.
      • default value YYYY-MM-DD
    • Now
      • changing $options.format & attr [format] related only to displayed text. All attributes must be pointed in universal format YYYY-MM-DD
      • default value depends on user localization; see locale
      • $options.firstWeekDay - default value depends on user localization; see locale
  • CalendarControl:
    • deprecated static getters $namesDayShort, $namesMonth, $namesMonthShort in favor of localeInfo helper
    • $options.firstDayOfWeek is renamed to firstWeekDay
    • $options.firstWeekDay - default value depends on user localization; see locale



  • helper promiseWait. Callback called before time end
  • PopupElement with arrow. Firefox bug: css filter drop-shadow works wrong with angle 180.0
  • SpinElement. Impossible to override color via applying css-var to body --spin-2

0.2.0 (Dec 09, 2022)



  • Controls. Blue highlight blink on tap action
  • Controls. Click on button Clear throws console.error
  • Controls. Validation gets undefined value but must be skipped in this case (value is undefined only for messages or validations.required)
  • SelectControl. Click on custom list-item with nested span doesn't call click-event
  • SelectControl. No scroll to selected element at first opening
  • SelectControl. Sometimes menu isn't opened
  • SelectControl. noItems appeared on 2nd menu opening when user created a new value
  • helper observer. onChange fired even date.setHours didn't change value

0.1.2 (Oct 4, 2022)

  • Hotfix: gotReady() calls gotChanges() when element disconnected (possible in React)

0.1.0 (Sep 14, 2022)


  • helpers reorganized to WUPHelpers (WUPHelpers.isEqual, WUPHelpers.focusFirst etc.)
  • PopupElement. Renamed $arrowElement to $refArrow


0.0.5 (Apr 4, 2022)

  • Fixed helper onFocusLost: missed callback when user clicks several times fast
  • PopupElement
    • Fixed behavior on target-remove
    • Deprecated shadow mode
    • Fixed half-pixel issue on arrow

0.0.4 (Apr 1, 2022)

  • PopupElement
    • Fixed $options.offset
    • Fixed behavior on target-remove
  • Added helper onSpy to spy on method-call

0.0.3 (Mar 29, 2022)

0.0.2 (Nov 30, 2021)