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provide SPA route's experience with native web component

Online Demo


pnpm install native-spa-route


the fully example are ready in the index.html.

here are just some brief descriptions.

1. Init module

run this in the top of your application

import { preload } from 'native-spa-route';

At current time (2022/6/6-17:04), this preload only supportted fully history API hook and fully a tag hook, This means that there is a high possibility of conflict with the routing scheme of some existing libraries.

in this version, the hook of history api implament by add function to origin history's prototype.

export function hook_history_change(
  cb?: (...)
) {
  const prototype = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(history) as History;
  const originPushState = prototype.pushState;
  History.prototype.pushState = function pushState(...) {...};
  // ... other function

to direct use hook functions or write your own hook is toally supported.

EVEN! You can use the history:replaceState event and history:pushState event to use this module in any enviroment

function hook_route_change(callback: (e: HistoryChangeEvent) => void) {
  window.addEventListener('history:pushState', callback as EventListener);
  window.addEventListener('history:replaceState', callback as EventListener);
  window.addEventListener('history:back', callback as EventListener);
  window.addEventListener('history:forward', callback as EventListener);
  window.addEventListener('history:go', callback as EventListener);
  window.addEventListener('popstate', callback as EventListener, false);

2. use Route

<native-route path="/">
  <!-- exact case, only active while pathname full match /root -->
    element="exact /root path route here"
  <native-route path="root" element="<div>ROOT HERE</div>">
    <native-route path="all" element="<div>ALL HERE</div>">

If this module could write content as child, like <native-route> content here </native-route>

Of course it works. But you need to do extra work to make them perform better.

Becouse the Broswer will take unregisted component as HTMLUnknowElement, the content of them will visibale. So you need to hidden them by css:

native-route {
  display: none;
native-route:defined {
  display: block;

The visibility property on my pc(MacBook Pro 12.3.1 M1) causes height changes, components to flicker.

example code:

<native-route path="/lazy">
    <li><a href="/lazy/sl/button">@shoelace-style/shoelace Button</a></li>
      <a href="/lazy/sl/ready_button">
        render shoelace Button after module ready, disable cache to
        get clear effect

Those a tags only show while /^\/lazy/.test(location.pathname) === true.

Lazy support

see the demo to get detail

<!-- lazy useage -->
<native-route path="/lazy/sl">
    element='<sl-button>Button</sl-button><sl-button variant="primary">Primary</sl-button><sl-button variant="neutral" loading>Neutral</sl-button>'
    element='<sl-button>Render After Ready Button</sl-button><sl-button variant="primary">Primary</sl-button><sl-button variant="neutral" loading>Neutral</sl-button>'

Custom Render

see the demo to get detail

this could be use to render react/vue/other render lib content.

<native-route path="/custom-render">
  <native-route path="react">
    <native-route path="17/basic" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.js" custom-render></native-route>
    <native-route path="17/custom-render-name" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.js" custom-render="customRenderFunction"></native-route>
    <native-route path="17/with-css" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.js" custom-render="withCss" shadowCSSUrl="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.css"></native-route>
  <native-route path="vue">
    <native-route path="3/basic" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/vue3.js" shadowCSSUrl="@PUBLICK_PATH/vue3.css" custom-render></native-route>

this function require the JS source export an render function, the name can custom by custom-render="<render function name>"

Content Style CSS

use <style><all CSS content></style> to inject css into Shadow DOM content.

use by css-url="<css url here>"

support multi css css-url="['url1', 'url2']"

<native-route path="17/with-css" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.js" custom-render="withCss" shadowCSSUrl="@PUBLICK_PATH/react17.css"></native-route>
<native-route path="3/basic" lazy url="@PUBLICK_PATH/vue3.js" shadowCSSUrl="@PUBLICK_PATH/vue3.css" custom-render></native-route>

Disable Shadow DOM wrapper

the Shadow DOM wrapper is default provide by lit.

In some cases, it may cause strange problems, such as Antd's pop-up window mounting problem. use disable-shadow could disable it. But! it may cause more content leak.


<native-route disable-shadow></native-route>

Disable render cache

cache is enabled by default.

use drop attribute to disable this.

  // ...
  // ...


import { redirect } from 'native-spa-route';
// ...
redirect('/', '/other/path');
// ...

Online Demo

Online Demo

next step plan

  1. implament <native-redirect from="/" to="/home"></native-redirect> component implament redirect api
  2. regexp based dynamic route
  3. support scoped route to avoid global history api change.
  <native-route xxxx>
    <naitve-link>link to other route</native-link>


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'feat: Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


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