An attempt to create a site similar to youtube, creating basic functionalities of Youtube using MERN stack.
In the project directory, run this command to install server dependencies:
In the project subdirectory - 'Youtube-clone/client', run this command to install server dependencies:
In order to run the application:
Running server and client concurrently in development mode
Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload automatically if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Open "Youtube-clone/server/config" and create "dev.js"
`module.exports = { mongoURI: 'mongodb+srv://'}
Replace with the password for the user to setup MongoDB environment
ffmpeg on developer machine (used to generate metadata about thumbnail)
- Creating Thumbnails using ffmpeg
- Creating subscribed videos routing
- Adding depencies and their usage for futher usage
- Understand caching and implementing it
- Implementing notification when subscribed videos drop
In progress