diff --git a/docs/api/api.yaml b/docs/api/api.yaml
index ad12166..f374634 100644
--- a/docs/api/api.yaml
+++ b/docs/api/api.yaml
@@ -23,6 +23,170 @@ servers:
- "0.3.1"
+ /teaser/{uuid}:
+ get:
+ security:
+ - cookieAuthProduction: []
+ - cookieAuthStaging: []
+ description: Returns a single teaser element
+ parameters:
+ - in: path
+ name: uuid
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ oneOf:
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CenterpageTeaser"
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CenterpageTeaserVideo"
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CenterpageTeaserPodcast"
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CenterpageTeaserAudio"
+ description: "Success"
+ "400":
+ description: "Something was wrong. Check the body for error messages."
+ "401":
+ description: "Unauthorized to get teaser"
+ "404":
+ description: "Not found"
+ "503":
+ description: "Service unavailable"
+ /merkl/bookmarks:
+ get:
+ security:
+ - cookieAuthProduction: []
+ - cookieAuthStaging: []
+ description:
+ Returns list of bookmarks, optionally filtered by category.
+ Calling this endpoint without parameters returns all bookmarks.
+ To get only bookmarks by a given category, call this endpoint with the `category` parameter.
+ parameters:
+ - in: query
+ name: category
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Category
+ example: "podcast"
+ description: category to filter list of bookmarks
+ example: "?category=podcast"
+ tags:
+ - bookmarks
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ anyOf:
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Bookmark"
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Category"
+ description: "Success"
+ "400":
+ description: "Something was wrong with the request to get bookmarks. Check the body for error messages."
+ "401":
+ description: "Unauthorized to get bookmarks"
+ "503":
+ description: "Service unavailable to get bookmarks"
+ post:
+ security:
+ - cookieAuthProduction: []
+ - cookieAuthStaging: []
+ operationId: postBookmark
+ description: Add a new bookmark
+ tags:
+ - bookmarks
+ requestBody:
+ description: Adds the given UUID at bookmarklist
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ uuid:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ responses:
+ "201":
+ description: "Saved entry to bookmarks (201)"
+ "204":
+ description: "Saved entry to bookmarks (204)"
+ "400":
+ description: "Something was wrong with the request. Check the body for error messages."
+ "401":
+ description: "Unauthorized"
+ "403":
+ description: "Forbidden"
+ "502":
+ description: "Bad gateway"
+ "503":
+ description: "Service unavailable"
+ delete:
+ security:
+ - cookieAuthProduction: []
+ - cookieAuthStaging: []
+ operationId: deleteRpcBookmark
+ description:
+ Delete one or all bookmarks:
+ delete one bookmark: If you want to delete one specific bookmark/UUID,
+ you have to set its UUID as a parameters.
+ delete all bookmarks: To delete all bookmarks, call this endpoint without parameters.
+ tags:
+ - bookmarks
+ parameters:
+ - in: query
+ name: uuid
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUIDFilter"
+ description: UUID of an article
+ responses:
+ "204":
+ description: "Deleted entry from bookmarks or delete all bookmarks, respectively"
+ "400":
+ description: "Something was wrong with the request to delete a bookmark. Check the body for error messages."
+ "401":
+ description: "Unauthorized to delete a bookmark"
+ "403":
+ description: "Forbidden from deleting a bookmark"
+ "502":
+ description: "Bad gateway to delete a bookmark"
+ "503":
+ description: "Service unavailable for deleting bookmarks"
+ /merkl/categories:
+ get:
+ security:
+ - cookieAuthProduction: []
+ - cookieAuthStaging: []
+ summary: "Returns the bookmark categories"
+ tags:
+ - categories
+ responses:
+ "200":
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ ssoid:
+ type: integer
+ example: 54
+ uuid:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ description: "Success getting categories"
+ "400":
+ description: "Something was wrong with the request to get categories. Check the body for error messages."
+ "401":
+ description: "Unauthorized to get categories"
+ "503":
+ description: "Service unavailable for getting categories"
@@ -57,7 +221,7 @@ paths:
type: object
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
description: "Saved entry to bookmarks"
@@ -542,6 +706,34 @@ components:
$ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ UUIDFilter:
+ type: string
+ pattern: ^[eq\.]+(([a-f0-9]{8})(-[a-f0-9]{4}){3}(-[a-f0-9]{12})\\}?|[-a-z0-9/]+)$
+ description: Postgrest equal filter function
+ example: "eq.d995ba5a-a7fb-401a-bdc8-86cf2cbf0cda"
+ Bookmark:
+ type: array
+ description: Describes a bookmark item
+ items:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ created:
+ type: string
+ example: "2022-11-25T16:18:37.124812+00:00"
+ ssoid:
+ type: integer
+ example: 42
+ uuid:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/UUID"
+ Category:
+ description: Describes a filtered list of UUIDs
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ example: "d995ba5a-a7fb-401a-bdc8-86cf2cbf0cda"
type: object