diff --git a/banks/bank_0c.asm b/banks/bank_0c.asm index 64945fc..ce1a8c3 100755 --- a/banks/bank_0c.asm +++ b/banks/bank_0c.asm @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Group02_Signposts: dw text_0c_41af dw text_0c_41b6 -INCLUDE "data/text/signposts_2.asm" +INCLUDE "data/english_text/signposts_2.asm" Group03_Signposts: dw text_0c_41cb @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Group03_Signposts: dw text_0c_41ee dw text_0c_41f7 -INCLUDE "data/text/signposts_3.asm" +INCLUDE "data/english_text/signposts_3.asm" Group04_Signposts: dw text_0c_4216 @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Group04_Signposts: dw text_0c_4272 dw text_0c_4283 -INCLUDE "data/text/signposts_4.asm" +INCLUDE "data/english_text/signposts_4.asm" Group05_Signposts: dw text_0c_42a5 @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Group05_Signposts: dw text_0c_42d3 dw text_0c_42db -INCLUDE "data/text/signposts_5.asm" +INCLUDE "data/english_text/signposts_5.asm" Group06_Signposts: dw text_0c_42f9 @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Group06_Signposts: dw text_0c_431a dw text_0c_4322 -INCLUDE "data/text/signposts_6.asm" +INCLUDE "data/english_text/signposts_6.asm" unk_00c_432a:: dr $3032a, $32cee diff --git a/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.asm b/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.asm index 66dd138..04edb7a 100644 --- a/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.asm +++ b/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.asm @@ -70,6 +70,3 @@ text_08_45f0:: cont "cold." done -text_00_0000:: - done - diff --git a/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.csv b/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.csv deleted file mode 100644 index cac2e70..0000000 --- a/data/english_text/ballots_house_intro.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -"bank","address","label","original_string","translated_string","notes","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4542","House_CutsceneText1","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -嗯~ -放入這個~","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Ah, time to add the finishing touches!","NEW LINE = NEW PARAGRAPH","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4552","House_CutsceneText2","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -再加調味料⋯⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Add a bit of seasoning here...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","456d","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2a -成功了! -這就是媽媽料理 -的味道!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2a -That's it! -It tastes exactly like Mom's cooking!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","458a","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2b -媽媽⋯⋯⋯ -我好想妳⋯⋯ -⋯⋯⋯⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2b -I miss you, Mom...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","45a5","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -不行~不行! -我答應過媽媽, -要堅強的!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -...No, I can't think about that! -I promised you that I'd be strong!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","45cc","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸~吃飯了!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad, time for dinner!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","45db","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸~ -吃~飯~了!!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Daaad, time for dinner!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","45f0","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸又到天文台了 -嗎? -這陣子常整晚都 -待在天文台裡。 -真是反常⋯⋯ -找爸回來吃飯吧 -! -不然辛苦做的飯 -菜都冷了。","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Huh, is Dad at the observatory again? -He's been there all night, that's weird... -I'll get him to come back for dinner, before the food I've worked so hard on gets cold.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"","","","","",""," ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/english_text/bank08_misc.asm b/data/english_text/bank08_misc.asm index c0c200e..5831612 100644 --- a/data/english_text/bank08_misc.asm +++ b/data/english_text/bank08_misc.asm @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ text_08_4b14:: text_init NAME_14, $25 text2 "Are you hurt?" para "If you're" - line "hurt, just go" - cont "inside this" + line "hurt, just" + cont "enter this" cont "alpha ray" cont "emitter and" cont "you'll" diff --git a/data/english_text/bank08_misc.csv b/data/english_text/bank08_misc.csv deleted file mode 100644 index 5484a7e..0000000 --- a/data/english_text/bank08_misc.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,633 +0,0 @@ -"bank","address","label","original_string","translated_string","notes","notes2","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4651","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -汪汪~汪~","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -Woof! Woof!","translated dog's barking","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","465e","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -小白~ -乖~乖~ -肚子餓了嗎? -我們一起去天文 -台, -找爸爸回來吃晚 -餐好嗎?","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Aww, Snowy, are you hungry? - -Let's go to the observatory together and call Dad for dinner, okay?","machine translation assisted","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","46a4","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -汪~汪汪~","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -Woof! Woof!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","46b1","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -賽亞? -我剛剛才和他聊 -過天而已。 -不過他一看到月 -亮之後, -就緊張兮兮往天 -文台跑去了。","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -Hmm, your dad? I just had a chat with him. - -But as soon as he saw the moon today, he immediately ran towards the observatory. - -I wonder what's up with him?","machine translation assisted, original mentions the dad by name","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","46fe","","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -⋯啊? -要找你爸爸回家 -吃晚餐啊。 -真是孝順的小孩 -。 -媽媽病逝後, -要更堅強喲! -啊啊啊!! -又提到這件事~ -真是對不起。","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -...Huh? -Is that for your dad? -How nice of you! Your mom would be proud! -Ah, so sorry for mentioning her!"," -孝順 carries connotations of filial piety but i'm not sure if that translates well in a western context - -媽媽病逝後, -要更堅強喲! means more along the lines of ""you must stay strong after (your) mum's death (by disease)!"" oddly positive for the subject matter tbh -","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4768","","// init NAME_BLANK, $20 -是你啊! -哈哈哈~ -昨天考試,你又 -考輸我了! -嘻嘻~ -每‧次‧都‧輸 -‧我!","// init NAME_BLANK, $20 -Haha! Looks like you lost to me in the exam! - -I win again! -I always do!"," 每‧次‧都‧輸 -‧我! carries a sort of mocking tone in that the words are spaced apart","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","47af","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -老師要教人家做 -小餅乾。 -這次要吃光光峨 -。 -人家這次不會再 -做那種奇怪的餅 -乾了啦!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -The teacher wants to teach people how to make cookies. - -I want to eat all of them. I won't make those weird cookies again this time!","machine translation assisted -tn: need more context","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","47fb","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -唉呀~ -最近的月亮怎麼 -看起來, -有點藍藍的呢? -一定是我眼睛又 -花了。","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -The moon seems to have a blue tint today... -Must be my imagination. -","""我眼睛又花"" means ""i must be short-sighted again"" but seems long winded","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4837","","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -新聞報導說, -明天晚上會有大 -規模的流星雨。 -記得我年輕的時 -候, -也曾預測過一次 -。 -但那次的預測錯 -誤。 -告訴你峨! -婆婆年輕的時候 -~ -是村子裡有名的 -⋯⋯ -大‧美‧女‧峨 -!","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -The news has reported that there will be a massive meteor shower tomorrow night. - -I remember once when I was young, they forecast the same thing. But that time, the prediction was wrong. - -I'm telling you! When my grandmother was young, she was a famous beauty in the village! -","again, spaced out words for emphasis, also idk how grandmother got machine translated as mother in law","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","48d0","","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -啊!? -隼人說突然想打 -網球嗎? -沒~有問題! -爸爸馬上去買一 -個網球場!","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -What? Hayato said he suddenly wanted to play tennis? -No problem! -I'm going to buy a tennis court!","said by the dad, presumably, but it doesn't make as much sense in english","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4911","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -我今天到朋友家 -, -看到了很多的發 -明品喲! -他可是個天才的 -機械科學家。 -比你爸爸還厲害 -的科學家喲!","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh, baby~ - -I went to my friend's house today. I saw many inventions there! - -He's such a genius roboticist, looks like your dad can learn a thing or two from him~","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","497a","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -啊啊!!! -怎麼把狗帶到別 -人家裡來。 -我才剛換了新地 -毯, -這下又弄髒了! -真是沒教養的小 -孩。","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -Ahhh!!! -How could you bring a dog into someone's house?! -I just cleaned my carpet, and now it's dirty again! You uneducated child! -","換了新地毯 means ""changed to a new carpet"" but is usually also said to denote having switched it out (for a carpet in the wash)","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","49cc","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -嗚~~汪汪汪!","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -Awoo~ Woof! Woof!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","49db","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -你是來找芳芳的 -嗎? -芳~芳~! -妳的朋友來找你 -唷~ -都這麼晚了, -留下來一起吃晚 -餐好嗎?","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -Did you come to find Fangfang? -Oh, Fangfang! -Your friend came to visit~ -Since it's so late, why not stay for dinner?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4a2e","","// init NAME_BLANK, $18 -賽亞是一個很棒 -的天文科學家。 -在我們天文科學 -界, -他算是個天才吧 -! -只是脾氣古怪了 -一點⋯⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $18 -Saya is a great astronomer. -He's known as a prodigy in our little community! He's just a bit eccentric... -","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4a87","","// init NAME_13, $1a -你是來找我一起 -玩的嗎? -好~高~興~","// init NAME_13, $1a -Are you here to play with me? I'm so glad! -","~ used to indicate pseudo-singing tone","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4aac","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -明天晚上會有大 -規模的流星雨。 -這種難見的奇景 -, -我一定不能錯過 -! -對了~ -明天晚上, -我們去你爸的天 -文台看流星雨。","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -There will be a massive meteor shower tomorrow night. I can't miss this rare spectacle! - -By the way, tomorrow night, we will go to your father's observatory to watch the meteor shower. -","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4b14","","// init NAME_14, $25 -受傷了嗎? -如果受傷的話, -只要進去這個α -射線放射器裡, -一下下~ -就會復原喲! -要是受傷了, -就來找妮可吧!","// init NAME_14, $25 -Are you hurt? - -If you're hurt, just go inside this alpha ray emitter and you'll recover in a second! If you are injured, come to Nicole!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4b77","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -學校的門關起來 -了!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -The school's door is closed...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4b8b","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸~ -回家吃飯了!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad! Dinner is ready! ","Lit. ""Come home to eat!""","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4b9f","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸~ -吃飯了。","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad, time for dinner!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4baf","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -爸~!!!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Daaaaaaad!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4bbb","","// init NAME_11, $11 -是巴洛特呀! -⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯","// init NAME_11, $11 -It's Ballot! -...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4bd2","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸⋯⋯⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4bdc","","// init NAME_11, $11 -喧~ -不要說話~ -過來~","// init NAME_11, $11 -Hush, don't talk. Come here.","~ indicating whispering","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4bf3","","// init NAME_11, $11 -自從你媽媽病逝 -後, -就沒有像這樣仔 -細的看過你了。","// init NAME_11, $11 -I haven't seen you this closely since Mom got sick.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4c1d","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸爸⋯ -你怎麼了?","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad... What's wrong with you?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4c2e","","// init NAME_11, $11 -不要多話。 -看看今夜的星空 -。","// init NAME_11, $11 -Don't talk too much. Look at tonight's starry sky.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4c4c","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸~ -月光的顏色, -不是暖澄澄的黃 -色嗎? -今晚的月光, -藍的有點可怕⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad, isn't the moon supposed to be pale and yellow? - -Why is it looking a little blue tonight? It's a bit scary...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4c8c","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯⋯ -終於來了嗎? -時機似乎太早了 -一點⋯⋯","// init NAME_11, $11 -...It's finally here? - -It's a little too early compared to my calculations.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4cb5","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -爸⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Dad...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4cbd","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯⋯⋯","// init NAME_11, $11 -...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4cc6","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -槽了! -再不趕快出發到 -學校的話, -一定會遲到的。","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -Oh no! If I don't hurry to school, I'll definitely be late. ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4cf4","","// init NAME_11, $11 -起床了嗎? -該上學了。","// init NAME_11, $11 -Are you awake? It's time to go to school. ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d0b","","// init NAME_11, $11 -等等~巴洛特!","// init NAME_11, $11 -Ballot! Wait!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d1a","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -⋯? -爸,有事嗎?","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -...? -Dad, what's the matter?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d2d","","// init NAME_11, $11 -先吃完早餐吧。","// init NAME_11, $11 -Let's finish breakfast first. ","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d3e","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -不了。 -上學快要遲到了 -。","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -I can't, dad. I'm already late!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d56","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯ -巴洛特~ -關於那個⋯⋯","// init NAME_11, $11 -Ballot, about that...","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d70","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -嗯?","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -Huh?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d77","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯沒什麼。 -上學去吧。","// init NAME_11, $11 -...Nevermind. Hurry along now.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4d8f","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -又是這樣! -自從媽媽過逝後 -, -爸爸就總是不能 -老實的, -說出想說的話! -巴洛特已經 -12歲了! -不是小孩子了! -爸⋯爸爸⋯⋯ -大举蛋!!!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -Dad, ever since Mom left you never seem to be honest with me! - -I'm not a kid anymore Dad, I'm 12!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4e04","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯ -上學去吧。","// init NAME_11, $11 -...Go.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4e15","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -汪汪~汪汪!","// init NAME_SNOWY, $08 -Woof! Woof!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4e23","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -新聞報導說, -今天晚上會有大 -規模的流星雨。 -真是期待呢!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -The news is reporting that there will be a massive meteor shower tonight. I really look forward to it!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4e55","","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -不曉得為什麼, -只要一提到流星 -雨的事, -賽亞就會露出不 -安的臉色⋯ -巴洛特呀, -你知道為什麼嗎 -?","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -Every time the meteor shower is mentioned, Saya looks troubled... - -Ballot, do you know why?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4eb0","","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -是巴洛特呀! -隼人去上學了。","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -Hi, Ballot! Hayato's gone to school.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4ecc","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -真是可惡~ -才剛換了新地毯 -, -這下又弄髒了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -You... -I just re-washed my carpet, and you've dirtied it AGAIN!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4ef4","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -你是來找芳芳的 -嗎? -芳芳上學去了唷 -~","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -Are you here to see Fangfang? She went to school~","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4f1a","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -今天晚上會有大 -規模的流星雨。 -這種難見的奇景 -, -我一定不能錯過 -! -對了~ -今天晚上, -我們去你爸的天 -文台看流星雨。","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -There will be a massive meteor shower tomorrow night. I can't miss this rare spectacle! - -By the way, tomorrow night, we will go to your father's observatory to watch the meteor shower. -","similar to 08:4aac","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4f82","","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -上學快要遲到了 -, -不是到處溜噠的 -時間。","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -I'm almost late for school! It's not the time to go wandering off.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","4fa8","","// init NAME_15, $24 -早啊~巴洛特。 -快點進教窒, -就要上課了。 -⋯⋯啊?! -巴洛特真是健忘 -。 -教窒就是上面的 -那間啊!","// init NAME_15, $24 -Good morning, Ballot. - -Hurry up, class is about to start! - -Huh? Don't you remember that your class is further down the hallway?","note: 上面 literally means one above but in context it probably means ""next class over""","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5001","","// init NAME_16, $16 -巴洛特,早安。 -怎麼一大早, -就露出這種心情 -不好的表情呢?","// init NAME_16, $16 -Ballot, good morning. -Why do you look glum when it's so early in the morning?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5039","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -今天要上的是植 -物課。 -所以我帶了白老 -鼠~吉吉來唷!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -Today I'm going to take Horticulture 1. -So I brought my pet mouse! Meet Jiji!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","506b","","// init NAME_BLANK, $21 -人家今天的便當 -, -很好~很好吃峨 -。 -才‧不‧給‧你 -‧吃!","// init NAME_BLANK, $21 -My packed lunch today is delicious. -You can't have it!","""you can't have it"" is in a taunting, one word at a time, tone","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","50a3","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -巴洛特~ -你來的正好! -介紹我的新朋友 -~ -高貴隼人1號。","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh baby~ -Hey Ballot, you came at a great time! -Say hello to my new friend, Takayasu Hayato Model 001~","Takayasu Hayato #1 is presumably the robot","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","50e8","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -很好~了不起! -我要上課了。","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -Yeah okay, that's cool and all but I gotta get going now! -","/s","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5105","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~NO~ -巴洛特不要說出 -, -這種酸萄葡的話 -。 -這可是我的一個 -天才機械發明家 -朋友, -借給我的機器人 -。 -他可是非常的有 -名唷。 -想知道他是誰嗎 -?","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh no~ -Ballot, don't be such a sour grape. -This is a robot that a genius roboticist friend of mine lent me. -He's very famous. Wanna know who he is?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5188","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -沒有興趣。","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2c -Uhh, I'm not really interested.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5195","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -難得巴洛特這麼 -有興趣, -隼人真是感動。 -放學後, -隼人就帶你去找 -他。","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh baby~ -It's rare for you to show this much interest, and Hayato is really moved. -After school, Hayato will take you to find him. ","yes, he refers to himself in third person, (but i changed the ballot name to ""you"" to flow better)","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","51e5","","// init NAME_13, $1a -巴洛特! -莫老師來了。 -快回位置坐好。 -你的位置有點變 -動唷! -就在最右上方的 -座位。","// init NAME_13, $1a -Ballot! Mr. Mo is here. -Go back to your seat. Your seating position changed! You're now in the top right seat.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","522e","","// init NAME_15, $24 -巴洛特! -老師都已經來了 -, -你要上哪兒去呢 -? -快回去坐好!","// init NAME_15, $24 -Ballot! -Where do you think you're going? Hurry up and sit down!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5267","","// init NAME_13, $1a -快回位置坐好。 -你的位置就在最 -右上方的座位。","// init NAME_13, $1a -Quickly return to your seat. You're sitting at the upper right.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5291","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -上課了, -像我這樣的好學 -生, -一定會專心聽課 -的。","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh baby~ -It's time for class and a good student like me will definitely pay attention to the lesson.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","52d0","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -上⋯上⋯ -上課⋯課了。 -巴‧巴巴洛特⋯ -快去⋯坐⋯ -坐⋯坐好。","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -It's time for... class... class. -Ba-ba-ba-llot... go... sit... sit... down.","wow this is a pretty good machine translation, literally and figuratively","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5306","","// init NAME_15, $24 -大家都知道吧? -晚上會有一場很 -壯觀的流星雨。 -大家一定也很期 -待吧!","// init NAME_15, $24 -Good morning, class! -There will be a spectacular meteor shower tonight. You all know that, right? -I'm sure you're all looking forward to it!","added greeting","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5346","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -爸爸還特地買了 -, -超超豪華天文望 -遠鏡給隼人呢。","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh baby~ -Dad bought a super deluxe telescope for Hayato just for the occasion!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5387","","// init NAME_15, $24 -很⋯很好⋯⋯ -誰知道這個流星 -雨的詳細資料?","// init NAME_15, $24 -Yeah... Very, very good... -Anyway, can anyone tell me more about this meteor shower?","mr. mo sweat emote","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","53af","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -弗烈茲星系流星 -雨, -離上次流星雨事 -件120年。 -距地球1932 -光年。","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -The meteor shower originates in the Frigo Galaxy. - -It's been 120 years since the last meteor shower event took place, about 1932 light years from Earth.","deepl said ""fritz galaxy"", google translate said ""frieze galaxy"", i say ""frigo galaxy"" -WHY -haven't found any other reference and it sounds close enough","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","53ef","","// init NAME_15, $24 -完全正確!! -為了獎勵大家, -今天就提早下課 -吧! -巴洛特! -老師待會會到你 -家。 -和你父親商量, -晚上借天文館看 -流星雨的事。 -待會見了。","// init NAME_15, $24 -Bravo, bravo! - -As a reward, I'll dismiss you all early today! - -Ballot! I'll visit your house later to ask your father about watching the meteor shower at the observatory tonight. I'll see you later.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5468","","// init NAME_11, $11 -不行~! -絕對不行。","// init NAME_11, $11 -No! Certainly not.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","547e","","// init NAME_15, $24 -我不曉得什麼事 -, -讓先生這麼生氣 -! -但出借天文館, -讓小朋友觀賞流 -星雨, -不是件壞事吧!","// init NAME_15, $24 -I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it! - -Just let the kids watch the meteor shower, what could go wrong?","i'm pretty sure this is actually a close translation","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","54d2","","// init NAME_11, $11 -不行~ -就是今晚不行!","// init NAME_11, $11 -No, I can't. Especially not tonight, of all nights.","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","54eb","","// init NAME_15, $24 -⋯⋯ -真是不可理諭!","// init NAME_15, $24 -...You're not making any sense!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5500","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -爸⋯你怎麼了!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -Dad... what's wrong with you?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","550e","","// init NAME_11, $11 -巴洛特!! -你千萬要記住! -今天晚上! -就是今天晚上! -無論如何~ -你都要待在家裡 -。 -無論聽到什麼聲 -音, -都不要出來。 -知道嗎?","// init NAME_11, $11 -Ballot! You must remember! - -Tonight, and only tonight! - -No matter what, you must stay home. No matter what you hear, don't come out. Do you understand?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","557d","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -怎麼回事?","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -What's going on?","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","558a","","// init NAME_11, $11 -⋯⋯⋯","// init NAME_11, $11 -...","directly precedes the meteor shower cutscene","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","5592","","// init NAME_15, $24 -各位同學, -下課了!","// init NAME_15, $24 -Students, class dismissed!","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" -"08","55a7","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -不行~ -要趕快去天文台 -找爸爸回家 -吃晚飯!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -I can't! I have to go to the observatory quickly, find my dad and get home for dinner!","going out of town before finding dad","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/english_text/bank0e_misc.csv b/data/english_text/bank0e_misc.csv deleted file mode 100644 index c6cb4da..0000000 --- a/data/english_text/bank0e_misc.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,602 +0,0 @@ -"bank","address","label","original_string","translated_string","notes" -"0e","4abe","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -爸爸一定是到了 -某個地方了。 -在房子裡找的話 -, -一定會有線索的 -!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -Dad must be somewhere. I'm sure there'll be a lead in the house!","after the meteor shower cutscene." -"0e","4af9","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -爸爸一定是到了 -某個地方了。 -在房子裡找的話 -, -一定會有線索的 -!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -I'll have to search inside first, I'm sure there'll be a lead somewhere.","originally exact same text as before -thanks VF, very cool" -"0e","4b34","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -在抽罹裡~ -發現了日記!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -There's a diary in the drawer!","" -"0e","4b4d","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -日記的內容這麼 -寫道: -~~~ -~~~ -4月20日 -月亮有藍化的跡 -像⋯ -為了預防那一天 -的來臨, -再不快解開圖中 -的祕密, -恐怕就⋯⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -... -April 20th -There are signs of the moon turning blue. -If we don't decipher the diagram soon, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop that event.","" -"0e","4bc0","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -日記裡夾著一張 -泛黃的設計圖。 -圖裡畫著密密麻 -麻的機械構造圖 -⋯⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -A yellowed design diagram is enclosed in the diary! The diagram contains a dense mechanical con- struction...","" -"0e","4bfb","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -爸爸一定想解開 -設計圖中的祕密 -我如果能解開圖 -中的祕密的話, -就可以知道爸爸 -的下落了。 -可是這圖⋯⋯ -再怎麼樣也無法 -理解⋯","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -Dad must have wanted to unearth the secrets of the design schematics. If I can unlock the secrets of the blueprints, I'll probably find Dad. - -But this diagram... no matter how hard I try, I can't understand it...","" -"0e","4c6a","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2b -伊隼人曾經提到 -過他的朋友, -是位天才的機械 -發明家。 -他一定可以知道 -圖中的祕密吧! -雖然很不願意, -但還是必需找一 -趟伊隼人。","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2b -Hayato once mentioned that his friend is a genius mechanical inventor. He must be able to figure out the secret of the diagram! - -I have to find Hayato, even though I don't want to...","" -"0e","4cdd","","// init NAME_17, $09 -嗚~~汪嗚!","// init NAME_17, $09 -Awoo~ Woof! Ruff!","" -"0e","4cec","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -不⋯不要過來!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -Don't.. Don't come any closer!","" -"0e","4cfd","","// init NAME_17, $09 -嗚~嗚~ -嗚汪~","// init NAME_17, $09 -Ruff! Ruff! Woof!","" -"0e","4d10","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -小白? -是小白沒有錯 -! -你是怎麼了? -這是怎麼回事?","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -Snowy? -It is you! -What happened? -How did this happen?","" -"0e","4d42","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $09 -嗚汪~汪~","// init NAME_SNOWY, $09 -Ruff! Ruff!","" -"0e","4d50","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -看來發生了大事 -情了! -小白! -我們去找伊隼人 -吧!","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -It seems like something big has happened! -Snowy! -Come on, let's go find Hayato!","" -"0e","4d81","","// init NAME_18, $2f -星獸~小白加入 -了隊伍。","// init NAME_18, $2f -Snowy joined your party! -","" -"0e","4d99","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -亞斯塔的天文台 -毀了。 -但從天文台裡, -並沒有發現任何 -屍體。 -巴洛特啊! -你父親一定沒有 -死的。 -自己一個人也要 -加油峨!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -The observatory has been destroyed. - -Yet, no bodies were found within the observatory. -Ballot! -Your father must be alive somewhere. You'll have to be self-sufficient for now!",":WHO: IS YASUDA -maybe we can omit mysterious guy's name entirely" -"0e","4e05","","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -新聞報導說道: -昨天的流星雨, -某些擊中了動物 -。 -被擊中的動物, -瞬間就變成了怪 -獸! -科學家稱之為~ -~星獸。 -啊! -巴洛特~ -小心你的後面啊 -!!!","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -The news reports say that yesterday's meteor shower hit a few animals. - -Some of the affected animals turned into mysterious creatures! - -Scientists have tentatively named them - Star Beasts. - -...Wait, Ballot, what's that behind you? - -AHH!! BALLOT!! WATCH OUT!","" -"0e","4e82","","// init NAME_BLANK, $20 -萬歲! -因為流星雨的關 -係, -今天不用上課唷 -! -萬歲!","// init NAME_BLANK, $20 -Hooray! -No class today because of the meteor shower!","" -"0e","4eb4","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -巴‧洛‧特~ -人家的餅乾做好 -了唷! -超‧好‧吃! -嗚哇!巴洛特被 -怪獸追了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -Ballot! I made cookies! -Super de-li-cious! -Ahh! Look out! You're being chased by one of those 'Star Beasts'!","" -"0e","4efa","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -唉呀~ -怎麼天空上有一 -道裂縫呢? -一定是我眼睛又 -花了。","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -Uhh... Is that a crack in the sky, or am I going mad?"," -must be the ""imagination"" guy from earlier, he should take his normal pills" -"0e","4f2f","","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -我看到了! -看到了! -昨晚一群隕石, -碰的一聲, -就砸到天文台了 -! -還有我家的小白 -兔, -也被流星打到, -變成怪獸! -我嚇得把牠們都 -丟掉了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -I saw it! I saw it! -Last night a bunch of meteors hit the observatory with a bang! -And my rabbits were hit too and turned into monsters! -I was so scared that I got rid of them all!","machine translation assisted -throwing away rabbits lol" -"0e","4fa5","","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -槽糕了! -聽說被流星擊中 -的動物都變成了 -星獸。 -某些星獸還在當 -地造成破壞。 -這可怎麼辦⋯⋯ -為了隼人的安全 -著想, -我還是買下一個 -防衛軍團好了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $22 -It's a disaster! It is said that the animals hit by the meteors have become Star Beasts! -Some of them are still causing damage in the area. -What can I do? For Hayato's safety, I'd better buy a defense corps!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","5023","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -巴洛特有什麼事 -情呢? -咦? -天才機械發明家 -? -他叫雷歐博士, -住在隔壁的 -科技城啊! -巴洛特想和我一 -起去嗎? -什麼? -你說不用麻煩了 -? -OH~ -BABY~ -你還是這麼害羞 -。 -我雖然高貴, -但很樂意照顧像 -你這種孤兒唷!","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh, baby~ What's up? -Huh? A genius mechanical inventor? -I know one, his name is Dr. Leo! He lives in the next city over, in the State of Science~ -Do you want to go there with me? -No? -Oh, baby~ -You're still so shy. I may be noble, but I'm happy to take care of an orphan like you!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","50f6","","// init NAME_12, $26 -OH~ -BABY~ -巴洛特有什麼事 -情呢? -咦? -天才機械發明家 -? -他叫雷歐博士, -住在隔壁的科技 -城啊!","// init NAME_12, $26 -Oh, baby~ What's up? -Huh? A genius mechanical inventor? -I know one, his name is Dr. Leo! He lives in the next city over, in the State of Science~","similar text as above but without the second part" -"0e","5154","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -是巴洛特啊~ -啊啊啊!!! -快把那隻星獸帶 -出去! -我才剛洗好了地 -毯, -又被你弄髒了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -Ahh!!! Not again! -Ballot, stop soiling my carpet and take that monster out with you!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","519f","","// init NAME_SNOWY, $09 -嗚~~ -嗚汪汪汪!","// init NAME_SNOWY, $09 -Awoooooo!","uwu" -"0e","51b1","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -啊啊啊啊啊啊! -不⋯⋯ -不要咬我⋯⋯! -快⋯快出去!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -Ahhhhh!!!!! -G-Get away from me!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","51dd","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -你是來找芳芳的 -嗎? -芳~芳~! -妳朋友來找你唷 -~","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -Did you come to find Fangfang? -Oh, Fangfang! -Your friend came to visit~","similar to 08:49db" -"0e","520e","","// init NAME_BLANK, $18 -賽亞是一個很棒 -的天文科學家。 -在我們天文科學 -界, -他算是個天才吧 -! -只是脾氣古怪了 -一點⋯⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $18 -Saya is a great astronomer. -He's known as a prodigy in our little community! He's just a bit eccentric... -","same as 08:4a2e -is VF seriously storing identical maps for each scene or something????" -"0e","5267","","// init NAME_13, $1a -你是來找我一起 -玩的嗎? -好~高~興~","// init NAME_13, $1a -Are you here to play with me? I'm so glad! -","same as 08:4a87" -"0e","528c","","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -流星雨過後, -賽亞就神祕的失 -蹤了。 -天文台也毀了⋯ -巴洛特啊~ -要振作唷!","// init NAME_BLANK, $15 -After the meteor shower, Saya mysteriously disappeared. -The astronomical observatory was also destroyed... -Don't worry Ballot, cheer up!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","52d0","","// init NAME_14, $25 -受傷了嗎? -如果受傷的話, -只要進去這個α -射線放射器裡, -一下下~ -就會復原喲! -要是受傷了, -就來找妮可吧!","// init NAME_14, $25 -Are you hurt? - -If you're hurt, just go inside this alpha ray emitter and you'll recover in a second! If you are injured, come to Nicole!","see 08:4b14" -"0e","5333","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $00 -學校的門關起來 -了!","// init NAME_BALLOT, PIC_BALLOT_0 -The school's door is closed...","see 08:4b77" -"0e","5347","","// init NAME_BLANK, $12 -從流星雨過後, -有時候可以在道 -路上看到星獸。 -只要將牠們的體 -力減弱後, -使用這個膠囊, -就可以將牠們捉 -起來了! -啊!就在那邊⋯ -不要跑!!","// init NAME_BLANK, $12 -After the meteor shower, Star Beasts are out and about. -After weakening them, you can use this capsule to catch them! -Ah! There they are... don't run!","modified deepl output -gotta catch 'em all" -"0e","53c0","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -我查過歷史大事 -記, -上面記載著~ -一百多年前, -地球曾陷入危機 -。 -那個時候~ -有八名科學家, -一起研究出了不 -起的發明。 -拯救了地球呢!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -In history it is written that more than 100 years ago, the Earth was in crisis. -At that time, there were eight scientists who worked together to develop a remarkable invention. -They saved the Earth!","modified deepl output" -"0e","5437","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -哇!!!! -不要跟爸爸說, -我偷捉星獸的事 -情唷! -你也有星獸嗎? -較量一下吧!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -Wow! -I got a Star Beast, but don't tell my Dad! -Whoa, you have one too? Let's battle 'em!","machine translation assisted -guy in the 1st route who wants to battle" -"0e","547a","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -好厲害。 -約定好了, -不可以跟我爸爸 -講峨!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -That was awesome! -I promise not to tell Dad!","modified deepl" -"0e","54a2","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -遜!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1e -Laaame!","deepl lol -guy says this if you run away from the test battle" -"0e","54aa","","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -奇怪? -這裡怎麼會這麼 -昏暗? -怎麼回事?","// init NAME_BALLOT, $2d -Huh? -Why is it so dark here?","upon entering state of science" -"0e","54ce","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -唉呀~ -怎麼會停電了呢 -? -電一停的話, -什麼事情都做不 -了! -就連電燈都不亮 -了!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -How did this happen? -Whenever the power goes out, nothing can be done! -Not even the lights would come on!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","5518","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -就在不久前, -突然就停電了! -到底是怎麼回事 -? -發電塔故障了嗎 -?","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -The power suddenly went out! -What's going on, is there something up with the power plant?","machine translation assisted -power plant / generators / power tower -take your pick" -"0e","5555","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -哎唷唷~ -痛死了! -黑漆漆的看不清 -楚~ -這把老骨頭都快 -要撞散了。","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -Ow, it hurts so much... -I can't see in the dark as clearly, and my bones are old and brittle...","machine translation assisted" -"0e","5592","","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -前陣子來了二個 -自稱閃電隊的人 -要和我們比賽高 -速賽車, -賭金是三千萬。 -這對製造高速賽 -車的科技城來說 -是項污辱! -為了慎重起見, -我們派出了本城 -最引以自豪的 -機械科學家~ -雷歐。 -真不敢相信, -居然輸了! -哎呀~ -要怎麼籌出三千 -萬!","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -A couple of days ago, two guys calling themselves 'Team Zimmers' raced against us, and we lost ¥30 million that day! -I can't believe it! We make high-speed cars over here at the State of Science, and we even sent Dr. Leo, our best scientist! -We don't even have that kind of money! -","machine translation assisted -what's the team name here? -google says ""Chargers"" -deepl says ""Lightning"" -docs says ""Zimmers"" -which is it? @WHY" -"0e","5666","","// init NAME_BLANK, $17 -這裡是全世界最 -大的製作高速賽 -車的城市。 -前陣子和二個外 -地人比賽, -居然輸了! -還虧我們派出了 -最強的機械科學 -家~雷歐應戰! -就這樣, -科技城輸了三千 -萬!","// init NAME_BLANK, $17 -This city is known for it's high-speed racing cars. -However, we lost to two foreigners a while ago! -We were lucky enough to send Dr. Leo to the challenge, but in the end we lost 30 million!","machine translation assisted" -"0e","56f4","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1c -衝呀! -我的高速賽車~ -長腳龜一號! -只要那些壞人再 -來的話, -我就用這個打敗 -他們 -!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1c -Let's go! My high-speed racing car ~ Long-legged Turtle No. 1! As long as the bad guys come again, I will use this to beat them!","deepl" -"0e","5740","","// init NAME_BLANK, $21 -嗚~嗚~ -好黑峨! -人家好怕啊! -嗚~~嗚~","// init NAME_BLANK, $21 -It's so dark! I'm scared! Wow... Wow...","deepl" -"0e","576d","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -很久很久之前~ -雷歐的曾祖父, -和其他七名科學 -家, -曾經拯救過地球 -。 -所以城裡的人都 -尊敬他。 -但這次的賽車比 -賽, -雷歐卻輸得很誇 -張! -我們會不會太高 -估他了?","// init NAME_BLANK, $1f -A long time ago, Leo's great-grandfather and seven other scientists saved the Earth. So the people of the city respected him. But in this race, Leo lost by a huge margin! Are we overestimating him?","deepl" -"0e","5806","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -這裡是科技城的 -廢鐵集中場。 -別看這些破破爛 -爛的東西, -這些全是我的寶 -貝!","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -This is the scrapyard of Tech City. Don't look at these rags, these are my treasures!","deepl" -"0e","584c","","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -雷歐博士已經上 -了年紀, -又沒有小孩子。 -所以製造了一隻 -叫巴克的機器人 -是我的錯覺嗎? -每次一看到巴克 -, -就覺得他很憂鬱 -⋯⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $19 -Dr. Leo is aging, yet he has no children. -Am I seeing things or did he really create a robot named Buck? -Every time I see Buck, I feel that he is very depressed...","machine translation assisted" -"0e","58bd","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -科技城是座窒內 -都市, -照明的設備都需 -要電力來驅動。 -可是, -為了要防止類似 -這種形情發生, -電力塔內設有特 -殊防範措施啊! -真是奇怪⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -Tech City is a choked city, and the lighting needs to be powered by electricity. But there are special precautions in the power towers to prevent situations like this from happening! It's strange...","deepl" -"0e","592f","","// init NAME_BLANK, $12 -雷歐代表科技城 -和閃電隊賽車, -輸了三千萬! -為了籌這三千萬 -, -真是急死人了! -早知道就不應該 -派雷歐上場的⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $12 -Leo lost 30 million dollars racing against the Lightning on behalf of Tech City! In order to raise this 30 million, I'm really anxious! I should have known better than to send Leo on the field...","deepl" -"0e","5992","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -哼! -小毛用他的長腳 -龜一號欺負人家 -人家才不要!! -爸爸~ -好不好啦~ -爸爸~ -幫人家改裝這台 -粉紅豬三號啦!","// init NAME_BLANK, $1d -I don't want to! I don't want to be bullied by Hairy with his long-legged Turtle No. 1! Dad, please help me to modify this Pink Pig No. 3!","deepl" -"0e","59f6","","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -要大家湊這三千 -萬, -真是開玩笑! -把這個藏起來~ -荳荳! -那個也是! -呀!! -你看到了什麼嗎 -? -我什麼都沒有做 -唷!","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -It's a joke to ask everyone to put together this 30 million! Hide this! That one too! Yeah! Did you see anything? I didn't do anything, yo!","deepl" -"0e","5a5a","","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -真是傷腦筋, -莫名的停電。 -看不到星獸的後 -續新聞報導了。 -話說回來了, -博特到電塔修理 -了那麼久, -怎麼還沒有回來 -呢?","// init NAME_BLANK, $1b -It's a real pain in the ass, the inexplicable power outage. I can't see the follow-up news report of the Star Beast. By the way, why hasn't Burt come back from his long trip to the tower to fix it?","deepl -yes, it curses -google says Bot instead of Burt" -"0e","5ac1","","// init NAME_1D, $1a -媽媽? -荳荳這台光速美 -少女初號機, -要不要藏起來? -荳荳的光速美少 -女初號機, -價值9456億 -喲!","// init NAME_1D, $1a -Mom? Do you want to hide this light speed girl's first machine? The speed of light, the first girl's machine, is worth 945.6 billion dollars!","deepl" -"0e","5b18","","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -不‧用!","// init NAME_BLANK, $13 -No need!","deepl" -"0e","5b22","","// init NAME_1D, $1a -荳‧荳‧要‧藏 -‧起‧來‧啦!","// init NAME_1D, $1a -Dottie is hiding!","deepl" -"0e","5b43","","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -城裡停電了, -我兒子~博特到 -發電塔修去了! -去了好久, -都沒有回來! -真是擔心啊⋯⋯","// init NAME_BLANK, $16 -The power went out in the city, and my son, Bot, went to the power tower to fix it! He was gone for a long time, but never came back! I was so worried...","deepl -i still dunno who bert/bot is imma have to look" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_1.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_1.asm index 6f6531d..48c7be0 100644 --- a/data/english_text/signposts_1.asm +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_1.asm @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - text_0c_40a7:: text_sign text2 "↑School" @@ -21,98 +20,65 @@ text_0c_40c0:: text_0c_40c7:: text_sign - text "往", 3 - text "廢", 4 - text "鐵", 0 - text "場", 4 + text2 "↑Junkyard" done text_0c_40d1:: text_sign - text "往", 3 - text "水", 0 - text "晶", 1 - text "村", 4 + text2 "↑Crystal Town" done text_0c_40db:: text_sign - text "科", 1 - text "技" - text "城", 4 - text "廣", 7 - text "場", 4 + text2 "State of" + line "Science" done text_0c_40e6:: text_sign - text "發", 0 - text "電" - text "廠", 9 + text2 "Power Plant" done text_0c_40ed:: text_sign - text "水", 0 - text "晶", 1 - text "村", 4 + text2 "Crystal Town" done text_0c_40f5:: text_sign - text "礦", 5 - text "坑" - line - text "閒", 9 - text "人", 0 - text "勿", 9 - text "進", 4 + text2 "Crystal Mines" + text2 "NO ENTRY" done text_0c_4103:: text_sign - text "↑", 9 - text "貝", 4 - text "爾", 5 - text "村", 4 + text2 "↑Bell Town" done text_0c_410d:: text_sign - text "↑", 9 - text "科", 1 - text "技" - text "城", 4 + text2 "↑State of" + line "Science" done text_0c_4116:: text_sign - text "←", 9 - text "多", 4 - text "魯", 5 - text "市", 4 + text2 "←Dorington" done text_0c_4120:: text_sign - text "↑", 9 - text "水", 0 - text "晶", 1 - text "村", 4 + text2 "↑Crystal Town" done text_0c_412a:: text_sign - text "↓", 9 - text "科", 1 - text "技" - text "城", 4 + text2 "↓State of" + line "Science" done text_0c_4133:: text_sign - text "↓", 9 - text "發", 0 - text "電" - text "廠", 9 + text2 "↓Power Plant" done + diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_2.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_2.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18f181f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_2.asm @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +text_0c_4152:: + text2 "Dorington" + done + +text_0c_415a:: + text2 "←Clock Tower" + done + +text_0c_4162:: + text2 "↓Sanda Farm" + done + +text_0c_416d:: + text2 "Shanda Farm" + done + +text_0c_4176:: + text2 "←Coffee" + line "Forest" + done + +text_0c_417f:: + text2 "↑Dorington" + done + +text_0c_4189:: + text2 "↓Sanda Farm" + done + +text_0c_4194:: + text2 "↑Coffee" + line "Forest" + text2 "←Sky Rock" + para "↓Sanda Farm" + done + +text_0c_41af:: + text2 "Coffee Forest" + done + +text_0c_41b6:: + text2 "Sky Rock" + done + diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_3.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_3.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c64ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_3.asm @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +text_0c_41cb:: + text2 "↑Airport" + done + +text_0c_41d3:: + text2 "Sky City" + done + +text_0c_41da:: + text2 "←Green Sea of" + line "Trees" + done + +text_0c_41e5:: + text2 "↑Sky City" + done + +text_0c_41ee:: + text2 "Green Sea of" + line "Trees" + done + +text_0c_41f7:: + text2 "Bang Lin" + line "Enterprise" + done + diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_4.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_4.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8540de0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_4.asm @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +text_0c_4216:: + text2 "Kamiki" + line "Village" + done + +text_0c_421e:: + text2 "←Spring of" + line "Miracles" + done + +text_0c_4229:: + text2 "↓Radar" + line "Station" + done + +text_0c_4233:: + text2 "→Kamiki" + line "Village" + done + +text_0c_423d:: + text2 "↑Kamiki" + line "Village" + text2 "↓Radar" + line "Station" + done + +text_0c_4250:: + text2 "Radar Station" + done + +text_0c_4258:: + text2 "Mermaid" + line "Village" + done + +text_0c_4260:: + text2 "Temple of the" + line "Sea Witch" + done + +text_0c_426a:: + text2 "Valley of" + line "Life" + done + +text_0c_4272:: + text2 "↑ Valley of" + line "Life" + text2 "Valley of" + line "the Dead" + done + +text_0c_4283:: + text2 "↓ Kamiki" + line "Village" + text2 "→Earth Heat" + line "City" + done + diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_5.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_5.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4246f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_5.asm @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +text_0c_42a5:: + text2 "Star Dream" + line "City" + done + +text_0c_42ad:: + text2 "To school" + done + +text_0c_42b5:: + text2 "↓Seaside" + done + +text_0c_42bd:: + text2 "←Frozen" + line "Garden" + done + +text_0c_42c7:: + text2 "Hoshimoto" + line "City Hospital" + done + +text_0c_42d3:: + text2 "Frozen Garden" + done + +text_0c_42db:: + text2 "Monster area" + line "is fierce" + text2 "Please be" + line "careful!" + done + diff --git a/data/english_text/signposts_6.asm b/data/english_text/signposts_6.asm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8698c86 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/english_text/signposts_6.asm @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +text_0c_42f9:: + text2 "→Golden Steel" + line "Hill" + done + +text_0c_4303:: + text2 "Stress" + line "Research" + cont "Institute" + done + +text_0c_430e:: + text2 "←Airport" + done + +text_0c_431a:: + text2 "Kinkozan" + done + +text_0c_4322:: + text2 "Iron Shop" + done +